Fan Fiction / Medabots Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Mix-Up ❯ Rain Of Toasters ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Legal Stuff:

I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.

Author's Notes:

It's Zim's turn, now. Let's see what happens...

Chapter 3: Rain Of Toasters

At Zim's underground lab, we once again find our three villains...

Zim: You are all pathetic trash-monkeys! Your puny Earthenoid brains could never match the infinite power of ZIM!!

Dr. MedaEvil: Oh yeah, toaster boy? Why don't you go down there and beat them!

Robotnik: My beautiful roboticizer!

Zim: Fine! I will! GIR!

GIR: Yyyeeesss?

Zim: Prepare the phvood cruiser. We're going for a ride.

[my guess at the spelling of the name of Zim's ship]

GIR: YAY! LET'SGOTOTOKYOANDSEEGODZILLADESTROYIT!! <starts stomping around like Godzilla, plays roaring sound effects through speakers>

Later, in the middle of nowhere...

Koji: Why are we always in the middle of nowhere? I mean, we've been driving forever; shouldn't we have gotten to somewhere by now? And besides, I thought we had already passed the middle of nowhere.

Rokusho: For me, much of my life has been as if it were nowhere...

Metabee: Say what?

Rokusho: Oh, it's nothing...

Tails: <holding roadmap> Hey, I think we're almost to another city...looks like a big one...

Amy: <waking up, head rested against Sonic's shoulder (the car was running out of room, and things were getting kind of cramped)> Unnh...wha...Sonic?...Sonic?! <sits up, looks at Sonic> Oh, Sonic, you saved me! <gently hugs Sonic>

Sonic: <cringing for fear of choking because of Amy> Uhh...Actually, it uh...It wasn't me...

Amy: <lets go of Sonic> Huh? But...then...who was it?

The party responsible is back there...<points at Rokusho, who is talking to Metabee>

Rokusho: <annoyed> No, Metabee, what I meant was...<notices Amy and Sonic looking at him>...Yes?

Amy: <unsure> Are you the one that saved me?

Rokusho: Well, I suppose you could say that...

Amy: <disappointed> Oh...I wanted Sonic to do it...well, thanks anyway...I guess.

Rokusho: You're welcome. <turns to Metabee> Now where was I?

Metabee: At the part where you explain that whole 'life-nowhere' thing.

Rokusho: Ah, yes...Well, you see...<the two continue to converse with each other>

Karin: So, Tails, how much further until the next city?

Tails: <puzzling over map> Well, let's see...There's about 30 miles; and at our current speed...about half an hour until we get there.

Karin: Okay, thank you Tails...

Bomberman: Why are we here? I mean, why were we all brought to this place? This...dimension...?

Megaman: <in trunk, once again> It's because that stupid author dragged us into it!

A muffled explosion came from the trunk of the car, as a few smoke clouds drifted out of it.

Megaman: <fried> Ouch...that hurt... @_@

In the distance ahead, Stitch noticed...

Stitch: Look! A roadblock!

As the car drew nearer to the roadblock, our heroes began to notice more and more oddities about it.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of the roadblock, and the gang's previous judgment of an emptiness at the roadblock was confirmed. There was no one there. Knuckles found a note in a car's windshield. He picked it up and showed it to the others. It read:

Dear useless filth-monsters,

As you have probably guessed, this is not a normal traffic obstructer. In fact, by touching this note, you have activated a trap that shall be your DOOM!

Goodbye, soon-to-be breakfast components!

The group stared at each other for a moment. Then, it happened: A toaster fell upside down into the ground next to them.

Erika: <snapping photos> Is that...a toaster?!

Sumilidon: <looking into the sky> There's another one!

Neutranurse: <looks where Sumilidon is looking>...Wait! I see it to!

Ikki: I see...another one...and another...and...Hey! They're everywhere!

No sooner had he said that than It began to rain toasters, all of which were upside down, cooking side on the bottom when they hit.

