Fan Fiction ❯ Judgment ❯ Transfer Student ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 3 - Transfer Student

A/N: Sorry this one took a bit long! Very busy lately…^^;

Glimpse Ahead: A new student…a new side of Kevin…and a new side to Yuki…

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Kevin had been knocked out for almost a day now. After Lariat had saved him and Yuki, Rescue and Repair groups were sent into Delmont. Currently, the city was in the process of being rebuilt, and despite the amazing amount of damage done to it, there were very few casualties. Esmeralda and Colt being two of a very small number.

'Yuki…I hope she's okay…Yuki…'

Kevin had been dreaming of Yuki throughout his exhaustion-induced sleep. He had never thought he would be so protective of her, but apparently he was.

"I'm here for my interning, Doctor Siril."


"Very good, dear, just go over there and check on that patient. Yes, yes, that one."

'Who the fucking hell are you talking to?'

"Awe…what happened to him?"

'…Moron! I'm not DEAD!'

"Fainted during a mission."

'Suuuure, say it like that.'

"Poor thing…"

'…You're touching me. Stop. Dude. Stop rubbing my fore…ooh…'

Kevin slowly opened his hazel eyes, blinking twice while they focused.

"D-Doctor Siril! He's awake!" the person massaging Kevin's forehead exclaimed. Finally Kevin's vision wasn't distorted, and he could see who was invading his personal space. It was a boy, a shaggy-haired brunette with milky white skin like Yuki.

"Is that so? Oh, he did wake up! Wonderful," Doctor Siril gushed, clasping her aged wrinkly hands together, and moving (slowly) to the other side of the room to retrieve the phone. "I simply must alert Instructor Cream!"

The brunette nodded, and sat down beside the bed and the still slightly dazed Kevin. "I'm Shawn Everhart, what's your name?" the boy asked, leaning forward and resting his head on his hands as he looked at Kevin inquisitively.

"…Kevin. Device," Kevin said, a mixture of annoyance and halfhearted intrigue slipping into his voice.

"Yes, yes, he's perfectly fine…yes, no memory lo-wait, I haven't checked. Well he seems to remember his name, that's a goo-yes, I know I should've checked on him before calling…I understand. I'll call you back soon. Goodbye," Doctor Elena Siril said in the background, hanging up the phone. "Shawn-y dear, you'll have to move; I need to run a check up on him."

"Oh…can I do it? Please?" Shawn pleaded, looking up at the elderly woman with big blue eyes that sparkled with anticipation.

"Maybe tomorrow if we have another patient; this requires a professional," she replied, shaking one bony finger to get the point across that the conversation was over.


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Kevin was required to stay in the infirmary for one more day to make sure he was okay, and he could not have been more bored.

"Gah. Isn't there anything to do here??" Kevin asked, banging his hands on the mattress impatiently.

"Not really. You were probably better off in your little coma, deary," the doctor replied, a girlish giggle sneaking into her tone.

"Hrn…Fine…I'm going to sleep…" Kevin said flatly, turning over to face away from the elderly woman.

"Just as good. I need to run out, and buy some things from the market anyway. Shawn should be here shortly, so you don't need to worry about being alone. Oh no, I know you'd haaate that, deary. Heehee…" the woman chimed, opening the door that led into one of the hallways of Besalt Academy.

'Yeah. You go do that…evil old woman…'

It didn't take long for the bed-ridden Kevin to drift off into sleep. It also didn't take long for that sleep to be disturbed, either.

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"Let me lo-ove you tonight, and I'll make everything alright, I know in my heart I want to be with yo-ou."


"Oh let me lo-ove you tonight, let me make you feel alright…in a million years I won't be over you! Let me love you toni-ight."

'It's that guy from yesterday…Shannon or whoever…'

"Sh…awn?" Kevin asked, tossing in his interrupted sleep.

"Yes?" Shawn answered, looking over his shoulder as he got up on his tiptoes to reach an empty container of medicine on one of the shelves.

"When d-did you get here?" Kevin began, stopping to yawn and stretch, "and what are you doing?"

"Doctor Siril left me a to-do list, and I'm having trouble refilling this prescription cause the bottle is up there," Shawn pointed to the bottle in question, "and I'm down here."

"Pfft, dork. Move, I'll get it," Kevin said, getting out of the bed, and walked over to the shelf…wait…was he wearing one of those paper-gown things? Kevin would have to remember to make sure Shawn never repeated this moment to anyone.

