Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ ZoidDread ❯ The Journey Home Begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Zoids and VanDread don't belong to me whatsoever. So tough luck for you fee hungry lawyers in the mood for a fat bonus from me!
< >: Thoughts
Chapter 3
The Journey Home Begins
Magno sighed as she journeyed down the corridors towards the bridge in the fused pirate ship. The day before had been quite an interesting day, with six new men onboard, three of them claiming that they were never born on Talark, and the proof was the knowledge they had about Megele and Tarak history. And those…interesting mecha they called Zoids.
She thought back on the conversations she had with the crew of the ship.
“Continue with your report, BC." Magno said to Buzam. Beside her was Meia Gisborn, her leader in the Dread teams.
The first officer nodded as she began showing the latest images of their fused vessel on a holographic imager. “Yes, Captain. The entire vessel has been completely covered by the crystals of the Paeksis, The bridge, the residential areas, along with the engineering section have been completely transformed. Fortunately, the Register systems and the Dread launching platforms were unaffected by the transformation, and we're in the process of installing the new data into the systems. It seems that the Paeksis Phlagma reactor has finally reached it's peak. The bridge has stopped sliding and is currently overlooking the ship's Bio-Garden."
“And do we have any idea what position we are in now in the map?" The captain inquired as she continued to cool herself with a hand fan. The ship's environmental control systems were still not in good working order so the average temperature in the ship was at least thirty degrees Celsius.
The holographic images changed into a star chart as BC continued to explain. “It's hard to believe, but we seem to be in a totally different galaxy from our own. The approximate time of travel back to Megele and Tarak space is at least 270 days at best."
The old woman sighed. “What ever did we do to deserve being sent into a new part of the universe?" She then turned to Meia. “What do you have to report?"
The blue-haired female nodded as she started. “The three Dreads that were transformed by the Paeksis, including mine, no longer fit on the regular Dread platforms. So we modified the launch bay on the men's side of the ship where the strange men's mecha had been launched from and we're storing them there, plus that's the only place where we can launch the Dreads. While we were doing that, we've made some discoveries of our own. It seems that this section of the ship hasn't been used for a very long time. The circuits and cables are all decayed and useless."
“I see... And what about our enemies?"
“I'd decided to deploy a scouting team to gather whatever data we can salvage from the wreckage of the alien mothership. Since we're a little bit short handed at the moment, I asked for… volunteers."
Meia sighed as she decided to explain just who she sent out to do the dirty work of identifying their attackers.
End of Flashback…
Magno wondered just how things were going with the scouting team, namely with a certain bubbly girl at the helm…
Speaking of whom…
“WOW! Look at that! It's an Adamsky- type UFO! Did you see it Ms. Gasco?"
Gascogne sighed as she sat behind Dita in her Dread. This was going to be one LONG investigation.
Brandon winced as he was doused with a blast of cold water as he was practically buck naked and soon got another dousing of the water. Alongside him were his brothers Scott and Lance, Duero McFile, Dylan Krueger, and Bart Garsus, as they all were also in their birthday suits and were being given the decontamination treatment in the same cubicle that had housed several females, namely a certain green-haired girl. The fact that the women used ice cold water as their treatment tool didn't help matters all that much. The good news was that the women had the decency to fog up the glass doors… AND they were not in the room either.
Watching them all from a monitor on the bridge, Magno and Buzam considered their prisoners with the decency to look only at their faces.
“So these are the only men onboard?"
Buzam nodded. “Yes, Captain. It appears we'll have to rely upon them all until we fully understand this ship we're using now."
“Yes." The pirate captain agreed as she recalled to the time of the battle. When the enemies were totally wiped out, the ship went to standby mode and released Bart from the navigation well. “I have never seen anything like it in all my years. And those other three…" She shivered a bit as she recalled the destruction that Brandon and his siblings started with their machines. The fact was that they had ordered their machines not to cause trouble for them was a sign that there was no hostile intention in the three brothers and things were stable… for now. She didn't need a wide imagination to know what would have happened if the three decided to have them as the enemy. That is if they were with their beast mechas. The machines were now impounded by BC and were now being analyzed by Parfet, but the pirate captain still felt a little by anxious about all that had happened.
The brig…
“It was so unnerving." Bart whined as he tried to strike up a conversation with his fellow prisoners. Sitting nearby were Brandon and his siblings as they gulped down a generous heaping of food pellets. The things tasted awful, but they had learned to make due with what they had with them. Besides… they were able to find the pellets to quite filling and the physical drain of using the Organoid System could be seen and felt, along with using the specialized armor.
“One after another, all my comrades fell all around me, until I was the only one left!" Bart babbled on, intent on his plan to gain the support of his fellow prisoners. “But I knew that I had to keep on going in order to retake the ship from the women. And now fate had given me five able allies! What do you say?" He gazed intently at Brandon and on his younger siblings, as he knew that their great skills and their weird yet extremely powerful machines were more than enough to defeat the women.
Dylan shook his head at Bart. “I'm sorry to say this to you, but the three of them aren't from our planet considering the facts in front of us."
“But they're men like us!" Bart insisted.
“True, we're men like you. But we don't consider the women our enemies, since we're not born on your planet, and so we're not into this war between your planet and the planet of the women." Brandon said as he finished his plate.
“Then where do you three come from, if not from Tarak?" Duero asked as he looked at his fellow prisoners in curiosity. “And where did you come by such powerful beasts?"
Scott nodded as he finished his own plate. “We come from another section of the galaxy. In fact we are from another dimension so to speak."
“Another dimension?" Dylan asked, rather intrigued at the prospect.
“Yeah right!" Bart asked in disbelief.
“Please don't mind my comrade. I'm more interested as to where your world is." Duero asked.
“So am I." Dylan said.
Lance finished his plate and took over. “We were part of an expedition team that launched from our home-world at least five years before your ancestors launched into space. When we were in space, a space anomaly that turned out to be a rip in the fabric of our universe opened and swallowed our main exploration ship. When we arrived in your dimension we were forced to abandon the main ship and escape in other smaller ships, while we were escaping, something also 'froze' us in time so to speak."
Brandon then took over. “When the effects wore off, we landed on a small but habitable planetoid, after we finished repairing our transport; we decided to travel around this new cosmos in search of our… fellow explorers. And so through our travels, we eventually landed on Tarak, and got stuck there for at least a month, due to the damages our transport suffered."
“And what about you're mechanical companions?" Duero asked.
“Our Zoids? They've been our constant companions since our younger days. On our world, we have metallic life forms known as Zoids. They're all modeled from various beasts and are used in various jobs, but they are all warriors in nature and design, therefore serve in the same function as your Vanguards. As machines of war."
