Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Seven: Raven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nope I don't own Zoids or any of the characters from it. If I did I would've hired someone to do my homework and I wouldn't be writing a fanfic, I would be making the actual anime. SO NO I DO NOT OWN ZOIDS! Thank you and don't sue me!

I'm busy with another fanfic and projects

Three projects due in the same week


Okay read and review and on with the show! I have a guest speaker………YES! The one and only RAVEN!!

Raven: Just get on with the story

Me: Ahhhh Raven you don't wanna disappoint your fans now do you?

Raven: ………Yes

Me: Hmph, If you're gonna be that way, I am going to add a scene to this………a scene you will not enjoy ::evil grin::

Raven: Oh god, you don't mean………

Me: hehehe what don't I mean?

Raven: FINE I don't wanna know. Just leave me alone.

Me: Oh no I can't do that not now anyways………::grabs Raven, ties him up::


Me: hehe Keeping you here, I mean you DO want Mika to find you don't ya?

Raven: …………

Me: Ohhhh I get it, you're not over Reese yet are you? I COULD get her to come here if you don't cooperate


Reese (somewhere outside of writing room): OH RAVEN! WHERE ARE YOU??

Raven: AH!!!!!! MAKE HER GO AWAY!!

Me: Okay ::takes out pencil:: okay let's see……….just erase this and that and this………THERE YOU GO! She should be gone

Reese: ::vanishes into thin air::

Me: ::unties Raven:: she's gone

Raven: OH THANK YOU!!! ::gives a hug:: ohhhh ::stops after realizing he's being sentimental::

Me: hehehehe I'm not done with you yet, now you have to be my slave………cook, wash, clean, vacuum, etc

Raven: NOOOO!!!!

Me: Okay now while Raven carries out my chores, back to the story! Read and review!

Raven: Save me!!!

Me: QUIET! Just ignore him………hhehee………oh yeah and if you forgot, Mika is ADOPTED remember that because it sort of plays a role between her and Raven's past………

Raven: what do you mean? Mika and my past??

Me: Just read………and get back to work!


Chapter Seven **Raven**

"I'm out to get you," he kept saying, "Watch out Mika. I'm going to get you back."

Mika then fainted.

"Mika, Mika wake up! Mika!"

Slowly Mika opened her eyes. Everyone was standing around her.

"Mika, what happened?" Fiona asked, worried about her daughter.

"I-I heard him………I heard Raven in my mind. He spoke to me."

"Wait, what? What do you mean??" Van was VERY concerned about Mika. --She CAN hear people's thoughts, but Raven actually spoke to her! Wait; did she hear what Irvine and Moonbay were telling us about Raven? But, she wouldn't act like this. Could he really have talked to her?--

"He said that--that he was out to get me; that he was going to get me back." Mika shivered at the sound of those words coming out of her mouth. She couldn't believe that Raven actually escaped; and right when she hears the news he talks to her. How could this be? Mika was starting to feel dizzy again.

Everyone was very worried. Van looked at the clock and then outside. It was dark out, and cold. It reminded Van of Raven's cold, dark eyes staring and him, taunting him when he couldn't defeat his enemy in time to save innocent lives.

"It's 8:30 Travis. It's time for you to go home. You wouldn't want your mother worrying now would you?"

"Okay, my house isn't far from here. We're lucky."

As Van and Travis started to leave for the door, Mika ran up to them.

"Can I come?" pleaded Mika. She wanted to ride her zoid and clear her mind of all the thoughts of Raven.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea Mika," Fiona pointed out, "I mean you just fainted and you probably feel a little dizzy after all that. Plus, we don't know where Raven is. We don't want him to attack you if you meet him face-to-face on the way to Travis'."

"Oh, I'll be fine! Please?? I really want to take a ride on my zoid!" And in all seriousness, she did want to ride with her Blade Liger; just let her fears melt away as the wind blew against her. She started to give a pouting face.