Shawn stepped aside, allowing the taller boy to reach for the bottle. Sure enough, he retrieved it with little effort, and handed the empty bottle to the shorter teen.

"Thanks!" Shawn cheered, scurrying over to the front desk (the infirmary served as a pharmacy as well), and placing the proper amount of pills in the bottle, putting it to the side until the person the medicine was proscribed to arrived to pick it up.

"You know…I don't recognize you at all. Are you new?" Kevin asked, suddenly realizing he was talking a lot more than usual.

"Mhm. I'm an exchange student from Caroway City," Shawn answered, moving about the room, while completing more of the tasks on the to-do list.

"Oh? What do you specialize in?" Kevin asked, before slipping into thought, 'Why the hell am I asking so many questions? Bad Kevin! Bad!'

"I was classified as a Supporter, Rank A. You know, protective magics and the like. Well…Supporter/Healer actually…" Shawn rambled.

"Healer? How good are you?" Kevin asked, continuing his game of 20 questions.

"I-I dunno, good?" Shawn stuttered.

Kevin picked up scalpel on the doctor's desk, and cut into his arm slightly, until he drew blood, and cut down his arm some. "Can you fix this?" Kevin asked, looking down at his arm.

"H-hey! You shouldn't do that!! Oh…Grr…Shine bright, oh healing light!" Shawn chanted, waving his hands at the self-inflicted injury. Two trails of blue magic circled Kevin, swirling around him, and fading just above his head as a faint azure light shined from his body, covering him in an aura of light. Sure enough, the cut closed up. Shawn immediately wiped the blood off with his hand, looking up at the grinning Kevin.

"Why'd you do that?" Shawn demanded, glaring.

"Wanted to see how good you were…"

Shawn sighed, massaging his temple. "Doofus…"


"Go lay down before I fwack you…" Shawn laughed, pulling Kevin towards the infirmary bed, he pushed him down on it, and made him stay.

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The next day, Yuki had arrived; ready to help Kevin back to his dorm. She leaned against the wall, shuffling her foot as she waited for Kevin to get dressed.

"New student, hm? Is he cute? I could use a guy…Teehee…" Yuki giggled, peaking behind the curtain that Kevin hid behind to get dressed. Little did he know the redhead had been sneaking peaks the entire time, and had got more than an eyeful.

"Uh…I guess…" Kevin shrugged, tugging on his black jacket. Why did he feel a twinge of jealousy? Was he starting to like Yuki? 'Pfft, in her dreams…' Kevin told himself, pulling the curtain back.

"Ready to go, Kevie?" Yuki asked, using her foot to push her off of the wall, and putting one hand on her hip. Kevin noted she was wearing her favorite outfit today - a long sleeved blue shirt that was long enough to serve as a shirt/miniskirt amalgam and a pair of thigh-high white boots.

"Wait!" a familiar boyish voice broke in, as Shawn sprinted into the room from the front desk. "Doctor Siril wants you to take this…it's supposed to help with migraines and stress. Oh…who's this?" Shawn asked, blinking at the redheaded girl.

"This is Yuki. She's a friend," Kevin replied, taking the medicine, and putting it in his pocket.

"Is she a girl…friend?" Shawn asked teasingly.

"Who? Yuki…? No! I mean…uhm…" Kevin had never stumbled over his words before, why was he now? Was it because of Shawn? Or was it because of Yuki? He noted this in his head to muse over later while he tried to speak intelligently.

"Heehee…never mind. Hello Yuki, I'm Shawn," Shawn said, shaking the girl's hand.

"Pleased to meet you…" Yuki said, returning the handshake awkwardly before clasping her hands behind her back.

"I'll talk to you later Shawn…what was your FATE name again?" Kevin asked, heading out of the infirmary.

"Uhm…CelestialAngel2…" Shawn said, waving as the pair left the room.

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"Well… Do you still want him to be your 'guy'?" Kevin asked, walking slowly back to the dorm.

"No…I don't like him. At all," Yuki said dryly (something quite unusual for her).

"What? Why?" Kevin asked incredulously.

"I don't like him. I just…don't…" Yuki said, looking up at Kevin.

"And why not?" Kevin asked again.

"Oh…forget it…c'mon, let's get you back to our happy widdle home. S'been so lonesome without you!" Yuki giggled, pulling Kevin towards their shared dorm possessively.