“But how is it that you're able to communicate with them?" Dylan asked.
“The A.I of our individual Zoids are actually enhanced with the fusion of what you could call Organoids. Organoids are VERY rare organic Zoids about the size of small horses, and at least reaching the height of seven feet high. They also resemble dinosaurs; they can meld with the core of a Zoid, and can boost that Zoid's power and performance by margins not reachable by normal means as the core itself is affected. Our Zoids however, are permanently melded with an individual Organoid thus the Zoid can actually learn in battle and can become even stronger and faster than before. We don't exactly know what else they can achieve, but our Zoids are many times powerful than normal and we can verbally communicate with them."
“Are you all saying that… you all are from another world?" Bart asked still in disbelief.
“Yes we are. Didn't your comrades tell you that? Or you still don't believe us?" Lance said, as he looked at the still disbelieving blonde male.
“Yeah right! Now then, let me ask you this. How did you fuse with that female's ship?" Bart asked the youngest sibling.
Lance then glared at Bart; he didn't like the attitude of this particular Tarak native all that much. “I don't know exactly, and it by far isn't your concern, so will you shut up? There's too much hot air in here and the last thing we all need is more of it!" He said slowly and threateningly.
“Whoa! All right, take it easy!"
“Please try to forgive him." Duero soothed as Brandon and Scott helped keep their young brother from losing his temper. Dylan also tried to help calm the youngest of the Reinhart siblings. “He's just uneasy and a little bit caught up with all that's happened, so he's trying to relax through conversation."
Bart looked at Duero, impressed. “Hey, you're pretty sharp. No wonder you and your brother are both of the elite. So how about it? With my talking, both yours and your friend's knowledge and their muscles and their mechas, then we can beat these women!"
“We're not going to help you and that's it." Brandon said as he got a bit tired of this blonde moron, who still didn't get the message and was still going at it.
“If that is what Brandon says, then how do you plan on beating us? That I'd love to hear."
Bart stiffened as he heard BC's voice; he looked behind him and spotted the first mate with two subordinates standing in front of the cell. He could only guess on just how long the second in command was standing there.
“So have you determined anything about those mecha Parfet?" Magno asked as she was speaking to the head engineer of her ship through the communicator in the conference room.
The girl with the oversized glasses nodded her head and began her report. “It seems that these mecha are called Zoids, and they seem to be solely designed for combat. The designs and functions of the mecha appear to be a fusion of Vanguard schematics and Dread systems. They can be controlled just like Dreads but have to be manipulated like Vanguards. We compared the designs of our Dreads and the Vanguards that are still here to get this result; also they are emitting energies similar to the Paeksis reactor. The first one has armor that's designed to rely solely speed and mobility. The second has armor solely designed to boost close range combat effectiveness. And the last one has armor, which is designed in increasing defensive output and heavy assault in long range. However…"
“These mecha appear to possess a totally unknown system. It seems to be some sort of black box inside what appears to be their main core that somehow boosts the systems and allow the machines to actually 'learn' in battle. The black box seems to give these machines an A.I system totally unlike anything I've ever seen before."
“That coincides with what I've heard, captain." Buzam called in to the communications.
“What do you mean by that BC?"
Buzam then immediately told both Parfet and Magno about what she had heard about the 'Organoids' and the true origins of the three unknown male prisoners.
“Are you telling me, BC, that those men are from another dimension? How can that be?"
“According to what I've heard. They were part of an expedition team that somehow got shot into our universe… though how it happened remained a mystery even to them, since they also were caught by surprise by it. However they now believed that it was a rip in the fabric of their universe that sent them here, along with others like them."
“And you believe that?"
“As far as I can see, Captain, that's the only explanation as to how they act and think differently from the other three men who are from Tarak. Not only that, those mechas or Zoids are unlike any machine that we have on record."
“What about this… Organoid System?" Parfet asked, totally intrigued with the information.
Buzam then went on to an explanation as to what she had heard about the rare organic Zoids.
Magno gave a sigh. This new discovery about their unknown guests and their machines was totally surprising and very intriguing to the old pirate. She then got an idea and spoke to the head engineer.
“Parfet. Is there any way you can analyze those Organoid Systems in those Zoids and make it possible for systems like that to be installed in our Dreads?"
The head engineer gave an uncertain shrug. " I'm not familiar with the systems in these machines just yet Captain, and as far as I can tell, the Organoid System is totally alien in design, but there is a slim chance that it can be done."
Magno leaned back and began to think over all the data she had received. < Hmmm, it looks as if that these men are FAR more intriguing than I first thought! If what BC heard is true, then these men should prove to be QUITE interesting. >
Magno then gave BC instructions not to let this data come out just yet, until the time is right, none of the other crewmembers should know the truth, since Magno knew that her crew might think that the men were lying. She would just have to ask them personally. She then told Parfet to continue her work on the Zoids, as she switched to another line to her chief supply officer. “Gascogne, how are you and Dita coming along with your investigation?"
In the engineering section of the fused ship…
The engineering section had been flooded with countless complaints from almost all sectors of the ship… chief among the complaints was the air conditioning. One new call on that particular subject just arrived from the bridge.
“What's with the air conditioning? It's at least a full thirty degrees in here!" A bridge officer who was a blonde and going by the name of Belvedere Coco.
"Don't complain about it! It's a full thirty six degrees in here!" Parfet's second in command in the engineering section said as she took the call. Her name was simply ''Chief' to the other engineering staff. It was then that Parfet arrived as she finished her study on the Zoids which were in storage near the same place where the Paeksis enhanced Dreads were also stored. She then unzipped her jumpsuit and tied the long sleeves around her waist showing herself to be wearing a tank top just like Dita.
“How's everything on your end?" She asked one of her fellow engineers.
The young girl gave a sigh as she went back to her task… namely restraining a certain automaton. Parfet had decided that the robot could be helpful in accessing the controls and systems of the ship once it was logged into systems.
However, the little machine was NOT cooperating.
“Beep! Don't you touch me!" It screamed as it bucked like a wild horse.
Meanwhile, at another section of the ship…
“As the valiant crew continued to work, Magno's family found themselves facing another crisis."
“Hey! Hold that elevator!"
Paiway looked to the side and spotted her comrades Barnette and Jura carrying various personal items in their arms. Ever since the changes made by the Paeksis and the fusion of both ships, several of the pirate crew had no other options but to change rooms.
“Slacking off again Paiway?" Barnette said in an irritated tone, no doubt not forgetting the time she nearly became a human ice block.
“Instead of just sitting down and doing nothing, why don't you do something more important?" Jura asked.
