Fan Fiction ❯ Angel Wings ❯ Chapter 6:Dreams and Memories ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: Dreams and Memories

Iris laid in bed thinking of her dream. Who was Cadell? The image of his face was all she could think of. It was his eyes that struck her in an unusual way. They're so familiar . . . Iris shut her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

' "Your Grace, what do you suggest we do about the Atlantians?" A General wearing what looked like a gold and white Roman armour asked as he kneeled before Iris who in his and everyone else's eyes looked like the Empress. She sat on her throne and thought in silence. "Your Grace?" the General asked.

"If the prophecy is true then we will retaliate with enough force to make them fall back." the General rose from his position and turned to leave. "Oh and one more thing General Raynor. I want as little, if not, no bloodshed." General Raynor turned to face the Empress and bowed graciously.

"As you wish your Grace." once he had left Iris rose from her seat. She wore a long white chemise which trailed behind her in a train with a golden bodice which was encrusted with diamonds at the seams. Her long gold, white and silver hair was worn in dozens and dozens of braids which all began at her neck.

Iris walked out of the throne room and onto the marble balcony. She looked at her great island with pride. It had taken her hundreds of years to achieve what it had become. She stretched out her golden wings and took off.

"Your Grace!" her lady-in-waiting cried from the balcony. Iris stopped and stared at her.

"What Neola?" she asked feeling amused.

"Are you sure it's wise to be flying about when the Atlantians could strike at any given time?" Iris let out a laugh.

"I trust my instincts and they tell me there is no danger today and that I should enjoy what days I have left!" Neola gasped.

"Your Grace! You intend to die soon!?" Iris let out another laugh.

"No you silly girl! A war will come soon and I should, as should everyone else, enjoy the time they have left until the attack begin!" Neola sighed in relief.

Iris flew off around the city, letting her spirit soar high. The only time she ever felt truly free was when she was flying. She soon found she was not alone flying. Iris turned her head slightly to see whom it was. It was Cadell. He wore only a pair of chestnut brown breeches and shin high, black leather boots. She smiled and stopped. "What do you what Cadell?" she asked giving him a wicked smile.

"Oh but Grace, you are fulfilling my every need and desire by just speaking to me." he answered her sarcastically. Iris giggled at his words which amused her.

"Don't pull that bull shit with me Cadell." he grinned a wicked grin and began to advance on her. "So, you want to race?"

"No, I want to chase and hunt down you my fox." Iris laughed again. She loved it when he played these game with her.

"I propose a race my hunter to the old willow tree. If you win, I am all yours and if I win, you are mine." he flew so he would be at her side. "Ready when you are hunter." he got into a more comfortable position and took off. She began after him but caught up very quickly. She flew until she just in front of him. "Well, looks like you'll be mine." she laughed. Cadell grinned at her.

"That's what you think." he beat his wings harder and faster until he was in the lead. Iris clenched her teeth and flew faster as well. She wasn't going to let him win so easily either.

When the old willow tree came into full view both flew faster and faster. Both landed at the same time. "Well I win."

Raising and eye brow, Cadell asked, "Why do you win? It was clearly a tie." Iris looked at him with a wicked smile.

"Because I am the Empress and what I say goes." Cadell laughed and walked towards her.

"Oh really? Well I don't think so." he wrapped his arms around her and forced her to the ground in a playful manner. Both laughed and smiled at each other. Iris retracted her golden wings and Cadell did the same with his pearl white wings. They rolled around and cuddled in the long meadow grass.

"I don't want Angalika to go into a war with the Atlantians . . ."Iris murmured as she rested her head on Cadell's bare chest.

"Well maybe we'll be lucky and they won't attack sweetheart." he ran his fingers through her hair gently, relaxing her hidden tension.

"Perhaps you're right love."'

Iris awoke the next morning from her dream. Am I going to continue to have these dreams forever? And Why does Cadell look like someone I know now? She looked at her clock and sighed. I guess I should be getting ready for school.

Iris dressed herself in a blue tank top and orange capris. She headed to the kitchen where she went to eat her breakfast. Once Iris had gone through her morning routine she grabbed her bag from her room and headed towards the door but was stopped by her mother.

"Iris you will not go to school." she said in a stern tone.

"Mom, someone has to stand up to the humans-"

"But Iris, from what your cousins had said you almost died yesterday and I don't want that to become a reality." Iris sighed, she knew her mother meant well but she couldn't bare go into hiding now.

"Mom, I wont end up dead and I promise you that. But I have to do this." Nora shut her eyes o stop any tears from pilling over. Iris pulled her mother into a warm and reassuring hug. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." Once the hug was broken Iris left.

Once at school all of the students and even teachers backed away from Iris. They all probably heard about what happened yesterday and are all scared. Iris smiled inwardly. She went to her class as usual and sat with Eva.

"Oh my god, what are you doing at school?" Eva asked Iris in a whisper during the teacher's lesson.

"What do you mean Eva?" Iris asked.

"Don't tell me you forgot what happened yesterday!" Iris shook her head no. "then why are you here? It's too dangerous."

"I like danger though," Iris replied grinning.