"Hmmm, oh all right. You can come. Just be careful."

Fiona started to stare at Van as if he just made a horrible mistake.

"Oh don't give me that look Fiona."

"Van, you know we have to be careful!"

"I'll make sure she's safe Fiona. You know she is with me."

"Sometimes when she's with you I worry more than ever," Fiona muttered under her breath. She looked over at Mika. Mika had in her eyes a determination to go out. Mika wanted to just be free from all troubles and Fiona could see that.

"Oh fine, you can go."

"Oh thank you!" Mika ran and hugged Fiona. "Bye Irvine, bye Moonbay! Are you two staying for the night?"

The couple looked at each other and then at Van and Fiona.

"I guess we could stay if you wanted us to," Moonbay said.

"We have extra guest rooms made already," Fiona stated.

"Yay! See you later then!"

With that Van, Travis, and Mika went outside. They got into their zoids (well Mika sat on top, as usual) and left for Travis' house. Mika and Van had their organoids follow them, just in case. Travis' organoid fused with his zoid, to make everything easier.

For half of the way, it was silent. Mika had been sitting on the top of her zoid, letting it run at a fast pace. She had the wind blowing at her face and through her hair. She was thinking about what Raven had said to her.

--What did he mean? How does he know me? Was it the fact I appeared in front of them while Van and him were fighting?--

Mika was deep in thought. She couldn't figure out why Raven had been freed from his pod and why he contacted Mika.

--He doesn't really know me. And he shouldn't be mad at me for the fact he didn't have the chance to kill Van. I wonder………that battle he was captured in………he didn't get captured by who beat who. He let Van capture him. Van did say Raven didn't put up a fight. How does he know me?--

Mika couldn't stop thinking about how Raven knew her. It was strange, but she doesn't seem to be as scared as she was before.

Van couldn't stand this silence, even though he knew Mika was probably deep in thought by the way she stared at the stars.

"Mika, how did he contact you again?"

"I told you already, he talked to me in my thoughts." She suddenly sounded frightened again. Why did Van have to talk about it?

By the tone of Mika's voice Van understood that she didn't want to talk about it. However, he didn't like the silence of the night. He was always worried about Mika, sitting atop her zoid. --What if Raven decides to attack and take Mika as a hostage?--

"Mika, could you please sit INSIDE your zoid for once? That's why there's a cockpit!"

Mika hesitated. She didn't want to sit inside the zoid, where she felt trapped and helpless. Sitting on top of her Blade Liger, letting her hair blow freely in the wind, helped her think. She couldn't disobey Van though. So she opened the cockpit window and sat inside.

She resumed her deep thought thinking inside her zoid.

--I don't know why he wants me. But I did hear Van say once to Fiona that the mark on my cheek is the same as Raven's. Is that why he wanted to kill me? That can't be it. Whatever it is, I should avoid Raven at all costs.--

Mika touched the mark on her cheek. She was worried about what would happen if Raven did come after them tonight. She didn't want to be the cause of everyone's troubles.

Not too long after, they made it to Travis' house. "Here we are! And it took only twenty minutes to get here."

Suddenly a woman came running out of the house.

"Travis!!! Oh there you are! Well it's only nine o'clock. Oh YOU BROUGHT VAN!!! IS IT REALLY VAN FREIHEIT???"

"Oh mom," Travis said, embarrassed with his mother's sudden outburst.

"I'm Van Freiheit and this is my daughter, Mika."

They shook hands with the hyper and nervous mother.

"Hello Mrs.-uhh-Mrs. ………" Mika didn't know Travis' last name.

"It's Mrs. Amano. Such a sweet little girl."

"Hello Mrs. Amano." Mika smiled.

"Oh wow the-the Guardian Force hero is here! And oh wow!"

"MOM! Calm down please!"

"I'm sorry, thank you for bringing him home. Okay Travis, get your backpack and do your homework."