“I am doing something!" Paiway replied as she showed her trusty notebook, and then held up what appeared to be a frog puppet, and spoke in a cartoon-like voice. “Barnette and Jura sure have a lot of stuff." She then looked at her toy as if she was speaking to an old friend. “It's a really good thing that our room wasn't changed at all so we don't have to move at all, right? Kero!"
“She's really beginning to make me very angry." Jura growled.
Barnette nodded in agreement, she then noted the rope tied around Paiway's waist. “Hey, Pai, what's that rope for?"
Paiway then answered with her puppet's voice. “This is only a temporary elevator, so it won't be my fault if it falls. See you later! Kero!" The young girl was then lifted off the platform, leaving two shocked Dread pilots.
“You're kidding right?! Paiway!"
Inside the wreckage of the alien ship…
The head supplier spoke through her suit's communicator as she assessed the wreck. “Progress here's real slow and things look extensive. That mecha that Dita's Dread and that beast machine from that other male pilot did a really good number on this thing. There are a lot of things to go through here. But to tell you the truth, this is not like any ship I've ever seen before. It looks more of a mobile factory than a ship."
Dita on the other hand wasn't paying attention to the conversation as she continued to take pictures of the wreck that she and her Mr. Alien had destroyed together. “WOW! Look at that!" She exclaimed as she pointed at something. “Hey, Ms. Gasco! Can I take a look around?"
The older woman didn't want to remain here longer than they needed to be, they had a job to do and she didn't want to spend the time they have looking for the redhead should she wander off. “Absolutely not Dita! We have a lot of things to do here, and sight seeing isn't one of them!" Gascogne replied as she flicked her finger at Dita's helmet. In the vacuum of space, this little push sent the young Dread pilot flying backwards.
“Whoa! I can't stop!"
Magno chuckled as she signed off her communicator. “Very well then. I'll leave the investigation up to you Gascogne."
She then made her chair rotate and ride down a rail from the conference room back to the bridge into her command console. Waiting for her was Buzam with Bart still in his manacles.
“Heh, heh. I hear that you wanted something from me?" Bart asked nervously.
The old woman nodded and directed her attention to the navigation well in the front of the bridge. “Yes, it concerns that thing; we haven't been able to operate it for some time now. So you'll have to tell us how you did it."
“Er, yes of course. Given the current situation, I have no alternatives." He then held up his manacled hands, indicating to Buzam that he needed his hands free. The first officer nodded in agreement and pressed the release button for the manacles. Bart then walked over to the well. “Now listen carefully. This is a male ship, so only men may operate it. So I suppose that you're all fortunate that I happen to be around. This means that I'm indispensable to you all and…whoaa!"
At that moment, the well flared up and took the hapless man down into it once more.
Magno sighed as she leaned back on her seat. “I really don't understand this system at all."
Inside the navigation well, Bart once more found himself in a holographic view of the ship's outer environment.
“Okay… let's see what this does… uh…"
All of a sudden, the ship's systems and main drive systems came online and the vessel leaped into action as if it was a horse running around in pain as if it was touched by a red-hot branding iron, it accelerated away from the alien wreckage. The sudden movement caught everyone by surprise as the inertia equalizers were unable to correct in time. Jura and Barnette were thrown off their feet in the elevator and had their possessions scattered everywhere.
Back at the bridge, the crew was rendered unable to stop and reacquire control of the ship.
Amarone Slatheav, another crewmember on the bridge who had deep brown skin and hair gave her report. “The systems just booted up and we're going to an unknown heading!"
“What in blazes did you just do in there?!" Magno shouted to Bart.
The cadet's image appeared on the monitor as he shook his head. “Hold on! I didn't do anything here!"
At the alien wreck…
Gascogne nodded as she took out the data disk from the special data recovery unit, in which she downloaded all the data onboard the wreck's intact data stores. She couldn't wait to be back at the ship and in the Register. “All right, I've finished copying the needed data. Let's leave this place and get back to the ship."
“Roger." Dita nodded in agreement as she began to use her suit's maneuvering thrusters to propel her towards the opening. However, as soon as she got there, she gasped to see that the ship was nowhere in sight.
The bridge…
“Ms. Gasco! Can you hear me? Ms. Gasco!" Ezra kept on trying to raise their comrades, but had no luck in doing so. The young woman began to sweat profusely and her breathing became shallow.
Buzam commanded the release of the buoys that would mark their location to the ones left behind. It was then that she heard a scream and turned to see the gentle bridge officer collapsed on her console.
Brandon and his siblings were still engrossed in conversation with the two Tarak natives, and they had to admit that unlike their blonde companion, the two young medics were quite open-minded about certain things.
“If what you say is true, then it probably coincides with the old theory of dimensional rips in the universe." Max said as he continued his discussion with Scott.
“Yeah, though back home, we haven't been able to actually take the event into account, our world made an attempt to scan the universe also. But the only time humans on our planet ever stepped into the void of space, was with our expeditionary fleet."
Lance was asleep for a few minutes but woke up later and decided to chat with Duero, as he didn't totally understand the history of Tarak.
“So, the original eight men of the Ikazuchi founded the empire. But how were they able to survive?"
“It had not been easy. Tarak itself is a harsh and totally unforgiving place, lack of water, food, tools and supplies plagued our founders, and death was a big possibility. Until the founder we now refer to as Grand Pa, did something considered impossible, he traveled the vast desert and was able to bring back a good supply of water and allowed the others to keep on going. It had never been easy, but in due time, the capital city of Telleron was built in the same place where the men's section of the Ikazuchi crashed."
Brandon joined in with a rather burning question in mind. “Don't take this the wrong way. But how did you guys ever manage to populate Tarak anyhow?"
Max and Duero decided to explain that they were born in birthing factories. Though this caught the Reinhart siblings by surprise, it answered that particular question easily, since they had lived far outside the city. Though it troubled them to know that the men were only able to have children using totally artificial means and machinery. That was expected since they had grown up being born between man and woman. Though they decided to keep that bit of data to themselves until the time was right.
But before the conversation could get any further…
A throat noise caught the men as they turned and spotted BC and her subordinates.
She then directed her attention to the two Tarak youths. “You're names are Duero and Dylan, right? Well, it's both your turn now."
As the guards deactivated the energy bars, the second in command directed her attention to the three other men. At present, they decided not to do anything, and remained sitting down on the floor, though their expressions showed that they were going to be bored without anything to do.
“Excuse me?"
“Yes?" BC asked as she heard the question from Lance.
“How long do you plan on keeping us here anyway?"
BC thought it over, but her current concern was with the two Tarak doctors. “You'll have to remain here for a while, until we decide what to do with you three."
