Fan Fiction ❯ Fanta-matrix ❯ Fanta-Matrix ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Ryuken : *Draws his sword, a takashi of masamune quality and falls into an offensive stance* Lets try this again. Forget who I am. I am your opponent.
Hitome : *Also draws her sword, a katana. She then falls into a defensive stance* As you wish, my friend.
Ryuken : *Charges forward, his sword a blazing swarm of lights* Sekhmet blade slash!
Hitome : Wing blade counter *slashes out with her sword and manages to block* Why do you force me to attack you, my darling? You know I get much better training from more skilled masters.
Ryuken : *Smirks and leaps backwards, landing a few feet away* Vacuum blade cut! *Swings his sword horizontally, sending a vacuum towards her* There are none better than me, my dear. You arenºt trying your hardest.
Hitome : *Senses it coming and jumps back. The vacuum blade hits but at a tenth of max power. it slices open the front of her gi* Neither are you. Divine feather impact! *tosses a group of small daggers at him. They home in on him and Follow his movements*
Ryuken : *Blocks the daggers with his sword and they fly harmlessly into the ceiling* Tisk tisk, my love. You know I can block anything you throw at me. Here is something new. Hot off the presses! Dragon fireheart awaken! *Jumps back and begins to charge his Chi and magic energy for the attack. An aura of flames surrounds him as he charges.*
Hitome: *Holds her sword at the ready to defend against his new attack* I am ready, my soulmate.
Ryuken : *Fully charged, he jumps into the air and comes down and slams his blade into the ground. As it strikes, the aura of flames transfers off of him and into the air, where it forms its self into a winged, serpentine dragon. He points his finger at her and the dragon charges forward* This dragonºs heart burns for you like my heart does for yours. My heart will burn for you long after I have turned to dust! *As he completes this speech it gets near enough to her to begin. It wraps around her and forms a c ocoon.
Hitome : *She blacks out. When she awakens, she is naked except for the huge white wings that have sprouted from her back. In the distance she sees a huge building. She flies over to it, not noticing her nakedness* Where am I? Maybe someone in that building can help me return to my home and to the arms of the man I love. *When she reaches the building, she sees that it bears the image of a dragon curled around a sword* <That's Ryukenºs symbol....But how?> *Still pondering this, she goes inside the first roo m is a long hallway, leading up to circular door with the dragon and sword symbol. She pressed her palm to the door to push it open. The doors slide open, revealing a throne room. There are two thrones, on decorated with dragons, the other with angels. There is a person sitting in the dragon throne. He is a male human with huge white draconic wings on his back. as she gets closer she realizes who it is.* Ryuken-sama!
Ryuken : Yes, my love. Welcome home *Smiles a love filled smile at her and starts to approach her, his arms held out as if to embrace her.*
Hitome : *runs to embrace him, tackling him and embracing him with all her strength. As soon as she touchs him, it all comes back to her* <The war, the birth of matrix, I remember all of it. But most of all I remember him. The man who had saved me from a world of terror and death and brought me into his kind loving embrace. *As she lay there, naked on top of his clothed chest, she realized just how lucky she was to have asked him to spar with her*
Ryuken : Iºm glad to have you back, my love. *He held her tightly, but not enought to hurt her* I have something for you.
Hitome : You donºt need to give me presents to win my love. I love you now and forever. I...
Ryuken : *Holds out a katana length package, wraped in silk decorated with a dragon and an angel in various possitons.*
Hitome : ...Wow. *Takes the package and unrolls and tosses away the silk. In side is her sword from inside the matrix* How did you get this? Itºs impossible to make objects in the matrix real.
Ryuken : Not quite. It is possible, but at the moment it takes a lot of magic to do it. By the way,. that silk was a komono.
Hitome : Eep *glides over it and picks it up* Sorry my love.
Ryuken : Its okay. Put it on. I donºt want any of the lower people around here seeing my beloved as only I am allowed to see her.