Stitch quickly put the top of the car back up as he explained that it was made of things that could easily resist the force of a falling toaster. Metabee couldn't get in fast enough, and a toaster hit him squarely on top of his head. Somehow, the toaster stretched and bent around the unusual shape of Metabee's cranium.

Ikki: Metabee!

After a few seconds, the toaster popped back off of Metabee, leaving scorched looking metal where his head had been inside the toaster.

Metabee: Oh...I don't feel so good...He collapsed, though not to an extreme enough degree to eject his medal.

Ikki made a mad dash for Metabee, picked him up, and ran to the shelter of the car.

Toasters bounced off the roof for quite some time. In fact, it seemed as if it would never end.

Ikki: What are we going to do about Metabee?! He hasn't moved or said a word in hours!

Rokusho: I must admit, I can't complain about his behavior now.

Ikki: <glares at Rokusho>

Tails: Well, other than the fact that they're falling from the sky, something's not quite right about these toasters...I mean, they seem to stretch to fit the form of any head that they fall on...And another thing...They all fall upside-down.

Knuckles: Don't forget that they seem to paralyze whatever they hit.

Tails: They must be the main part of the trap that the note described. Raining toasters, eh? Well, I certainly wouldn't have picked that as a trap...

Sonic: That could help explain why we never saw it coming.

Stitch: Its a good thing this car is as well-equipped as it is.

Me: Not a problem.

Knuckles: So, how do we escape from this trap?

Stitch: We can't drive out; Stitch sees force field keeping us here.

Me: <thinking> Hmm...I have no idea how to get them out of here in a way that would make sense, so...

Erika: <looking at sky> Where are these toasters coming from? <sees something> Hey! what's that? <points at something in sky>

Amy: It's probably just another toaster.

Erika: <squinting at sky> No...this one's...different...

Strange, high-pitched voice: wwwWWWAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!


A strange object fell from the sky and hit the ground with immense force. It wasn't another toaster. Everyone stared at the charred crater it had left. After a few minutes, a confused pink blob about the size of a basketball climbed out of the hole. It then resumed its normal ball shape, and two reddish-pink feet could now be seen holding it up. It also had a face, and two pink arms that vaguely resembled penguin wings.

Stranger: <looking down at crater> Aww, not again...

Ikki: What is that thing?

Sonic: Maybe the toasters have waffles in them.

All: O.o

Sonic: What?

Brass: Look, it's coming this way.

Bomberman: <rolls down window, looks at stranger> Uh...hey, who are you?

Stranger: <looks up at Bomberman, then at car, then back at Bomberman> My name? I'm...I'm Kirby.

A toaster lands next to Kirby, barely missing him.

Kirby: WAAHH!! <jumps in through window> What's going on here?

Me: Welcome to my story!

Kirby: Another fanfic?! Aw, not again!

Me: heheheh...

Karin: So...Kirby, um...what are you?

Kirby: I'm really not sure...I just know that I'm tougher than I look, I can fly, and I have the power to copy the abilities of anyone ingest. Oh yeah, and I fly around on stars...but...not too well, though.

Karin: You eat people?!

Kirby: No, not exactly. I just inhale them, swallow, gain their powers, and they somehow reappear behind me.

Karin: Oookkaayyy...

Amy: <studies Kirby for a moment> Oh...<eyes grow wide> YOU'REJUSTSOCUTEANDCUDDLYANDPINK!! <wraps arms around Kirby, who is trying to run the other way>


Sonic: <taps Amy on shoulder> Uhh, Amy could you please not kill the latest character?

Amy: <looks back at Sonic> Mmm...<SIGH> Alright, I'll do it for you, Sonic. <lets go of Kirby>

Tails: Congratulations, you've just received the Amy treatment...<chuckles to self>

Kirby: <gasping for air> Ugh...Do you people...always strangle...newcomers?

Bomberman: Ignore her, it's just easier that way.


Amy: <holding hammer> Go ahead, insult me again.

Bomberman: Ow...

An object passed by overhead.

Neutranurse: Uh...Kirby, was anyone else in the sky with you?

Kirby: No, why?