Lance nodded and went to sleep once more; Brandon and Scott did the same as they decided to rest. BC looked at them, having seen their skills in piloting their mechas in battle, she felt a bit uneasy about all that she had seen. She was quite a bit cautious, but decided that they were harmless without their Zoids, or so she thought.
In the navigation well, Bart shouted in a panic as he spotted just where the ship decided to go to, which, of all the dumb luck was a nebula.
“We're going in there?! How do I stop this ship?!"
The fused vessel dove deep into the outer gas ring. Various chunks of ice in different sizes pummeled the hull of the ship. That was rather unfortunate for Bart, for due to his cybernetic link with the ship, it meant that whatever hit the hull, would immediately register as pain to him. A stray chunk of ice hit the top of the bow dead center, knocking Bart of his feet, as if felt as if he had been hit by a blow to the head.
“Will someone activate the shields, please?!"
Bart however wasn't the only one with problems. More than ninety percent of the ship's essential systems were down. Jura and Barnette found themselves trapped in the temporary elevator, buried in their possessions. They also were in a rather precarious position as they were also crowded by not just clothes and personal items, but guns and live ammunition. Meia also had her own problems, since with the power systems offline; there was no way for her to deploy any of her fellow Dread pilots to rescue Dita and Gascogne.
In the Sickbay, Duero and Dylan were busy with their dual examination of the young bridge officer Ezra as the patient lay on the bed. Duero ran a sonar scan, while Max was on the other side doing a vital signs check on the other side of the bed, with BC and her aides watching. Duero and Dylan were working well, but were a bit surprised by certain images being showed to them. But then the power was cut, leaving the medical instruments useless. In a lighting quick motion, Duero took out a communicator from the nearby aide's holster, much to her displeasure and annoyance.
“My friend and I are busy trying to work on some patients here! Make power to the sick bay a top priority!"
In the engineering section, Parfet was exasperated as she answered the call. “I'd love to do that right now, but we're rather bogged down here with our own problems! I can't do much since I can't understand the men's language!"
Duero took that to note and directed his attention to Buzam, who was nearby. “If I were there, I could help them understand it."
The first officer nodded and smiled a bit. “Go ahead."
“Dylan, keep at it until I get back, something about this is really interesting."
Max nodded in agreement. “No problem Duero. I'll take care of things on this end."
In the engineering section…
“It's a man!" One of the engineering staff screamed as she caught sight of Duero.
Parfet simply turned and glanced at Duero and nodded. “Oh, you're here. Good." She led the young doctor to the table where the Navi robot was hooked up to the systems. “I can't do much since I can't read any of this data."
“It's just a Hi-type #6 data feed." Duero replied as he scanned the data. “What exactly were you trying to do here?"
Parfet began to explain to the young physician that the Navi robot was somehow linked to the ship's Paeksis. She had thought that she could use the robot to act as a sensor. However, she had made no headway in finding out the reason for the ship's current condition.
Duero nodded. “According to the readouts, there's a growing built-up of impurities due to the merging of both ships."
“Maybe… So can you fix it?'
This caught Duero by surprise. “I'm sorry but I'm a doctor, not an engineer."
“That's no excuse! Everything that moves is alive! It's a doctor's job to fix all living things, right? That's what I always believe!"
The young man considered the feisty female in front of him. “You seem to have a very interesting view of things."
The vessel now immersed half of itself into the nebula's outer rings; the engines immediately went on system shutdown. The ship was now only moving on pure momentum alone.
“Engines have shut down, captain." Belvedere reported.
Magno sighed as she was currently cooling off with an ice bag on her head, and a portable fan. “Great, just great. Just as soon as I get the good news that we've stopped, we end up in a nebula of all places." It was then that the portable fan lost all its power.
“Captain! Sensors indicate that another section of the ship is undergoing another transformation." Amarone stated as she checked her console's readouts.
Outside the ship, new crystal formations appeared as the ship reshaped itself once more. Along with other sections of the ship, namely the section that the three men used to launch their Zoids from.
“Curious." Duero remarked as he read the data being shown on the Navi robot's screen. “It seems that the ship's systems are reacting to the composition of the gases in the nebula."
Parfet considered the information, and then smacked one fist into the palm of her other hand. “That's it! The ship must be using the nebula to neutralize the impurities!"
Duero couldn't help but agree to the theory. “It seems to be acting just like a living thing."
Back at the alien wreck…
“All I can see are markers." Dita said as she looked through her binoculars.
“Something must have happened." Gascogne thought her options for a moment, then said, “Well, at any rate we've accomplished our mission here, so let's get going."
Just as soon as the two women began their trek back to the Dita's Dread, the entire structure then came back life as metal tendrils snaked out like predators ready to spring and reached out for the closest living target, which happened to be the chief supply officer. Before she knew what was happening, Gascogne found herself being caged in like a fly in a Venus flytrap.
“Ms. Gasco, look out!"
“When do you think will they get us out of this elevator?" Barnette sobbed.
Jura then recalled that she had with her, her communicator, she whipped it out and got into contact with the command bridge.
“This is Jura! Barnette and I are stuck in the elevator! Somebody help us out here!"
The pirate vessel…
“Captain, I have an idea." Buzam called in as she spoke to her commanding officer through the communication systems. She was currently in the sub bridge of the former Ikazuchi.
“Go ahead BC." Magno sighed as she continued to sit in the sweltering heat of the Command Bridge.
“Since we can't launch any Dreads, we can't be able to send any of our own crew to look for both Dita and Gascogne. However…”
“However, the launching systems in the section where the Zoids of the three men are haven't been affected at all by the power being offline. I'm asking permission to have Brandon and his siblings, with their Zoids to go and look for Dita and Gascogne. It is a risk but we have no other options at this point. Besides that, they seem willing to help us."
“Hmmm… not a bad idea, BC. All right. Explain the situation to them and see if they are willing to help us in the same way they helped us defeat the enemy."
“Thank you, Captain. I'll ask one of them to also rescue Barnette and Jura."
It was then that Magno noted where Buzam was. “By the way, BC. What are you doing on the men's side of the ship?"
“Just… fulfilling my duty as your first mate, Captain. Over."
The brig…
“Man! It's hot in here!" Lance said as he wiped the sweat coming down his face.
Scott and Brandon made no comment as the three of them were now in their inner clothes, consisting of thin but durable sleeveless body shirts and their spandex biker/boxer shorts, which they wore under their pants. They had taken off their uniforms and were now lying on the floor with their clothes acting as pillows. It had become rather hot so they had no choice. As they lay there they began to think about what will be their next step.