At lunch Iris and her friends ate on the roof like usual. They all avoided talking about the events from the previous day at the request of Iris. Everything was quiet, almost too quiet. "So, how'd the science test go Eva?" Melody asked breaking the silence.

"I think I passed." Eva replied doubtfully. Iris smiled.

"Don't worry Eva, I know you passed." Eva still didn't look too pleased. "Come on, you know you passed and if you don't say you passed then I'll have to beat you!" Eva laughed at Iris' comment.

"Beat me? You? Weak little Isabel O'Neill? Ha! Like that would ever happen!"

"Hey she could beat you Eva or were you not paying attention to what happened yesterday?" Amy asked not removing her eyes from her homework. Eva turned to Iris laughing uncertainly.

"You wouldn't ever do that now would you Izz?" her laughter began to cease with the silence. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Oh my god you would!" Iris walked up to Eva and gave her a pat on the back.

"Eva, of course I would! Well, if you tried to pull the same stunt those idiots tried."

Later during their lunch period Iris felt that she was ready enough to walk around the school with her friends. She was using every bit of courage she had within herself to walk among the humans. "Freak!" she heard one of them yell. "Demon!" another yelled. Iris sighed heavily, maybe I should change schools . . .

"Iris!?" a familiar voice yelled at her. Iris turned around to see what looked to be Owen.

"Owen?" she asked unsure. He smiled and nodded. "How did you know that I was . . ."

"Well to be honest I always knew there was something strange about you ever since my family joined the colony and when you transferred to Laurier. For awhile I couldn't put my finger on it." Iris found herself lost in his sapphire eyes.

"Strange? How?" Owen moved closer to her, eliminating the space between them.

"The way you acted and . . ." he trailed off and placed a hand on her shoulder. Familiar, this feeling I have when I touch her but what is it? Iris' heart was beating as fast as it could. She too felt something strange when he touched her.

"Cadell . . ." Iris murmured. Owen's eyes widened, how does she know that name? He wondered.

"Cadell, where did you hear hat name?" he asked calmly. Iris leaned forward into his arms.

"In my dreams." she replied. This feeling I get from her . . .what is it?

'It's from your memories Owen.' a man's voice spoke in his head.

'My memories? Memories of what?' Owen asked the voice. The voice took on the form of a man with black and blue hair and wore black breeches with a royal blue sleeveless tunic and knee high leather boots. 'Who are you?'

'I am you Owen, you in a past life.' Owen looked at the man confused. 'Do you remember your dreams you had as a child? Your dreams of an ancient place in an ancient time? Your dreams of a girl?' Owen nodded shocked. 'Those were memories of your life as me, Cadell.' Owen was brought back to the present. He looked down at Iris with content. Is she the girl from my dreams? My memories?

Late that night Owen laid on his bed wearing nothing except a pair of blue boxers. How is Iris involved in my past life as Cadell? He wondered just before he drifted off to sleep.

Owen walked through the gardens of an immense palace. The sounds of birds singing and the splashing of water from the fountains filled the air. Everything felt tranquil. He wondered through the gardens for some time until he saw an Angalikan fly overhead. He looked at her carefully and grinned.

He threw off his blue tunic and let his wings emerge from his back. He ran three steps, leapt and flew after the woman. She stopped and smiled. "What do you what Cadell?" she asked giving him a wicked smile.

"Oh but your Grace, you are fulfilling my every need and desire by just speaking to me." Owen answered her sarcastically. Nephari giggled at his words which amused her.

"Don't pull that bull shit with me Cadell." he grinned a wicked grin and began to advance on her. "So, you want to race?"

"No, I want to chase and hunt down you my fox." Nephari laughed again. She loved it when he played these game with her.

"I propose a race my hunter to the old willow tree. If you win, I am all yours and if I win, you are mine." Owen flew so he would be at her side. "Ready when you are hunter." he got into a more comfortable position and took off. She began after him but caught up very quickly. She flew until she just in front of him. "Well, looks like you'll be mine." Nephari laughed. Owen grinned at her.

"That's what you think." he beat his wings harder and faster until he was in the lead. Nephari clenched her teeth and flew faster as well. She wasn't going to let him win so easily either.

When the old willow tree came into full view both flew faster and faster. Both landed at the same time. "Well I win."

Raising and eye brow, Owen asked, "Why do you win? It was clearly a tie." Nephari looked at him with a wicked smile.

"Because I am the Empress and what I say goes." Owen laughed and walked towards her.

"Oh really? Well I don't think so." he wrapped his arms around her and forced her to the ground in a playful manner. Both laughed and smiled at each other. Nephari retracted her golden wings and Owen did the same with his pearl white wings. They rolled around and cuddled in the long meadow grass.

"I don't want Angalika to go into a war with the Atlantians . . ."Nephari murmured as she rested her head on Owen's bare chest.

"Well maybe we'll be lucky and they won't attack sweetheart." he ran his fingers through her hair gently, relaxing her hidden tension.

"Perhaps you're right love."

A/N: So what did ya think?? I was in a fluffy sort of mood. Please review cuz I love to hear your opinions, thoughts and comments.