Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Red Chronicles ❯ Come play with me ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: No own anything but Emily. No Yaoi!!!

KB- Thank you guys, ~sniff~ two reviews!!

Twins- ~sweatdrop~

KB- please forgive me if I get some details wrong, it's been a while since I've seen Rose Red.

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As the group opened the door to the house lightening cracked giving the house an eerie glow and eliminating the interior. Most of the group was able to keep a straight face as they walked into the room. Boards creaked under their feet and the house itself seemed to be moaning. Heero didn't seem fazed as he reached for the rail on a spiral stairway. The others followed with much less enthusiasm and barely any nerve. Emily seemed just as calm as her older brother, half way up the stairs when he stopped she squished past him and continued up the stairs. They all stopped at the top of the stairs when they caught sight of the richness of the upstairs. They decided to sleep in two groups, guys and ladies. The rooms seemed big enough to do this.

As this was decided Emily latched onto Heero's leg and shook her head, "Bad house!!" After confused looked were passed around they asked her what she meant. "Bad house. Dead house. Let's go. Have to leave now!!" Heero frowned as he picked her up, "Well you were right about the warehouse." He turned to the others, "Maybe we shouldn't be here."

"I'm not sure how easy it will be to leave." Trowa stood by the hallway they had just come out of staring down the steps. The rest of the group ran over and gasped. It was Marie Maya that ran over to the wall that now stood between them and the stairs and put her hands on it, "But there wasn't a wall here."

Emily wiggled out of Heero's hold and ran away from the group. They followed her to a door that was larger than the rest. Duo pushed it open and the small girl slipped past them into the room. They walked in awed and disgusted. The room was made of glass, everything in it, even the floor. From the chandler hung a man, or his body at least. It seemed to have been there for a while but it was in good condition.

"Like the house." They all turned to Wufei when he made that comment.

"What do you mean?"

"Normally I don't believe in haunted houses. But I can't think of anything else that this could be." As soon as the words were out of his mouth the house proved him right. They started sinking into the floor below them; lucky they were all near the door. As the nine of them fell into the hall the rug below them began to move and the hall was engulfed in darkness.

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"The house wants to play." Groggily the group opened their eyes as the smallest member's voice met their ears. But it wasn't really Emily's voice, it sounded older and wasn't as slurred together. She looked a bit different too, they noticed as their eyes started to work.

Emily was a petite girl with short black hair. Her eyes were normally a crystalline clear blue and took up most of her pudgy face. There was always open emotion written on her features and it was easy to read her. But now she was empty. Her large eyes held no sign of what she was thinking and they weren't exactly blue but an off shade of black leaning on crimson.

Heero stared at her a little concerned, "Emily?" She smiled at him slightly and held out her hand, "Come play with me. Help me build. Come play in Rose Red."

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KB- Shudder

Twins- Cooool…..

KB-Yeah if you say so. I still remember where I got this idea and let me tell you that's not mine either it was just a time when I friend of mine was acting weird.

Saceria- ok then. Well see ya next time, R+R