Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ a new lease on life ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe I have some other matters to attend to.” Matt said, nodding slightly to Amy, who was smiling ear to ear.
“I see...” the chairman said. He raised his voice. “Everyone, I believe we need to turn this into a celebration!”
A cheer resounded through out the crowd. Matt kissed Amy on the forehead. She smiled up at him and returned the kiss.
And so, the Blitz team was reunited, Matt told the story about his friendship with John Blaster, and how he survived. and things were...well...normal. Or were they?
Somewhere, very far from the festivities, someone watched a video screen in disgust.

“Pathetic fools, do they really think this is over? My DeathSaurer Execs will destroy you all!”

Meanwhile Matt sat in a bed recovering. The entire team was there as Matt told them how her survived the blast.
“So John blocked the blast huh?” Bit said as he wondered.
“that pretty much sums it up”
“Now about this new DeathSaurer Matthew” the chairman spoke
“its not the DeathSaurer.”
“what do you mean ‘not the DeathSaurer’?”
“it was called the DeathSaurer Exes”
“how do you?” he asked quietly
“I just…know I cant explain it ok?” Matt said calmly
After the confrontation Matt fully recovered. Kiryu was 90% complete Minus the left Arm. Matt managed to create a new left arm almost like the first. A few months went bye and it wasn’t the best few months For Matt. In every battle he and his team fought they won, but at the end of the Matt would see the DeathSaurer Execs come out and blast him with its charged partial gun. One of this events had matt gripping his chest and breathing heavily. He went to a physiatrists to find that he had been seeing hallucination. After a week he got over his fear of the DeathSaurer Execs and went back to the battles. Well Matt didn’t get to any battles over the 5 months of recovery and 6 weeks of repairing Kiryu. After the 10 month wait Kiryu and Matt were at Full strength. Matt was sitting on the catwalk staring at Kiryu. Team Kaiju had been completely dominating Class S. No team could compete with them other than the Blitz team. Thus, they kinda’ started getting bored. Leon and Naomi had come over when everyone was considering disbanding the Blitz Team.
“Your kidding right?” asked Leon.
“Nope, we’re considering going our separate ways. You know our current standing. Both team Kaiju and the Blitz are in first place.” answered Matt.
“Wow, I didn’t think I’d see the day.”
“I’m the only one who really wants to keep battling.” said Brad.
“For the money right?” asked Leena.
“So, if you guys do disband, what do you plan to do with yourselves?”
“Leena and I thought we might settle down.” said Bit. The two had gotten into a relationship and recently been engaged.