Fan Fiction ❯ Full Moon Love ❯ Chapter one: Abduction of love ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter one: Abduction of love

Hey y'all this is my first original story so please just tell me what you think. I don't think I've stolen any ideas but if I have something here that is very close to another idea please tell me. I don't want to be blamed for stealing ideas.

She sat there looking off into the distance not even realizing that it would soon be dark. The young girl was watching the sunset with dreamy eyes as she dreamed of a life full of adventure and heroes. She was pulled out of her dream by her mother's voice, "Naomi time to come in honey." "Alright mother I'll be right in." A sigh escaped the girl's lips as she was forced to resume her role in the world of politics. While it wasn't she that was interested, it was her duty to her father to play the part of the wealthy little daddy's girl. She would slip back into being her submissive and quiet self. She would go to Balls dressed in fancy clothing and dance with the other ambassadors and minister guests. She would receive praise and then after a dance or two with her fiancé she would retire to her room to dream of her hero. She knew she would never live like she wanted and was somewhat relieved since the only thing that she was ever taught was to do as she always did, pretend that she was a porcelain doll, that she loved her life and that she understood nothing of politics. These traits made the men feel proud and gave them a big burst of ego. Naomi quietly went up to her room to change for the party her father was hosting…..again. Her father had been hosting more and more parties lately. She knew it was because of the war with the rebels going on but really did it have to be that every other night was a party that she just could not miss.

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He had been traveling for two straight weeks to get to this house and to accomplish his mission at hand. He had been watching the house and family for two days now and he knew who he would choose to be his so-called victim. He shook his white fur as the wind picked up a bit. The girl he was watching right now didn't even shiver. Her mind so far away from reality at the time, she didn't even notice. The wolf wondered what would cause this well off girl to dream so heavily. "Naomi time to come in honey." He heard the annoying mother call. He really couldn't stand her voice. "Alright mother I'll be right in" the girl replied. He was shocked that the girl let out a sigh of annoyance and sadness at her mother's beckoning. He had thought that the girl enjoyed her life of luxury. Maybe there was more to this girl then what he had already seen. Oh well it didn't matter he had to get on with his job. He moved out of the garden without a sound. With a shake of his head and a little concentration he was no longer on four paws but standing on two feet in black jeans and blood red shirt. His white fur was no more than short white hair on his head that covered his eyes in a way that made him look very dangerous. He went around the mansion and came to where he knew the girl's bedroom was. He heard her enter her room and go into the room on his right. He climbed up the fence on the wall that was covered in ivy. Without a sound he landed over the balcony railing and stepped into his victim's room.