There wasn't any problem for them to escape. They had their inner skills of energy manipulation and also their innate skills in the fighting arts and their military and survival training, those had got them out of tighter spots than this. However, escape wasn't in their plans just yet. They had no idea where in this whole New World and universe they were in now. So it left them where? For the time being they decided to work alongside these women, so that when they had finished their service to the pirates they would take a transport and move on looking for their mother and also, if any, the other survivors of the Zi expedition fleet. In any case, the pirates didn't have much in ways to stop them, they may have Zarreke, Rikera, and Kail under guard, but the Zoids were ready to fight should it come to that level, though they didn't want to cause any casualties in the ranks of the female pirates.
It was then that a noise got their attention; they looked at the door and saw someone coming in. Buzam walked into the detention area and smirked as she saw them in their undergarments.
“My, don't we have any shame?"
“Look who's talking." Lance said as he and his siblings got up to don their clothes. “There IS such a thing as decency you know!”
“We know that you didn't come here for a social call, so what brings you back here?" Brandon asked as he put on his uniform.
“I've come… to ask you all a favor."
“What kind of favor?" Scott asked.
“Two of our crew were left behind at the wreck when the ship went into the nebula. I would like you three to go out and look for them."
“I take it something happened that seems to forbid you from sending out your own pilots for that? Otherwise you wouldn't come here, right?" Brandon asked.
“Unfortunately, yes. Since the power is taken offline, we can't launch any of our Dreads. However, the launching systems for the Vanguards are still active, and those are capable of launching your Zoids, with your companions, you all can easily go out and retrieve them." She then decided to ask one more question. “I've been wondering whether you can't do much else without your Zoids. Or your power is only limited with the Zoid each of you pilots?"
The brothers chuckled a bit as they finished donning their uniforms. Brandon smiled as he focused his powers and formed a ball of pale blue light the size of a baseball in his right hand, Lance and Scott did the same, causing a gasp to appear from Buzam's mouth. “We have other skills, and it's not with just our Zoids." They then fired the spheres at the cell's lock that attack knocked out the energy bars. The three Reinharts casually stepped out and faced the pirate first officer.
Buzam was rendered speechless by the display. It was now obvious to her that these men could easily escape and retrieve their mechas any time of their choosing. And now they showed another unbelievable skill that she had never seen before. Her instinct for self-preservation came up as she lifted her laser ring at them. But then Brandon smiled a bit as he suddenly moved much faster than she could and caught her hand in the span of a heartbeat and released. Scott also went into action as he used his own skills to suddenly bind BC's wrists with some cord that he had hidden, and Lance did the same to her legs and before she could respond, they made her sit on a nearby crate.
Brandon smiled a bit as he opened his hand and to BC's shock, her laser ring was in his palm. She didn't even feel him remove it from her finger! She looked at them with a bit of fear and waited for what would happen. But to her surprise, Scott and Lance removed the ropes binding her body and legs, as their sibling went closer.
“My brothers and I have special abilities that we can use at any time of our choosing and we happen to have undergone a good deal of training to have done what we just did to you. You get the idea. We could have easily disabled you and also any of your crew who would try to stop us. We also could have easily taken back our Zoids and easily fought back." Brandon then opened BC's hand and placed in her palm her laser ring, taking BC by surprise. He then closed her hand over the weapon moved back and joined his siblings. “But we have never considered you as our enemies and we never will either, since we are not from the planet Tarak. You heard our story since you listened to our discussion with the other men. So instead we'll ask you this question, after all we have done, are we your enemies?"
Buzam looked at them and had to admit to herself that these men are indeed different. They were correct; she couldn't possibly consider them enemies. Enemies would never hand back the weapon that could kill them, nor would they have helped back during the battle. She shook her head a bit. “You are very intriguing, just like the captain said… Will you…"
“Look for your comrades? No problem, just tell us who they are and we'll go out and look for them." Brandon said as he and his brothers prepared to move out.
“The ones lost are our supply officer Gascogne Rheingau and another one of our Dread pilots, Dita Liebely. Plus we need help in rescuing two others who are trapped in an elevator shaft, they are Jura Basil Elden and her comrade Barnette Orangello."
That announcement caught Lance's attention easily. “Dita? You mean that redhead?"
Lance immediately grimaced a bit. Of all the ones they had to rescue. “Let's go guys; they're not going to wait long."
Brandon smiled a bit; he could tell that his youngest sibling was not entirely happy to be called Mr. Alien again by the redhead. “You're in a hurry, are you interested in that young woman Dita?"
Lance gave a strong unfriendly look, but the two older brothers could tell that he was trying not to show that he was trying not to visualize the young pilot who had been lounging comfortably on his lap and sleepily snuggled to him. “That's none of your concern, brother. Let's just go out and find them."
“Sure. You guys go ahead, I'll deal with the two trapped in the elevator." Scott answered as he smirked a bit.
Brandon and Scott followed their youngest sibling as they tried hard not to chuckle at the apparent discomfort of their little brother as they went to do their duties.
Buzam looked at the three men as they walked in the direction of the hanger; she opened her hand and stared at her laser ring.
< How was he able to… No I'd better not ask. But the captain is right about them being VERY interesting. But I don't quite understand how interesting they are. >
Back at the alien wreckage…
“Oh no! It's no use, Ms. Gasco!"
Gascogne wasn't concerned with reminding the young Dread pilot that her name was Gascogne at the moment. The head supplier however was more concerned with her situation. The tendrils had formed into a dense metallic cage that restrained her movements. The young Dread pilot had tried to remove the tendrils with her suit's built-in blaster, but the metal proved too strong.
“I'll get the tools from the Dread!" Dita said as she knew that the tools were better for this situation.
Gascogne shook her head in disagreement. “Don't bother with me right now. Have you forgotten our mission? Someone has to get back to the ship with that data disk!"
Dita became shocked and shook her head. “I can't just leave you here like this!"
“Who said anything of you leaving me here to rot anyway? This isn't some third rate soap opera! You can come back for me with help, right? Now hurry up and get back to the ship!"
Dita nodded reluctantly as she used her suit's thrusters and turned to get to her waiting Dread interceptor.
However, as soon as she vanished from sight, the structure and the insides of the wreckage came back to life. Panels opened up, revealing more alien units that began to work. Gascogne began to feel a strong shiver run up and down her spine.
The nebula…
“Sensors are detecting a massive object heading at a trajectory in collision with us. It appears to be an asteroid-size chunk of ice." Amarone said as she tracked the object in question.
“Did you hear that? Do something now!" Magno ordered loudly to the man who was now in the navigation well.
However, Bart wasn't paying any attention; he couldn't since he was screaming hysterically. So he was of no help to anyone right now.
Back at the engineering section…
“The input/output ratio is still off." Duero remarked as he read the readouts from the Navi-robot.
