Fan Fiction / Magic Users Club Fan Fiction ❯ MTT!-New Magics ❯ Chapter 1- Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Nanaka Nakatomi turned around just in time to see a flash of black and rainbow launch itself out of the airplane terminal and wrap its pale-skinned arms around her before yelling and stumbling backwards into one well-placed wall.

"Geez, Violet, you scared me! Warn me next time you do that, okay? You almost knocked me down!"

The purple-eyed American let go of her cousin and took a step back. "That's what I was hoping for. ^^"

Nanaka rolled her eyes. It had now been a year since the Maho club had defeated the Bell, and in that time, she'd met someone who probably saved her from the deepest depression imaginable.

She had been falling into a funk ever since she'd told Aburatsubo-sempai how she felt about him. He'd been ignoring her for reasons she didn't have the strength to ask, and Sae and Takeo had been so busy going out with each other that poor Nanaka had been pretty neglected. She was about to give up on her friends for good when one night, her mother had gotten a phonecall from her brother in the United States. When Nanaka had heard that her cousin was going to come stay with them for an exchange program at her school, she was understandably shocked, seeing as though she didn't even know she HAD a cousin, much less one living in America that happened to be her age. She started a friendship with her over e-mail, and she became a little happier every day. She even explained her problem with her declining friendships to Sae, and Sae apologized, saying it was partially her fault and she began to include her more often in the things she did. Nanaka didn't think she could get much happier, and eventually, the day came when she was to meet her cousin face to face for the first time.


After piling into Nanaka's mom's car, Nanaka noticed an oddly-shaped bag among Violet's luggage.

"Vi-chan, what is that?"

Violet followed Nanaka's gaze to her guitar bag.

"That's my guitar. I told you I play, didn't I?"

Nanaka nodded. Violet had mentioned her band, the Neon Lights, frequently in her e-mails.

Violet smiled. "Good! Maybe I'll play something for you when we get to your house. Maybe I can even learn to play one of your favorite songs, ne?"

Nanaka laughed. "That would be great, but maybe we should get you unpacked and settled in first." She looked happily at her cousin. Violet was exactly as she presented herself. A bit random or bitchy at times, but overall a very friendly and kind person.

As soon as they got home, Nanaka helped Violet lug her suitcases (and there were plenty of suitcases) up the stairs into the spare room where she would be staying. The carpet was a soft black fuzzy material, with pale violet wallpaper with pale golden suns wrapping all the way around the room.

"Oh Nanaka! This room is gorgeous!"

Nanaka blinked. "It is?"

"Well, yeah. Compared to this, my room is a hazardous waste dump! ...Then again, compared to MOST things, my room is a hazardous waste dump..." Violet whirled around on the heels of her black leather ankle boots, flashes of black and rainbow patches on faded denim overalls spinning like an top that had once been brightly colored, but now was much too old to keep them from blending.

"I can't wait until tomarrow, Nanaka! I want to see your school, meet your friends, do the things you do! This is going to be so much fun, Nanaka, and I want to do absolutely everything with you!" Violet hugged Nanaka warmly, and Nanaka decided it would probably be a good time to go to bed.


"Wake up, sleepyhead! Let's not be late for my first day of Japanese high school! ^^"

Nanaka forced her dark eyes open. Violet was looming over her, like a grim specter from early morning hell. She had opened the curtains, and sunlight was streaming obnoxiously into the room. Birds were tweeting happily, and Nanaka longed for a gun with which to end that happy tweeting.

After mumbling a few cusswords, Nanaka threw the covers off her cozy form and rolled indifferently out of bed, throwing off her pajamas and putting on her uniform. She then noticed that Violet had been standing at the foot of her bed, already in her uniform, makeup and hairdo, with a rather bored look on her pale face.

"...Why are you just standing there?"

Violet shrugged, her black, rainbow-striped river of gently waved hair cascading over her shoulders. "I'm waiting for you!"

Nanaka's eyes narrowed. Such cheeryness in the mornings should be outlawed, she thought.

"Why don't you go eat breakfast, or get your lunch ready, or make sure your bike works, or something?"

"I've already done all that. I even made your lunch for you. I hope you don't mind PBJ, that's all your mom had. I even started breakfast for y.... OH, CRUD!! THE EGGS!!" Violet shot out of the room like a bat out of hell, thundering downstairs to save her culinary masterpiece.

After watching her cousin, Nanaka thought Well, if I've learned anything at all in the past twenty-four hours, it's this: Americans are weird.