Elfen Lied Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Elfen Lied Inuyasha ❯ Forgotten ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Inuyasha’s eyes fluttered open. Bright sunlight spilled into the room, warming the atmosphere. Tiredly, he turned his head gazing out the window. His ear flicked as he heard the birds outside singing. He smiled. It was if all that hell he had been through was nothing but a dream. Slowly, he raised himself up, propping himself up by his arms.

Kagome laid still asleep on the floor, Nyuu beside her, asleep as well. Quietly, Inuyasha slipped from the covers. Silently, he rummaged through Kagome’s drawer before pulling out a large red Hanoi outfit. His white T-shirt laid to the side of the bed, stained in blood. Silently, he crept from the room and hurriedly dressed into his clothes. He cringed at times, his wound still not completely healed. It would be a few days before he would be able to do anything without having these pains. He groaned to himself. That would mean that much more time before he would be able to hunt down the soldier that did this to him.

After he had finished dressing, he went out onto the front porch. The sun felt warm as it shone down upon him. Content, he eased himself onto a porch step, his eyes taking in the day. His thoughts began to shift about as he sat there.

A Diclonius. He thought. I’m certain that’s what the soldier had said. Then, if that’s true, then Nyuu’s horns must be real. But who is she? Then something else puzzled him. How did those other two guys know about her. They knew about a girl with long red hair. They had to be talking about Nyuu. So what’s going on?

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the front door opened, Kagome stepping out. Nyuu followed, rubbing her eyes yawning. Kagome was wearing her usual school uniform and Nyuu was dressed in the same T-shirt and jeans as the night before.

"Your up?" Kagome asked surprised. "I noticed you were gone so I though you’d be around." She finished, a relieved expression flowing over her.

She must have thought I went after that soldier. He thought, before answering. "Yeah, I’m up."

"Good, we’ll all have breakfast." She said. "And I see you got into my drawers again. I knew you wouldn’t go long without an Hanoi." She said before leaving, a smile on her face. It was good to see Inuyasha up and around after what had happened.

"Nyuu." Nyuu said going to Inuyasha. She sat down beside him, watching him with a worried look. Inuyasha smiled.

"I’m fine, really." He said.

"Nyuu." She said.

He sighed. It’d be awhile before she’d learn more than just that word. He looked up. A young girl, probably no more than 15 headed toward them from the sidewalk. She had short black hair and wore a large yellow sweatshirt and an old pair of jeans. A small yellow dog walked alongside her, wearing a collar and a leash. Inuyasha stood up to meet her, then suddenly he froze. Nyuu’s horns had caught his eye and he remembered his ears as well.

Quickly, he grabbed Nyuu’s arm and bounded into the house. Like a blur, they flew past Kagome.

"Inuyasha?" She managed to ask before she heard the door chime go off.

Curiously, Kagome peered around the corner. The front door was still open, revealing a young girl with short black hair wearing a large yellow sweatshirt and some old jeans. The young girl looked tired and somewhat dirty standing there in those old clothes.

"Hello?" Kagome asked going to the door.

"Hi." The young girl said softly. Her eyes were on the ground. Kagome heard a soft whine. She glanced down to see a small yellow dog. He sat loyally beside the girl, waiting patiently.

Kagome looked back up at the girl. "Do you wanna come in?" She asked.

Mayu lifted her brown eyes to look at Kagome. "Sure." She said.

Mayu stepped inside the large house. It had been a long time since she had been in a real house. Almost forever, it seemed. She smiled slightly. Kagome watched the girl as she gazed about. Mayu turned slowly as she studied every feature. She stopped when she noticed Kagome watching her.

"Oh. Here." She said. She lifted the folded umbrella toward Kagome. "I found it on the beach last night. It has the shrine’s address."

"Oh, thank you." Kagome said taking the umbrella. "Um, are you hungry? Do you want some breakfast?"

"No, I better-"

"Nyuu!" Nyuu interrupted Mayu as she ran in the room. She wore an awkward snow hat on her head and her eyes were absolutely shining at the stranger in the room.

"Uh..." Mayu tried to struggle for words as the red headed girl ran at her. Nyuu stopped in front of her, her eyes taking in all of Mayu.

Inuyasha followed, wearing a casual black baseball cap. "Hey!" Greeted Inuyasha as he went to stand by Kagome. That’s why he was running through here like a dog after a cat. She thought looking at the cap.

"Hi." Mayu replied. She noticed the bandage on his head. "Are you OK?" She asked gesturing toward it.

"Oh, yeah." Kagome jumped in. "You know guys. Always hitting their heads on something." She kidded. Inuyasha glared at her.

"Nyuu?" Nyuu asked peering at Mayu still.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said. "Could you and Nyuu go and maybe mop up the entry way by the front door? We tracked in a lot of dirt last night. I’ll go make some breakfast." She looked at the girl. "You can come if you like."

Inuyasha gave Kagome a questioning look. Gently, she took the girl’s hand and led her to the kitchen. He knew Kagome must be wondering about the girl’s clothes. He had never seen anyone in this era wear such dirty attire. Kagome had mentioned how some people were poor and couldn’t afford much. Could this girl be really poor?

He sighed. "C’mon Nyuu. We better go clean the entry."


Inuyasha kneeled on the floor, scrubbing. The smell of bacon and eggs floated through the house. He could hear both Kagome and the girl speaking in the kitchen. He soon learned that the girl’s name was Mayu and that she was indeed 15 years old and the dog that she had tied outside was named Wanta.

Nyuu also scrubbed the floor next to a bucket, not too far away. She was happily humming as she worked, having no particular melody. Her long hair bounced about as she swayed from side to side.

Inuyasha scooted himself to the bucket. "Look here." He said grunting. "You missed a spot." He leaned over and began scrubbing vigorously. Nyuu watched as he worked. She smiled.

"Oh, you think that’s amusing do you?" He teased. "Having me do all the work." He quickly picked up the bucket. "After your done just come in the kitchen and we‘ll eat." He said getting up and leaving.

"Nyuu." She said nodding.

She scrubbed a moment longer. Then, satisfied she got up. She took a few steps then suddenly she slipped on a damp spot on the floor.

"Nyuu!" She cried as she fell, hitting her head hard against the floor.

Inuyasha, Kagome, and Mayu ran in, worried at Nyuu’s yell. Nyuu slowly tried to get up, her hair hanging down over her face.

"Nyuu?" Inuyasha said going to her. "Are you alright." He clasped her arm, trying to help her up.

She roughly yanked it from his grasp as she stood. She slowly rose, her hair veiling her eyes. Inuyasha staggered up.

"Nyuu?" He asked. "Are you alright?"

Lucy glared at him. She could feel him within her range. Her vectors slithered from about her, darting at him. She would kill him. She would kill all of them.