“That's because there aren't enough link routes!" Parfet declared as she tried things on her end of the court.
“But existing one's can't handle the strain anymore."
“Don't give up now! There has to be an answer!"
Duero thought it over for a moment, then decided that he'll have to approach the situation with his medical knowledge the way Parfet thought of it. The whole ship seemed to be acting like a living being, then his medical training will apply.
“How about a bypass then? When there's a blocked artery, then you simply need to make an alternate route to relieve congestion."
Parfet nodded, quickly getting a visual idea on what the young Tarak doctor had in mind. “A detour huh? Great idea!" She patted him on the shoulder. “You know, you wouldn't make a bad engineer!" She then directed her attention to her crew and began giving new instructions. “Okay everyone, Listen up! It's time to get busy!"
Duero looked down on his shoulder and contemplated her touch. He also wondered how his brother was doing with their patient.
Speaking of whom…
Dylan finished checking Ezra's temperature and her breathing as he took out a stethoscope that was included with the inventory of the medical center, which was considered outdated, but serviceable. He then checked on the young bridge officer and placed the instrument on her enlarged belly, and for some reason he heard something that startled him…
< Was that a…heartbeat?! >
He reached for a communicator and in the same lightning quick fashion took the item from the holster of another aide, who showed her displeasure just the same way the other aide did when Duero did the same thing.
“Duero, are you there?"
“Yes, Dylan, how's the patient?"
“She's fine, but you had better hurry up with what you're doing. You might want to see this."
Duero nodded as he told his best friend to do what he could and wait until they both could determine what had happened to the gentle looking female.
Back at the alien wreckage…
Gascogne felt herself staring in awe and fascination, thoroughly mixed with fear as she watched the alien forces begin the repair and restoration of their severely damaged vessel; this confirmed her suspicions that the ship was indeed a mobile factory.
“They can still regenerate under these conditions?"
Then her attention was directed in another direction, as she was now aware that she had a visitor, something that was large and ominous. The machine resembled a massive ladybug decked in green armor, and armed with massive clawed appendages, and two green soulless eyes glaring at her. The supply officer knew that the machine wasn't here to engage in conversation.
The chief supplier laughed nervously as she said “Well… I guess I know what you want for dinner."
Out in space…
A certain Dread pilot was running away from some unwanted company…
Dita was running for her life, like a fox being chased by a hunting party as several enemies gave chase to her the moment she escaped the wreckage in her Dread. She used every evasion tactic and maneuver she could recall from her training and anything that randomly came into mind. But her pursuers weren't interested in letting her leave that easily.
It was then that she checked her scanners and three more blips appeared… right in front of her, moving at strange speeds.
“From the front too?!"
At that instant her ship was rocked by a near miss, which caused her to accidentally fire her ship's blasters. Twin beams of power lanced outward and caused an explosion some distance away. However, when the burst of light faded away, two high powered beams lanced out in retaliation. The beams however missed Dita's Dread completely and atomized her pursuers. It was at this moment that Dita was close enough to see who were in front of her.
Lance was NOT happy. The Hybrid Cannons went to full shutdown as he kept going closer. “HEY! IS THAT ANY WAY TO THANK A PERSON WHO CAME TO LOOK FOR YOU OR WHAT?!" Even though Dita's Dread fighter's weapons were not that well powered to cause harm to his Liger, it still made him angry.
Kail growled a bit, as he too felt a bit angry at the greeting card thrown at them by the redhead.
Brandon, along with Zarreke, couldn't help but try not to laugh.
Dita however was overjoyed to see Lance and his brother and their Ligers. “Mr. Alien!
You came for me!" She then rocketed her Dread towards Lance and his Liger Kail.
“Whoa! Hold it!" Lance said as he managed to bring his Liger to a halt, but his response time was off as the Dread was already too close for anything else, once they were in close proximity there came a bright flash of light and they became ZoidDread Dita once more.
“Wow! What is all this?" Dita cried excitedly as she looked in her new surroundings while being on Lance's lap.
However… the male in the same cockpit was becoming excited as she was, but in a totally different way.
“Hey! Will you stop moving around so much?!" Lance said as he was becoming very aware of the young redhead's movements on his lap, her squirming movements rubbing on a certain part of his male anatomy and making it quite stimulated and sensitive.
The young Dread pilot smiled warmly as she turned to face him. I just wanted you to know that I believed in you and I knew that you would come and rescue me and so would the other Mr. Aliens."
Lance shook his head a bit while trying not to show the crimson in his face as he gazed at the redhead. “My brothers and I didn't come out here to save you!" He retorted loudly. “We… just went out to look for you… that's all."
Dita didn't of course understand why Lance was blushing, but she could tell that he was lying, though partly. “Well, thank you." Dita replied as she snuggled once more on Lance's chest.
Lance tried not to react to that.
“Well now, I hate to break up your little reunion with my young brother, Dita Liebely. But where's your fellow comrade Gascogne Rheingau?" Brandon asked as he got into contact with the ZoidDread.
“Oh, Mr. Alien 2! She's still at the wreckage!" Dita said as she spoke to the oldest Reinhart sibling.
Lance however just shook his head.
Back at the alien wreckage…
Gascogne had to admit one thing, the machine in front of her worked with total efficiency and precision, though the supply officer knew that she wasn't in a good situation at the moment. The machine may be efficient in cutting her bonds, but she knew for a fact that it was only interested in getting to her.
“You guys work very efficiently, I almost wish that we could hire you to work for us."
The automaton's only response to that was to extend a wicked looking appendage with claws.
By now the chief supply officer was breaking into sweats. “Now it's my turn, right?"
A voice broke through the area. “I don't think so."
The automaton was suddenly unable to reach her with it's arm, as it was caught into something huge and metallic. It was instantly reduced to scrap in what appeared to be a mouthful of metallic teeth as Gascogne looked up and saw the ZoidDread along with the other Liger.
“You guys waited for the last minute to rescue me, how disgusting. But I guess that this ending is a lot better than anything else."
“Good, just hold on while we get you out of there, Ms. Gasco." Lance said as he and Dita and Kail went to work on the metallic tendrils still holding the supply officer by using the blades.
“Thanks, but get this straight. My name is Gascogne… NOT Gasco!"
Brandon smiled a bit as he turned to face his youngest sibling. “How much room can you guys spare in that Zoid, anyway?"
Back at the engineering room…
“We've managed to secure at least thirty-six bypasses!" Parfet declared, “How are things on your end?" She asked Duero.
Duero closed up the Navi robot's panel. “I can't do much more; the ones we have placed in can't handle the strain anymore. We'll just have to make due with what we have currently with us."
“But the balance will be totally disrupted is there aren't any other link routes!"
