Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Fire: Project Chimera ❯ Parody! Thriller! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dragon Fire and all related stories and characters are copyright 1998-2002 to Josh Miller (that's me!) Please do not steal anything related to Dragon Fire. That includes plot lines, characters, spell names, and incantations. All song lyrics are also copyright to me so DO NOT steal them. Thank you and enjoy the story.

Parody! Thriller!

Hiryu was in a movie theater. Mishi and Renita were on either side of him. He and Mishi had been asked to star in a movie titled "The Child Wolf." The name wasn't very good, but the plot was interesting. It was about a child, who Hiryu played, who had been been bitten by a werewolf and turned into one. Though he was small, he was very deadly. Mishi played his best friend who tried to save him. The movie started:

"Mel, are you sure that you're okay?" Sam, another girl who was playing in the movie, asked. Mel and her had been playing at the playground, their parents had yet to show up and the full moon was revealed. The night was cold and because it was winter the sky was already black. No stars shone through the thick curtain of clouds, but the moon shined through. There was a soft rustle of leaves that came with a chilly breeze. Mel had stumbled over, clutching his stomach. Sam moved towards him and was about to touch his shoulder when he looked up. His eyes were yellow with black slits as pupils and his teeth had grown several centimeters. "GET AWAY!" he yelled in a voice that did not belong to him. Sam screamed and didn't stop. Mel stood up and cried in pain. His hands grew larger and long nails pushed their way through his skin, bursts of blood splashing to the ground. Thick hair began growing all over Mel's body and soon he was a werewolf. He was no taller than before but now he had razor-sharp claws and deadly teeth. Sam stopped screaming and regained control of herself for a moment, allowing her to run into the woods.

She ran and ran, not knowing where she was headed. Mel chased after her, he knew the woods and soon jumped out on top of her. He sat there on her, licking his claws before letting out a bone-chilling howl and...

* * *

"OH MY GOD!" Renita cried, "I CAN'T BELIVE THAT I LET YOU TWO PLAY IN THIS MOVIE! WE ARE LEAVING RIGHT NOW!" She got up and Mishi gladly followed, though, she had to drag Hiryu away. Outside the three stood in the cold. "Aw, Mom, why'd we have to leave?" Hiryu asked. "You shouldn't be watching things like that," Renita said. The three started walking back towards the subway. The neighborhood that the theater in was not a good one. The buildings were old and there were gangs everywhere.

"This is scary," Mishi said. "Then lets sing!" Hiryu said. He started humming a tune. "Thriller?!" Mishi cried, "But don't you remember what happens in that video?" "Yeah, so?" Hiryu asked. "It's just like what we're doing now!" Mishi cried. Hiryu ignored her and started singing the song. After awhile the three got into the song and passed a cemetary without even noticing.

A hand rose out of one of the graves in the cemetary, it was green and decayed, smelling of rats and excrection. Another hand rose, and soon the body of a zombie rose out of the ground. Several more began coming out, some coming out of coffins above ground and others from small houses built for them. They all were disgusting creatures. After getting used to being animated again they started moving towards the three in a painful sort of limp.

"This would be the part in the video where the zombies surround us..." Mishi noted. "Yeah," Hiryu said. They continued walking until they saw some dark figures ahead of them. The three gulped and slowed their pace, even Renita. They edged towards the creatures and saw that they WERE zombie's. They turned around to find several more. All around, they saw, there were zombie's closing in on them. Mishi and Renita looked at Hiryu, expecting him to turn into a zombie. But he didn't. Hiryu looked up at his mom and gasped. Mishi looked up and gasped too. She had turned into a zombie. "Okay now this is just weird," Hiryu said. The two stepped back and watched as the zombie's started dancing.

After a few minutes of dancing, Renita started singing the song again. Her voice sounded great and then she turned into a zombie again. "Time to run to the house?" Mishi asked. "Actually, I have a better idea," Hiryu said. "What?" Mishi asked. Hiryu smiled and motioned towards the zomibies, "Shall we?" "OH!" Mishi cried. She nodded her head and the two put their hands out in front of them. "Evil of times that spillith souls, I harbor you now, hook and chain! DEMON BEGONE!" they said in unison. All of the zombies suddenly erupted in flames, except for Renita. She had not been affected by the spell. Hiryu and Mishi's eyes widened and they started running into the first house they came to. It was old and creaky, exactly what they had expected. They ran upstairs and into a room, pushing a couch in front of the door. The two waited in the middle of the room to see if Renita would come through the door. She didn't, but they heard a soft rasping noise behind them. They turned around slowly and came face to face with a doll their size. It's eyes blinked and it opened it's mouth. Sand shot out of it and Renita appeared from within the sand. She was a zombie still and she reached out for the two children. She touched them and brought them close, ready to strangle them both...

* * *

"So how was the movie?" Hiryu asked, "I bet you didn't expect that to happen, did you?" He, Mishi, Renita, and Andire had gone to see the REAL movie that the two had played in. The beginning part was only to raise the suspense, a movie within a movie. "No," Andire said, "It was really good." "Well," Hiryu said, "I want to get home, tomorrow is my match with Kris." "You don't think that you can actually fight if you're sick?!" Mishi cried. "I have to, it's the only way I can get Chiryu back..."