Fan Fiction ❯ Farewell to You ❯ An Angel's Goodbye ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Farewell to You

A Justice League Fanfic by Namek Kaia

Disclaimer: I don't own Justice League, although I wish I did.

**Author's Note** This fic takes place at the end of Justice League: The Savage Time. If you ever get a chance, WATCH THE MOVIE/EPISODES!! For those of you who haven't seen it, the JL crew (all except Batman) comes home from a space mission to find a totally different world around them. From Batman's alternate persona, they find out that the Allies never won WWII, and that it is Vandal Savage, not Hitler who is the almighty leader. To try and save their world, they go back in time to try to help the Allies win, only to be thrown into a whole new ballgame. Wonder Woman meets up with an Ally soldier/spy named Steve Trevor. There is some love interest involved (they kiss TWICE, and it wasn't just pecks on the lips). After it's over, WW has to return to her own time, but can't leave without at least saying goodbye to the man she's come so attached to. So, to make the ending different from the movie, I thought it'd be better for them to say goodbye BEFORE she left. (In the movie, well… I won't give it away, but it's different than my version. ^Takes a deep breath^ Whoo… hope everyone's up to speed now. If not… here's more info.

Chapter 1

An Angel's Goodbye

It was over. Savage and his troops had been defeated. Hitler would now take control of the Axis army and everything would fall into the history, as she had known it. Her and the Justice League, as well as the rest of the Ally forces had been successful. So why did she feel so empty inside? She knew exactly why… a man named Steve Trevor. She had spent the majority of her time in this place with him, keeping the communicating device in the right hands in order to defeat Savage. He had bravely risked his life for the both of them when their hideout had been ambushed, resulting in their hasty first kiss. Their second occurring when she had flown off after discovering Savage was mobilizing an invasion of America to win the war. She could still feel his lips against hers. She could still taste him.

As a woman from an Amazon colony, it was a feeling, and incredible one to be truthful, that she thought she would never experience. But after their last kiss, all she wanted was more of him. His gorgeous blonde locks… his intense eyes… his strong build… and most of all, his spirit. She had spent the most recent part of her life with Superheroes, men and women who risked their lives constantly for the good of mankind. But he was so different. He had no superpowers to give him any kind of advantage against the opponent, and yet he had the same courage, the same audacity as all her friends. What she wouldn't give to just say goodbye to him… to see him one last time before she had to go back to her own time.

While she flew with her League of friends, Steve was the only thing on her mind, and she was becoming more distant and more heartbroken by the moment. Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't she have found something like this in her time? It had to be him, in this time. It just had to be this hard, didn't it? But why?! Never in her life had she felt so many emotions all at once. She was too strong to cry, and too proud to show her hurt or her anger. So was this it? Would she never see him again?

She had to. There wasn't any other way. If she didn't, she would feel like this forever… so incomplete. But how? Without the others knowing? They would have to leave soon. She wouldn't have time to get away. Her mind was conflicted. She couldn't give up everything she had ever known and stay here with him, and possibly end up losing him to the war anyhow. He couldn't come with her. That might defeat the whole process of going back in time in the first place in changing history by removing someone from it. But it hurt so much to be without him. What was she to do?

They all landed at the spot where they had first entered this world. J'Onn removed a device from his pocket and studied it for a while. "This is what Savage used to travel into the past. I believe we can use it to return to our time," he stated, his eyes fixed on the remote-like object.

Diana could feel the tears well up in her eyes, but refused to let them fall. She would be strong, for Steve, and for her friends. It had to be like this. A love so right that just wasn't meant to be. It isn't any use dwelling over something that isn't possible. So she took a deep breath and steadied herself, and prepared for what was about to happen.

J'Onn's eyes fell closed for a moment, and his hand soon clasped the device in his hand. "Tomorrow. Tonight we will rest. Just in case what we have done still has not changed our future. If so, our strength will be needed. We rest here tonight. At midday tomorrow, we return to our time. Does that suit everyone?" he questioned.

Her heart fell. Pain and happiness arose in her chest. She had been given time? She could say her goodbye to him? Wonderful, yet tragic. What would she say? Would he understand? She grimaced at her next thought. Would he hate her for leaving? She couldn't live with that. But nonetheless, she had to see him. If he ended up hating her, maybe he could find someone else. If she didn't go, he might spend the rest of his life looking for her. Her choice was made… she would go.

