Fan Fiction ❯ Journey of Hope ❯ Journey part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Journey of Hope
Written by VegetandAru (lord of the underworld)
Everything is my own, Please be nice as far as criticism goes, however if you do have something about it that you don't like then don't flame, just tell me about it if you would.

This was written quite a few years ago now, but I just stumbled across it on my hard drive and I've began to patch it up, it's still not finished but I'm working on it.

Yours VegetandAru (


'To the world you may be one person,
But to one person you may be the world'


She arrived back at the house of Loi with the two griffins about an hour later to find that the light was on in the shrine. She opened the front door and switched on the hall lamp.

"Hello! Is anybody there! Trayant is it you, are you home?" The sound of Trayant's steady voice answered her question, she didn't like the way it sounded. What he said was said in the tone of someone who is scared and is trying desperately to cover it up.

"Lee! Where did you go?" She pulled aside the purple drapes to the shrine. Trayant was leaning on the pillar with the silver box open in front of him, just as she had under and hour and a half ago. "What happened to the stone? What did she say? What did she do?"

"I did everything right whilst I was raising her, I swear Trayant."

"Only whilst....."

"Well, when she was awake then she asked who I was and I told her that I was her guardian, then she told me that I wasn't and that you were, and, and, and........" She spluttered out her words quickly so that each one ran into the next, she felt hot and flustered and was sure it showed. She couldn't hide that sort of thing from her brother. From Trayant. Trayant who was always so calm and collect and in control of his surroundings. She hated seeing him now, looking as if he didn't know what to do.

"Nadia Falvia, the nightmare queen......I should have known that she wouldn't trust you." He turned around and without looking at Lee walked out of the room.

"Then why did you send me?" Lee followed him out of the room, irritated that he could claim that had known how Nadia would react and yet still he had found the need to send her instead of go himself. "Answer me Trayant! Why did you send me?" She could feel the hot fury mounting up in the depths of her stomach. Trayant turned suddenly taking her by surprise and almost knocking her off her feet.

"Because! Because I thought you could handle this, I thought that it would be easier for you, I know that you have never awakened her before, but I have! And I know from personal experience that Nadia is quicker and oh so much easier to awaken than Fire is. I didn't need you going to the lava lake and getting yourself hurt Lee, not now!"

He's hands were on her shoulders now, shaking her hard as if trying to physically knock the knowledge into her. However Lee could still feel him shaking even through her clothes and his leather gloves. He sighed and let go of her, flopping down to sit in the chair behind him, one hand gripping the arm of the chair hard enough to rip the fabric and the other placed shakily over closed mahogany eyes. Lee rubbed her arms where he had been holding her and watched him silently, waiting for him to continue.

"There was always a chance that it would be Sibba behind all this Lee, and if it is. Well... It could be bad news. I knew she might blow, get cross, unleash power that should not be released, if she's cracked the awakening stone then that's, it's not good for us. She may not know that it's broken, when a stone brakes then the Overlord will lose half her power on meeting her one true guardian. I thought that if she did burst out and it did get broken then at least she would still have enough power to help us."

"But didn't she burst out because I wasn't her true guardian, if you had gone then her awakening stone would be fine now... wouldn't it."

"No Lee, I know Nadia and she's not one to burst out like that for such a silly little reason. I think there's something else, something that she was cross about. Something she doesn't want us to know."

"Ohh." She could think of nothing else to say.

Lee twinned her hair around her finger absentmindedly then pulled it lose and put her hands in her pocket. "So what are you going to do about this whole situation Trayant, after all you are her guardian." Trayant grabbed his trench coat from the back of a chair and pulled it on determinedly.

"I'm going to find her, Fire's out there too, he's always friendly, if I can find him then he can help me too. I'm sure of that."


"Positive!" And with that Trayant walked out the front door, the shards of broken awakening stone clutched tightly in his hand. Lee knew for sure that her and Falla were on their own from then on, she didn't know when her brother was coming back but she knew that it wasn't going to be any time soon. She opened the door and called Tomato to her side.

"TRAYANT!" She called out one last time to her brother, he turned quickly "Take Tomato with you, she might be of some help," she undid Tomato's collar. "Go on girl." she whispered quietly in the griffins ear, "Go with Trayant." The griffin walked out the door and half ran half flew to her masters side. Lee ran to Falla's crib and picked up her sister carefully and woke her from her slumber as they approached the front door" say goodbye to Trayant, Falla."

"Ba bye Trayan'."

"Bye Trayant, bye Tomato, be careful you guys." She wondered about waking Baloo but decided against it, she knew that Baloo was fond of Tomato and Trayant but he was a young griffin and a tired one at that, so she left him to his sleep.

"We'll miss you." She felt hot tears spring up in her eyes so before her brother could see her cry then she waved a last goodbye and turned into the house closing the door behind her.

She laid Falla down to bed, then locked the door and put the kettle on. Whilst it boiled she went into her bedroom and cried for her brothers safety whilst changing into her pyjamas. She heard the kettle whistle and the soft snoring of Baloo, maybe the last griffin ever to reside in the house of Loi. She pulled on a dressing gown and padded softly in her slippers across the wooden kitchen floor and over to the kettle. She poured the hot water into a cup and spooned in some instant coffee from out of the crock jar that sat on the shelf by the stove. With her face sodden and wet and the prickle of tears still stinging in her eyes then she sat down at the table and sobbed a quiet prayer.

"Dear Lords, look after my brother, please keep him and Tomato safe. Guide them through all their hard ships and bring them to safety and please lords, if it's not to much to ask, bring them back here one day, back to Tolagent, back to the house of Loi, back where they belong. Amen." She finished her coffee and put the empty cup in the sink.

"I'll wash that in the morning." She mumbled under her breath. She walked over to Falla and kissed her forehead. The delicate baby skin felt unnaturally soft against her lips. So with the evenings events still fresh in her mind, she turned off the lights and clambered into her bed. Maybe a good nights sleep would help her get her act together. Who knew. Maybe this was all a dream, maybe she would wake up in the morning to the sound of Trayant playing with the griffins and maybe she would wake up to the sour realisation that she was all alone in the world. But for now better just to get some rest.