"Oh I did it already with Mika." Then it dawned on him. He left his backpack at Mika's. "Uh oh………"

At that moment, a Gustav came. Fiona came out with a backpack. She walked up to Travis.

"Here's your backpack. When you left I noticed it on the table."

"Thanks Miss Fiona!"

Fiona giggled. "You sound just like Thomas when you said `Miss Fiona'." She turned to Van. "Doesn't it bring back memories?"

"Yeah it does. But why did you come in Moonbay's Gustav instead of your Pteras?"

"Moonbay didn't want me to come alone, with all that's been happening. So she and Irvine decided to take the Gustav and bring me here."

Moonbay and Irvine came out of the Gustav. All the while, Travis' mother was just staring.

"Hi there! Hey again Travis!" Moonbay shouted in her cheerful voice while walking over to the group.

"Hi Moonbay!" Travis said back.

"Moonbay! You came with mom!" Mika hugged Moonbay.

Travis' mother nudged him. "Oh yeah meet my mom!"

"Hello, I'm Moonbay and over there is Irvine," Moonbay said, shaking Mrs. Amano's hand.

"Oh wow! The whole Guardian Force, well most of the heroes, are here! Together!! Oh wow!!"

Irvine started to twitch. He didn't like being called part of the Guardian Force.

"Oh get a grip Irvine. After all these years, you still think they gave you that Lightning Saix because they liked you?"

Irvine was about to reach boiling point when Mika ran up to him. "Oh Irvine, you are a great hero, even if you don't want to be part of the Guardian Force."

Irvine started to soften up. He couldn't get mad at his little niece (who would?) and so he stopped.

"Well, it's getting late," Mrs. Amano started to say, "you should be heading back>."

"Yeah you're right. Come on let's go. Bye Travis, Mrs. Amano," Van said his goodbye.

"Bye Mrs. Amano! Bye Travis, see you in school!"

"Bye!" Moonbay and Fiona said in unison.

"G'bye," Irvine said in his cocky voice.

Fiona, Moonbay, and Irvine got into the Gustav while Van got into his Blade Liger. Mika got on top of her zoid, despite Van's yelling at her, and the organoids were following behind. With that, they left.

On their way home, Mika could sense someone watching over them. She couldn't tell who exactly but she had a weird feeling.

As they past a cliff on their way home, a shadowy figure was watching them. They went by, not noticing.

"Mika, you will remember. And you will be mine. Come on Shadow, we have some work to do." The shadowy figure grinned as he looked up at the stars. "You will be mine………And you will remember everything about your past."


Me: Ohh what is that person up to??

Raven: AHH!! I don't want to clean anymore!!

Me: hehe you have to! You don't have a role yet in the story! You have to clean until you're part of the story completely!! Hehehe

Raven: This is no fun! Now I'd rather have Reese here torturing me!

Me: Oh really? ::gets out pen and paper::

Raven: NOOO!!! I WAS KIDDING!!!!

Me: hehe okay fine then be quiet please

Raven: ::mutters::

Me: Okay so anyways stay tuned for the next chapter of "Lost Dream of Hope"

Raven: And remember she'll have a hard time updating so fast because of projects

Me: That you will help me with

Raven: That I will help her-hey wait!

Me: hehe I got you! Now you got to help

Raven: ::mutters:: and read her other story too "The New Members"

Me: Yep thanks a bunches! And remember review! Oh yeah and if anyone's wondering, I did not name this chapter Raven because he guest starred

Raven: You didn't?

Me: No I named it Raven because you finally appear………but only at the end

Raven: ::growls:: hmph

Me: Oh yeah and for people who IM me about whether or not Raven is Mika's brother the answer is……….

Raven: Yes??

Me: NO, the answer is NO ignore Raven's answer

Raven: If she's not my sister then who is she?????

Me: I'm not telling you

Raven: ::growls::

Me: BYE!

::runs away from computer::