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The young girl had just gone into the bathroom to get cleaned up for the party. She was still in her clothes when she remembered her new shampoo that she had just bought that morning was still in her bag on her bed. She left the water running and went to get her shampoo. When she opened the door she was met with the sight of a dangerous looking man with violet eyes staring at her. As a first reaction she opened her mouth to scream but the man was quick and covered her mouth with his hand to silence her scream. "Shut up or you'll regret it." His harsh words instantly made her close her mouth. "Go out the window." the white haired man ordered. "But I'll fall down" Naomi replied hoping that he would think that she didn't know how to climb down the trellis. Her luck didn't extend that far as he just growled and pointed. Damn she thought vividly. She cursed at the man vehemently while climbing down the ivy. When her feet touched the bottom she tried to inch near the shadows, but he grabbed her before she could reach them. "Hey do you have to be so rough I bruise easily you bastard" she hissed angrily at her kidnapper. Her kidnapper's only response was to growl at her to shut up. Resigning herself to her unexpected fate she tried to eye the guy up to see how she would fare if it came down to a fight between them, most likely for her dignity, she mused. He was about 6'1ft and about 165lbs of pure muscle compared to her own 5'7.5ft and 145lbs of muscle. She was quite strong for someone so well off. She was not one of those bulky muscle chicks though, in fact no one ever even suspected her of even having unusual strength just by her appearance. It only came to questioned when she was angered or when she did something extremely difficult with ease. Naomi figured that she would have a decent chance against him if she needed to defend herself for any reason. By now they were deep in the forest that was right behind her home and in back of her window. The woods didn't scare her considering that she had many times before been out after dark in these woods. She was shocked though when three wolves seemed to appear out of nowhere from the shadows. Damn I guess my plan of escape are gone now, since they also can do the appear out of no where trick. Naomi tried to contemplate more ideas for her escape plan. She was still trying to think of one when they stopped at cave deep in the forest. This might be my chance if they think I'll stay here because I'm scared. I hope they do that I need to get home. "Field, Creek stay and watch Miss Princess here. We will hunt first then come back to switch with you once we're done." "'Kay Striker but don't take to long I hate baby sitting." Said a middle aged voice. Naomi looked at the spot where the two female wolves had been and in their place were two human looking females. It took Naomi a minute but she soon figured out what her kidnappers were. Great I've been kidnapped by rebels. And of course I have a guard. I can't believe that woman called me a baby and Striker…huh…he has no right to call me Miss Princess……. Naomi's mind continued on that angry train of thought for a while until the middle aged woman spoke to her, "So you're the one that Striker chose, huh. What's so special about you, I don't know. So what's your pathetic human name …Princess?" "Well for one it isn't princess" snarled Naomi "And why would you want to know my name, what use is it to you." "Feisty ain'tcha. Fine to tell ya the truth I'm just curious about it. Human names are amusing especially when they don't fit their bearer. So girl what's your pathetic excuse for a name." " My name is not pathetic. If you must know my name is Naomi and yours would be…?" " Hahahahaha. Now who's demanding information they don't need." laughed the older of the two women "Name's Creek and she's Field. Naomi huh. What a strange name for a human why were you named that?" asked the younger girl, speaking for the first time since the conversation began. "That's none of your damn business" Naomi huffed off with her bag to the front of the cave. She sat down on a stone and watched the sky as she fumed over the arrogant rebels' talk of her name. She sat there for over an hour just watching the sky when two male wolves arrived. One had white fur and deep amethyst purple eyes. She instantly recognized him as Striker. The other that she didn't know the name of had deep chocolate fur and bright blue eyes. In a glimpse they were no longer wolves they were humans. Naomi glared at the two men and went back to watching the sky in her now reawakened foul mood. As she watched the stars shine and one occasionally go out a song popped into her head. Why would that tune pop into my head now of all times. Sheesh this is annoying if nothing else. Naomi watched as two female wolves ran past her in the same direction that the two males came from. Great what now? "Heard that you an' Field got into a scrap princess. Said you was very arrogant and confident of ya'self for being kidnapped." "So what's it to you. I have an attitude….. You gonna kill me for it?" She asked sarcastically. To her great surprise he just chuckled and reminded her not to try to escape or else he couldn't guarantee her a long life. "I wouldn't give you the pleasure of taking my life jerk off" She retorted confidently. She was suddenly pulled up was looking into bright amethyst eyes before she even had a chance to breathe." Listen and listen well. Your life is not as important as you think it is. If I decide to kill then I will. So you better lose this attitude your kind seem to develop. You are quite worthless around us. Do you understand Princess." his voice sent chills down her back with how much venom was in it but her anger flared when he called her princess and it took her over. "Don't call me Princess jackass. And if I want an attitude then I will have one. And there's nothing you can do about it. So I suggest you let go of my arm now." At her response he tightened his grip on her arm to a point that would be extremely painful for humans but to his surprise she didn't even flinch. Underneath his hand he felt her muscle tighten as he squeezed harder. Still there was no pain in her eyes when she should have been writhing in it. What is up with this girl? She doesn't want to be rich and she doesn't feel pain like a normal human. What is her deal? Striker thought as he stared at her. Naomi's voice broke through his thoughts when she said " Let go now." When he didn't let go her other arm came up and slapped him across the cheek with enough strength to snap his head to the side and to make him stumble for a few steps. Quickly recovering his balance he saw that she had not tried to run but was just staring at him angrily. Glaring at her he put a hand on his cheek. Wincing slightly at the pain he removed his hand. "Where did you get all this strength from. Humans are never this strong," his voice was cold and calm with only a slight hint of curiosity. Anger once again controlling her comments caused her to respond with "I didn't even hit you that hard and you're acting like it's the end of the world. What are you really as weak as you're portraying yourself to be. 'Cause if you are then I over estimated your strength." When that comment was finished coming out of her mouth she went and sat back down on her rock. This time though she didn't even watch the sky. All she did was lean back and close her eyes, all the while still frowning. Not much later Field and Creek came back. None of them bothered her, so she fell asleep right where she was. Though she would find something very unusual next to her when she woke up at sun rise.