Fan Fiction ❯ Endless Winter ❯ Psychic and Framed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Endless Winter

Disclaimer: I do not own the song "Forgotten" Linkin Park does. I do like this song though, one of my favorites. ^^


Chapter 4: Psychic and Framed


The giant Mobil suit was black and green and was a thing of pure destructive beauty to Mirror. Green metallic eyes stared straight ahead never blinking never moving, but if you looked deep enough you could always see a glimmer of life, or so mirror did. She had always loved Mobil Suits since she was a little child, she always thought in a way that they themselves were alive but always in a deep slumber and no one ever told her different, no one ever got the chance.

She climbed onto the foot of the Mobil suit and lightly ran her hand over the metal and let out a sigh as she rested her head on it as if listening for something.

"You know…" She breathed out as she closed her eyes in a relaxing position. "Sometimes if I close my eyes and get really quiet and listen, I can almost hear the voices of the Mobil suit talking."

"What does it say?"

"It says you told them about me joining the team, that they're angry as hell…" She stops as she opened her eyes and turned to look at Zero. "That maybe I shouldn't always act like a little child and act serious for once."

"Is that all?"

"No, they say that a war is coming, a war unlike any other that will leave scars on the earth and colonies like never before." She lifted her head off the Mobil suit as she jumped down and started off towards the door.

"Did the Mobil Suit tell you that?"

"No." Mirror said as she stopped at the door and gently rested her hand on the frame. "The stars did themselves last night, and he knows it to, he's heard it himself… and so have you."




The music blared loudly from the black headphones that rested on 25-year-old Alexander Koji head. His long baggy blue jeans dragged the floor and for a moment he thought about cuffing the legs a little but shook his head making his chin length raven black hair go everywhere. His spiky black bangs hung over his face hiding red black eyes. Alex stood around 5'8 and had been with the agency ever since he had graduated from college. He was currently on his way to Lady Winters office as he made his way down the lengthy hallway wondering if it would ever end.

"In the memory you'll find me,

Eyes burnin' up,

The darkness holdin' me tightly,

Until the sun rises up."

A hard knock sounded threw the hallways as Alex pounded on the door with his balled up fist. He slid the headphones down from around his head as he brushed his bangs away from his eyes and turned the portable CD player strapped to his belt loops off.

He made move to knock again with a woman no older then 30 (though she almost looked 26) with golden silver eyes and silver waist length hair poked her head out from the door. She smiled softly at Alex as she opened the door wider to let him in. Alex noted that she was wearing a knee length white dress with golden threads out lining it, and that the sleeves stopped at her elbows.

"Is today Gold and Silver day?" He asked curiously as he sat down in a gray swivel chair. He swiveled it around a little and noted the smile of amusement on the woman's face.

"No, Just the first thing I pulled from out of my closet this morning." She said her voice almost a whisper, Alex nodded as he finally stopped twirling the chair and shifted a little suddenly feeling hyper.

"So you wanted to speak with me about something? The man told Sierra that it was quite important." Alex said as he remember the relayed message from his fiancé Sierra, they had been together ever since they were little kids and he always hated it when he had to be apart from her.

"That it was Lex, You have heard about the deaths the other night have you not?" Lady Winter asked curiously as she leaned back slightly in her seat, crossing her legs a little and waiting for the answer.

"Hai, That I have, but I don't know what that would have to do with me…" He seemed to stop there wondering what Lady Winters was getting to.

"Well, a reliable source back on the earth said they were given a message by you yourself for them to meet you there, saying you had something for them to tell me." Alex blinked as his jaw almost dropped open in shock from the news, the deaths had been at least 2 days ago and he hadn't left the colonies at all, not that he could remember anyways.

"I… I don't know how they would get such a message from me, I've been on the colonies for the past week, as a matter of fact I barely left mine and sierra apartment expect to go grocery shopping since she came down with that flu bug."

"That's what I thought." Lady Winter sighed out as she shook her head a little. "Which means someone on back on Earth is impersonating you… but the question is "Who". You wouldn't happen to know anyone back on Earth would you? Maybe when you were in college?"