Neutranurse: Then...<points at object, which is now hovering beside car>...What's that?!

All: <look out window at object> Huh?

Zim: <broadcasting from speakers somewhere on phvood cruiser> AHHAAHAHAHHAA!!!...You pathetic trash-monsters will continue no farther!

The object, if haven't already guessed, is the phvood cruiser. It was only a foot or two away from the left side of the car. It was close enough that the gang inside the car could clearly see Zim and GIR inside of it.

GIR: <singing to self> Do de dooh da do de doo...

Zim: <ignoring GIR> It's time to end this! I will prove to all that my falling toaster plan does work! They shall all know the genius of ME!! I AM ZIM!!

GIR: <still singing> Doodey doodey dooh... <gets in Zim's face>

Zim: <backhands GIR, sending him to the other side of the ship> NOW!! FORM TOASTERBOT 5000!!! <presses button on console>

With that, all of the toasters stopped falling, floated out of their holes, and gathered together in one place. They then massed together into a blob that grew in size to a humanoid shape as more and more toasters were added. As the last few toasters attached themselves, Zim continued:

Zim: Now, my mighty Toasterbot! Crush these horrible grease-rodents into nothing!!

The toasterbot made a large roaring noise, and walked toward the car.

All in car: OH NO!!

Me: <appears out of nowhere inside car (how do we all fit??!)> It's time for another cameo appearance by a giant robot!

All: O.o

Me: <hands round badge-looking things to Stitch, Rokusho, Tails, and Bomberman; keeps one for self> Here, take these and follow me!

All of the people/creatures/robots listed above step out of the car, and run several yards to a large metal cylinder sticking out of the ground. It has a rectangular opening in the front. Inside are five trapeze-like devices.

Me: Okay, now don't ask questions, just do what I say. <points to a device> Tails, you'll take that one.

<points to another one> Rokusho, that one's yours. <points to a third one> Stitch, You'll grab this one. <points to yet one more device> Bomberman, hang on to that one. <points at remaining device> This one's mine! Okay, ready?

All: <nod>

Me: Good. Now, GO!!

The five team members jumped into cylinder and grab onto their assigned trapeze-ish things, which then went straight down into a seemingly bottomless pit.

Tails: What are we doing??!

Me you know exactly what we're doing!

Tails: I do?!

They all knew exactly what they were doing.

Me: You do know!

Tails: Oh! Good idea!

After a long descent, they all let go, and each dropped into a different, odd-looking vehicle. The tops on the vehicles closed, and they all launched off in different directions.

Me: <thinking> It sure wasn't easy getting all this stuff here. I hope it's worth it. Wait a second! I know!

It was worth it.

Me: <still thinking> There. Now I know it's worth it.

While all this had been going on, the five vehicles had been rushing through circular glass tubes. Each went through different environments. Eventually, the vehicles stopped, the tops opened, and the chairs (complete with heroes) rose out of them. Each one went straight up a wall, up through another air tube, and into the head of a large robot.

Me: Insert keys!

They (me included) each took the badge-like device that I gave them, and put it into a slot in the console in front of them. A key-like piece of metal extended from one side of the badge, which moved sideways into the slot, inserting the key-shape into the edge.

The eyes of each of the five lion-esque (they really looked more like wolves, but they were lions. Go figure.) robots glowed bright yellow for a moment, and each robot looked up, slightly, and roared loudly. Then, they each stood up, and started to run away.

(A little background about the robots: For those of you who know what they are by now, congratulations, you've just won a big pile of nothing. For the rest of you, it's a little like this: There are 5 robot lions. Each has its own color scheme, which the lion is more or less named after. There's a black one, a blue one, a yellow one, a red one, and a green one. The black one is the largest, the blue and yellow ones are somewhat smaller, and the red and green ones are the smallest ones. [though they are still gigantic] Now, let's continue.)

