Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Fourth God ❯ Explination/Disclaimer ( Chapter -1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Fourth "God"

A Yu-Gi-Oh!/X-Men: Evolution crossover fic.

Written by Rogue Moon



This is a project I started in an attempt to find a good crossover. There are a lot of crossover fics out there in cyberspace. Most range from so-so to gawd-awful. Buried in these attempts are a few true gems that one must sift through to find.

I am not saying that the poorly written ones should not be read or even put out there. I think it's great that so many people want to create and I fully encourage every single Author on FF.Net and everywhere else in the world to put what they've written out there. To the people who flame fics based on grammar or spelling errors or whatever else there is to insult: How else are people to learn?

To create something truly wonderful, you have to have a few bad starts. If only to learn what works. What others find enjoyable and what the author finds enjoyable. The Powers-That-Be know I certainly have my share of badly written work.

But that's not to say I particularly enjoy going through the first attempts every time I want to find something new to read. It gets tedious to sift through the grit and grime to find the diamond.

Which brings us to why I decided to write this fic. I simply got tired of digging. I wanted a fic that I would enjoy reading. So I created one.

And I do read this. And re-read this. Over and over again every time I work on a new paragraph, a new sentence. Why? To make sure it evolves properly. To keep it realistic in that everything makes sense in both the "Mutant" reality and "Duelist" reality. To make sure I don't turn this into some clichéd Mary-Sue fic. To make sure every character is "In Character"

And sometimes, when I get bored and am too lazy or too tired to write, I re-read this…

For fun.

Crazy, huh?

And I'm not trying to toot my own horn about being some spectacular author. I'm not. As my other fics will attest, I'm not all that great.

But I am proud of this fic and will tell anyone who asks. I have had a lot of fun writing this and will most likely continue to have fun writing it. Even if I lose readers.

I did not start this for the enjoyment of others. I started this for my own enjoyment. I put it out for others to read so I could get some constructive criticism.

The fact that other people seem to like it is just icing on the cake that I get to puff up my feathers and preen about.


I will be using the Japanese names for all Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters.


This means: I will be mixing a lot of the Japanese names with the American Cartoon names. I would appreciate help with remembering characters' full names and code-names.


I do not own any of the characters from either X-Men: Evolution or Yu-Gi-Oh!. I do not own any of the settings from X-Men: Evolution or Yu-Gi-Oh!. I only own my own imagination. Please do not sue. If this offends the respective owners of the subjects, then please contact me and I will do everything I can to make it so it doesn't offend.

Thank you.

Now go do a little extracurricular reading, and when you get done with the last chapter posted, rag me out about not updating like everyone else does, kay? I like the attention.