“Do you know what doctors do in situations like this? We place our faith and belief on the patient's will to live."
The female engineer nodded and smiled.
Ezra breathed slowly as Max continued to check her pulse and hoped for the best.
“I feel so tired and hot." She said slowly. “Will I be all right?"
“You will be, I promise, as a doctor." Dylan answered soothingly.
Jura and Barnette were getting even more uncomfortable by the minute. They knew that sooner or later, this elevator would fall, and they were really going to get it. The weapons that Barnette brought along were going to make sure of that.
Scott looked down to where the two other women were at. The elevator was trapped between two floors and at least three floors down. “Looks like it's going to be one hell of a trip down!”
He then tied himself to a long an very durable cable and had two other cables with him, which he also tied on the posts of the elevator shaft. He then rappelled his way down to where the two other girls were, but not before forcefully opening the middle door of the three floors open. Once he got there in a span of ten minutes, he knocked on the roof of the elevator.
“Hey! Anybody there? The rescue party is here!”
“Okay, okay! Don't blow a gasket!”
Once Scott was done with opening a side panel on the roof of the elevator, he entered the elevator, head first…and got into contact with one of the girls he was supposed to rescue…namely with her…ahem…bust.
“Huh?!” Scott realized that he had his face near someone's cleavage and immediately blushed bright red and moved away…though he had to admit this much in his suddenly interested state…whoever she was, she certainly was…well-developed. That was when he recognized Jura and then he spotted Barnette, who he knew looked just as attractive as her blonde companion.
<Hey! It's that blonde woman I saw in the Ikazuchi's reactor, and who's her friend, she's really a looker too! Huh! If any of the guys back on Zi ever saw these two, they'd follow them like randy dogs in heat!>
“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU? Oh, hey you're one of those pilots of that strange beast mecha, right?” Jura asked as Scott moved away a bit. She looked at the young man and noted that he was upside down. “Are you here to rescue us?”
“Yeah, that pretty much what I'm doing here, though next time don't shout so close to my ears, you're going to turn me deaf, if you do that again.” Scott said as he rubbed his left ear carefully.
Barnette however gave Scott a very unfriendly glare. “A man?! What are you doing here?!”
Scott gave a look to Barnette and replied. “In case it slipped your attention, I'm here to get you two out.”
Barnette seethed a bit. “I'm not letting a man touch me in any way!”
“If that's the case than how do you plan to get out? I don't suppose you've got some rope in that pile in there, do you?”
Barnette glared at the good-natured smirk on Scott's face as he showed them that he had some rope with him. “Fine! So get us out of here!”
“First you might want to help your friend by giving her a boost.” Scott said as he helped Jura up first. He had to as the blonde was the closest person he could reach right now. Though he kept in mind not to stare at the blonde woman's rather…provocative dress, and what it showed to his eyes as he gazed at Jura from top to bottom.
<Damn! I seriously need a girl-friend!>
“Okay, NOW can you help me?” Barnette asked as she glared at Scott, a feeling of jealousy flooding her as she spotted Scott giving Jura a serious looking at. Barnette and Jura had been long-time friends so it was natural that the green-haired woman would feel jealous, but this feeling was even stronger now when Scott was looking at her blonde friend.
“Okay, give me your hands and I'll lift you out. Be careful not to struggle since you might hit those guns and ammunition down there, and god knows what'll happen if you do.”
Jura watched as Scott lifted her friend up without injuring himself, she was amazed that this guy could carry Barnette that easily, and from a position with him being held by a rope. Whoever this guy is, he's really strong.
“Uh, Miss, if you're done staring at me, do you mind giving your friend a hand?” Scott asked as he looked at Jura.
“I wasn't staring!” Jura replied with a bit of a glare as she helped her friend Barnette up. The two women watched as Scott switched from his suspended position and stood next to them and pointed at the ropes.
“Okay ladies, I guess it's time we all climbed out of here.”
He then showed Jura and Barnette how to tie the cords on their waists and how to climb upwards, to the nearby door that he had opened, and he was able to help them out of the shaft. Once that was done, and girls removed the ropes they had, Jura then ran up to Scott and hugged him.
“Hey! What are you…?”
Jura then released him and winked a bit. “Just saying thank you for saving Barnette and me.”
“Uh, no problem.” Scott said with him scratching the back of his head.
Barnette sighed and glared at Scott, and then she grabbed her friend's hand and spoke to Jura. “I think you should take a bath Jura.”
“Why? I took a shower after the fighting.”
“I know, but you might have gotten germs from holding that guy!”
Scott had no trouble hearing the conversation and he knew one thing. It was going to be an uphill battle to try and convince these women that they were NOT from Tarak. And from the looks of it, it was going to be a long uphill battle.
The massive fragment of ice came ever closer to the fused ship as the crew tried their best to avoid a real disaster.
On the bridge, Magno looked on grimly at the image of the ever-closing in ice asteroid, as her aides continued to deliver reports.
“Distance is now at twelve hundred kilometers and still closing…" Amarone reported.
It seemed that the end was coming. Then the fan beside the captain then came online.
Belvedere gave a sound of relief mixed with joy. “The systems have rebooted themselves! We have control of the ship!"
Down in the engineering section, the little robot became active once more, stood up and smartly saluted both Duero and Parfet.
“Beep! I'm back in service!"
“Yes! We did it! We make a really great team!" Parfet grasped Duero's hand; she then suddenly blushed as she gazed at her fingers intertwined with the doctor's own fingers.
Duero also felt a bit…odd.
He moved a bit as he picked up the communicator and answered the call from his comrade Dylan.
“HARD TO STARBOARD, THIRTY DEGREES!" Magno Vivian barked in desperation to Bart.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! IT'S TOO LATE!" Bart screamed cowardly as he braced himself for the end.
There was a massive explosion that bathed the front of the ship but it wasn't the ice chunk ripping into the ship's hull. When Bart opened his eyes, he saw that the asteroid had been vaporized. In it's place was the ZoidDread and the other Zoid in it's specialized armor, standing alongside it's transformed counterpart.
“Hmph! So they save the day again!" Bart said with disdain.
But he then received a call, that caller happened to be the oldest Reinhart sibling, Brandon, who wore a look seething with anger, hostility and mirthless humor.
“Bart, you sound disappointed, that we save your butt and everyone else from being turned into useless junk. Would you prefer the next time another batch of asteroids show up, we leave them alone for them to smash into the ship?"
Bart looked as white as a ghost. The look of anger in Brandon's face and the tone in his voice was so intimidating that the cowardly Tarak cadet broke out in sweats.
“N…n…NO! Please feel free to do that any time!"