The black one, which I piloted, emerged from a giant statue of a winged lion. Below it, in a moat, the blue one, with Tails behind the control levers, was swimming toward the surface. Far away, in a huge forest, Rokusho piloted the green one out of an enormous old tree. On the other side of far away, Stitch was commanding his lion out of a volcano. Lastly, in a (you guessed it) far off desert, the yellow one ran out from inside a sphinx-style lion statue. Bomberman was in control of this one. The five lions ran toward each other for a while, and when they met, they flew off toward Zim, the car, and the Toasterbot 5000.

Meanwhile; while all this was happening...

Zim: <thinking> I really wish I'd made the Toasterbot walk faster...or at least have it appear closer to my enemies.

GIR: <screaming at Toasterbot> HI TOASTERS!!! GIMME TOAST!!!

Zim: Silence, GIR! I am watching the filth-monsters tremble with fear!

In the car...

Knuckles: <holding cards> Hey, Ikki, you got any eights?

Ikki: Go fish!

About 5 minutes later...

Zim: Got any aces?

Karin: Go fish!

Zim: Grr...

GIR: Hey, master! The Toasterbot's here!

Zim: Huh? What? Oh, yes, the Toasterbot! <AHEM> NOW!! TREMBLE AT MY INCREDIBLE MACHINE!! <jumps back into Phvood cruiser, along with GIR, flies up above Toasterbot> Now, Toasterbot 5000, destroy them!!


Zim: What?!

The 5 lions crashed through the force field, destroying it. They then, flew up in front of Toasterbot.

Me: It's time, guys! <pulls levers; console moves and changes> Activate interlocks…Dynatherms connected…Infracealls up…Megathrusters are go!!

Me, Stitch, Rokusho, Tails, and Bomberman: Let's go Voltron Force!!

The five lions then went through one of the most awesome combining/transforming sequences known to man. It's too cool for words. If you've never seen Voltron form before, and/or don't know what he is, then you haven't led a full life. Anyway, if I tried to describe it, I'd end up insulting it, because it must be seen (and heard) to be appreciated. Voltron stood in front of Toasterbot 5000.

Zim: What is this?! Where did that come from?! Oh well, Toasterbot! Destroy him!!

Toasterbot punched Voltron in the chest, but Voltron's sheer coolness protected him from any damage. In fact, Toasterbot's fist and arm were destroyed when they impacted with Voltron.

Me: I've had enough of this toaster thing! I mean, I've been writing about it for the past few chapters! I'm sick of it! IT MUST DIE!! Form BLAZING SWORD!!!

Voltron clashed his hands together, and slowly pulled them apart, forming a beam of energy that became the mighty BLAZING SWORD when it was fully extended. The right arm held the sword triumphantly up in the sky, while the left arm roared ferociously at the Toasterbot.

Me: Now, use the Omnislash!

Voltron ran up to Toasterbot, and duplicated the Omnislash move. (you know, Cloud's highest limit break move in Final Fantasy 7...Yeah, that move.) The Toasterbot disintegrated and exploded, sending Zim's ship flying off into the distance. The car and Voltron were miraculously unaffected.

Me: Yeah! I always wanted to do that!

Stitch: Ha!

Rokusho: Victory!

Tails: We did it!

Bomberman: Awesome!

The four characters and me somehow jumped down to the ground next to the car. Voltron flew back to whence he came. (He can do that because I say so. Deal with it.)

Me: Bye bye. I must return to the dimension of authors. <disappears>

All: Thanks! Goodbye!

They all got back into the car, and Stitch drove back onto the road, and then away.

Back at Zim's lab...

Robotnik: Haha! You failed!

Dr. MedaEvil: Looks like you fell victim to a giant robot, too.

Zim: At least the one that stopped me was cool lookin'.

Robotnik: He's got ya there.

Dr. MedaEvil: So what?! I have a plan...We shall work together and attack them at once, instead of doing so separately. I believe that is why have failed in the past.

Zim: What about the giant robots?

Dr. MedaEvil: Hmm...That's something we'll have to figure out...

________________________________________________________________ __________________

To be continued...

Voltron is the coolest robot in the universe. 'nuff said.

Next chapter, I plan to do something rarely done in fanfics...