"Not that I can remember, and I went to college up here in the coloni… he wouldn't." He breathed out as he suddenly remember someone from his past, someone he wanted to forget.


Outside the Hanger at Forces Base


"How come you can fix cars but you're a complete moron when it comes to Mobil Suits?" Aria asked as she swung her feet back and forth from her seat on the hood of the car. A loud grunt comes from underneath the dark blue Chevy Silverado (Note: I know didly squat when it comes to cars and such but I was told this and a Dodge Ram where a good truck so… Ya…). Zhane pushed himself out from underneath the truck, his face and hair stained black with grease as he reached for a rag and wiped his hands and glared up at the giggling teenager.

"For one trucks and Mobil suits are two way different things, for anther everyone else is busy so I have to fix this bugger before next week."

"Why next week?"

"Because Yukio taking the people we've been harvesting here to the Airports and shipping them off to the colonies, why we do the thing."

"The "Thing"?" Aria asked blinking in confusion as Zhane shrugged and grabbed a wrench. He threw the rag at Aria making her squeal as it hit her in the face and topple backwards onto the window. Zhane laughed as he slides back under the truck.

"Real mature Zhane, so what's this "Thing"?"

"Don't know, Zero hasn't exactly said. Just said we had to do this "Thing"." Zhane explained his voice muffled from underneath the truck.


Government Military Base


Sweat dripped his face and he could taste the saltiness of it in his mouth as he jumped into the air and did a back flip landing on a balance beam perfectly. He wiped a hand across his forehead as he let out a deep breath and removed the sticky black shirt from around him all that remained on him being a baggy black pair of training pants. He jumped off the side of the balance beam landing on the ground with a soft thudding sound as he got into a defensive stance and threw a kick into the air and turned around with a punch. His eyes remained staring head never breaking contact with the sword in front of him. He didn't even hear the sound of the door opening as someone walked into the gym.

A girl walked in at a fast pace her high heels clicking on the gym floor as she kept up her fast pace. The woman had pale blue eyes that were hidden behind a pair of blue tinted glasses (Not Sun Glasses but Glasses as in need for seeing stuff). She had dirty blonde hair that was done up in an almost messy bun and she wore a deep blue business suit. She Stopped her fast paced walk as she finally got to the person she needed to relay a message to.

"Excuse me Sir but are you Michael Xavier?" The woman asked in a sharp voice as Michael turned around startled. His fist were balled up tightly and held up ready to punch the woman but she never flinched.

"Yes I am, May I help you?" Michael asked curiously as he walked over to were a towel was hanging and grabbed it.

"My name is Aura Shield and I have a message for you." The woman said as she handed an envelope to Michael.

He opened it curiously wondering who could have sent it. He scanned the contents of it and shook his head. He thanked the woman kindly as he walked past her making his way to the leader of the bases room.


Outer space Cleanup Crew


The space ship moved threw outer space at a leisurely pace as it slowly sucked up old Mobil Suit parts from old battles. Music blared from outside the ship and it sounded like a party was going on from within it.

Eyes gleamed in the distance from the Ship as a Mobil Suit that looked to be a Triton flew threw the air and with a beam saber out. It slashed threw the space ship as laughter resounded threw out the now empty desolate space and explosion lit up the black void.


End Chapter 4


Not a very exciting chapter, introduce some new characters and I think that's all I'm introducing for now that I don't exactly plan to kill off at the moment on the Agency side, I need to start paying attention to the Gov. Side. I just want to get threw about a week and get the "Thing" done. What's the "Thing"? You just have to read to find out. ^^

Now for a Question, What exactly is a New Type? I mean, I keep thinking its what Erts and Erntest (::sniff:: It always makes me burst up into tears when I think about him, He shouldn't of died.) was in Candidate for the Goddess? If anyone could tell me I'd appreciate it much.

And Btw, I was originally planning to make Michael and Lex the same person but I changed my mind, and somehow made a Sub Plot ^^;; bad me.

--Schala Bakura AkA Silver Mouri