Inside the ZoidDread's cockpit…
< Man! I am SO tired! > Lance sighed as he lay back on the seat.
“See! I told you it was amazing!" Dita said excitedly as she bounced up and down Lance's lap, incidentally making him even more agitated and uneasy.
Beside them, in rather obvious discomfort was Gascogne. “Yeah, yeah. So how about getting me out of here?"
Brandon showed up on the monitors. “Don't worry about that Ms. Gasco; you'll be back in the ship in a few minutes, once we clear the nebula."
“Thanks. And the name is Gascogne, NOT Gasco."
Later that day…
Magno and her second in command made a special announcement to everyone on the ship.
“We have finished deciphering all the data that we salvaged from the alien ship's wreckage, after our 'guests' destroyed it permanently. I want all of you to take a look at this." Buzam turned on the main data feed to all the monitors onboard the ship; the images depicted a strange, machine like planet. “This is the enemy's home world. We have no idea on it's exact location, but apparently, they are in possession of some serious firepower. The unknown forces seem to have perceived our presence in their territory as an invasion, and therefore, we will have to expect more battles on our return to Megele space. "
The first officer continued with her briefing. “We have also received information from the wreck that the enemy has planned a major operation, which calls for the total annihilation of our home world Megele and the males' home planet of Tarak. For totally unknown reasons, a hostile force is intent on destroying our two worlds. This operation has been dubbed under the name, 'Harvest'."
The pirate captain then took over. “As we are pirates, we hold no loyalty to either Megele or Tarak; however, it would prove unhealthy to let an unknown force take away our potential 'customers'. Therefore I have decided to reach our worlds and give them a warning of the incoming crisis. In order for this mission to be successful, we must incorporate the men who we have onboard as P.O.W, to be part of this crew for the duration of this voyage."
Belverdere and Amarone were the first to be shocked to hear this announcement, while Bart smiled smugly as he lay down on the floor of the bridge, a good distance from the navigation well.
“Heh. So you all finally see things my way."
The old woman continued. “There are many things about this ship that we don't understand and that large machine." < Not to mention our unknown 'guests' and their Zoids. > Magno silently added before capping off the announcement. “However, I expect we shall be learning more, one day at a time. That is all."
Just as soon as she switched off the commlink, Duero and Dylan arrived both on either side of Ezra. Duero, arrived just after the asteroid was destroyed by the ZoidDread, and went back to checking the gentle bridge officer.
“I'm so sorry about before." Ezra apologized." I'll be returning to my station now."
“Did the two of you find out the cause of her fever?"
Ezra looked at Duero and Dylan with a slightly shy look.
“We've done some analysis on her vitals signs and found nothing that is harmful to her at all. However…" Dylan started.
" We've detected and determined that there seems to be some sort of parasitic organism inside her body, feeding off her, though we have no idea what it is." Duero finished.
This announcement made Magno quite alarmed, but Ezra quickly shook her head while blushing furiously.
“No! No! You're both wrong! It's not that! It seems… I'm going to have a baby."
Belvedere and Amarone became very excited about the announcement as they crowded around the mother-to-be.
“When in the world did you become a Fahma?"
“So who's the Ohma?"
Bart looked on the events with a totally confused look. “I don't understand, I thought that all babies were born in factories."
The two Tarak medics however looked on with curiosity. “Come to think of it, we've been hearing rumors that women can reproduce internally." Duero remarked as he gazed at the young bridge officer. Dylan nodded as he also took his time digesting the latest data on women.
Ezra bowed to Magno. “Forgive me, Captain. I had been meaning to tell you soon after this latest raid on the men, but…"
Magno waved it off, but with a gentle smile. “There's nothing to forgive, Ezra. I hope that you give birth to a healthy baby."
“Come on Ezra! Who's the ohma?" Another bridge officer asked.
“Excuse us, but what is an ohma exactly?" Duero asked with genuine interest, as his brother Max looked on with the same question written on his face. One of the main reasons that the two Mcfiles took up being doctors was that they were deeply interested in the mysteries of female physiologies.
Belvedere gave a surprised look. “The ohma is the one who donates the ovum and the fahma is the one who nurtures it in the womb. Don't the two of you know anything?"
“In all honesty, this is the first time we've ever heard of it."
As the little crowd continued their discussion on Ezra's pregnancy, none noticed Buzam edge her way to a console and remove a data disk.
“It seems that we've been given quite a share of surprises today, right BC?"
The first officer quickly turned to face her commanding officer, but was able to hide the disk easily. “Uh, yes Captain!"
“The whole crew, including our new guest members better work as hard as they can, especially for the new life that will be joining us all real soon." Magno said, indicating Ezra's soon to be born child.
“This will be a long journey home." Buzam added.
To be concluded…
Hi. Scott checking in, well, it's official, me and my siblings and the men of Tarak, are now officially part of the pirates until we make it back to Megele and Tarak, so we'll be stuck here for 270 days. No problem to me though…
Speak for yourself brother! I have to be stuck with that redhead for 270 DAYS! I think I'd rather jump into a blackhole! (Groan)
Cool off little brother… Hey, what's with that blue-haired girl, I think she wants to pick a fight… with me of all people!
Oooooh! Looks like my big brother Brandon might have a thing for that girl…
Knock it off Lance! Next time on ZoidDread. Chapter 4: Reluctant Comrades. See you on the battlefield!
Author's notes:
This is the latest chapter to date on ZoidDread, and to all the readers, in answer to your possible questions on the couples, then the answer is yes. Lance will be with Dita, and you guys can put two and two together with Brandon and Scott on just who they will be with, namely Jura and Meia.
Now to those you might be disappointed with the pairings, then I'll tell you that this was the intentional pair plan I had since I came up with ZoidDread, but I wanted to try a few new approaches to doing this pairing plan, so I didn't make this fic public before in over two years when I made it, and it was only in this year did I post this story.
Unfortunately, the plan was revealed too early, and well…I'm pretty much in the dark in what I'm going to do now with the couples I had in mind! I think I made the coupling possibilities too obvious when I wrote this fic.
And I do apologize for this mistake, so I'm making a request to the readers, if you readers are willing to stick to the current pairings, then give me your reviews plus your votes on it. But if you want some different pairings, then send me reviews and who you want paired with who. If I get more votes for the former option, then I'll work hard and make their budding relationships as interesting as possible. But if I get more votes on the later, then I'll have to remodel the whole story and that takes time, plus a LOAD of new concepts have to be thought up.
But I'll write what the readers want!
Well…That's all for today, I'll put ZoidDread on hold until I get a sufficient number of votes for the options in question, so I'll dedicate the time for GunDread SEED- The Second Stage, and Rune Soldier Rayne! I'll be waiting!