Later that night, while everyone slept Diana crept from their makeshift shelter and headed in the direction of the last place she had saw Steve. She was almost certain no one had seen her departure, but it didn't matter at this point. She was leaving to say goodbye to him, and that was that. It didn't matter anymore if anyone else knew. This had to be done.

Her heart raced as she flew as fast as her body would allow to her destination. Adrenaline and apprehension coursed through her veins, but she had no second thoughts. She silently landed before the door, low light from a flame flickering through a small window. Her hand rapt softly on the old wood of the door and she shivered at the cold of the night as she waited hopefully for his reply.

"Who is it?" came a wary, muffled voice from behind the door. It was him…

"Thank Hera," she whispered to herself before answering. "It's me."

A few seconds of hesitation followed before the door flew quickly open to reveal Steve's brightened face, lit up with a recent ecstatic smile. "Angel!" he exclaimed before pulling her into his arms, allowing her to feel the warmth from his bare chest. They both blushed as they realized he was only wearing underwear in the cold breeze. With a nervous laugh, he led her in to the small home, only sporting one large room, one with little furniture. A bed sat in the corner of the room close to the door. A fireplace on the opposite wall held a semi-burning fire, and a table with only one chair sat in the center of the room. She hesitantly followed him, praying that this was the right thing to do.

After grabbing his clothes and quickly putting them on, he again brought her into his arms, this time intending to never let her go. "I thought I'd never see you again," he said softly, pulling away from her slightly to look into her eyes. He smiled and pressed his lips against her, progressing their kiss into one of passion. When he released her lips, his eyes returned to hers, and found them full of tears, threatening to fall.

"What's wrong, Angel?" he asked in a concerned tone.

She quickly blinked her tears away and worked up enough courage to speak. "I… I came here to tell you goodbye, Steve. I have to return to my own time. I can't stay… My place isn't here," she explained sadly.

"No. Your place is with me! I… I can't lose you again, Angel. I let you walk away from me once… I can't let you slip away from me again."

She only looked at him in despair. Her words were lost to her. The tears returned to her eyes, and she couldn't keep a few stray drops from falling.

He brushed her tears away with his thumbs and held her face in both hand as his eyes saddened. "When?"

"Tomorrow… at midday," she replied simply.

"Then stay with me… for tonight," he tried desperately. "Please…"

"I… I can't. Where's…"

"He's gone… left hours ago," he replied, speaking of his companion of earlier today.

"But my friends…" she protested.

"They can wait. I need you here with me tonight. Be my Angel for just one more night," he requested brushing the ever-staying strand of hair from her face. "Please… I need you. Just tonight."

Her eyes searched his for an answer. What she saw was desperation and longing… all for her. How could she say no? She wanted to stay forever… could one night suffice?

"I love you," he blurted, his heart beginning to race. When he saw her eyes go wide in surprise, he swallowed the lump in his throat. "I love you, Angel," he said slowly, with more feeling, his thumb stroking softly at her cheek.

Completely taken aback, but managing speech, she was finally able to reply. "I… I… love you too… Steve." Her heart pounded so furiously in her chest that she guessed he could see the blood rushing through her veins. If he did, he gave no notice. His eyes kept locked to hers.

"Stay with me," came his pleading whisper.

With little more contemplation, his request was given an answer. A small smile pulled at the corner of her lips.

"Yes," she replied quickly.

"What?" he asked, astonished. His eyes lit up with joy, his mouth agape at his elation.

"Yes," she repeated. "I'll stay with you, for as long as I can."

She was pulled into his arms again, this time her own arms wrapping around his neck. Her head was tilted up by a strong hand to lead her lips to his in a searching kiss. Both came back breathless, equally amazed at the passion that wracked their bodies.

"If only I could stay with you forever…" she voiced.

"You will, Angel. Physically, you'll be here with me for just this night. But you'll remain in my heart forever…"



Their lips locked in an everlasting kiss, a kiss of a love forbidden by time. A love that will truly remain timeless in all senses.

The End… Kinda

**A/N** I have a second chapter planned for this, but it's a lemon (a.k.a. Adult Situations), and therefore will only be posted on So for those of you who are curious little cats, check my Penname on for all the Hentai goodness! ~_^ Review and tell me what you think! This is probably not my best work, but I'd like to know how I did. ^^