Fan Fiction ❯ Pumpkin Patch ❯ Our GoodBye ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was apparent to everyone from the beginning, when the abandoned cat-girl was taken in by the Ii family, that Nanka had a much greater part than a maid in the Ii family.

"Lord Ii! Lord Ii, where do you want your clothes placed?" asked a small lithe girl. Atop her raven black hair sat two white cat ears. She wore a white silky dress with golden trim, and on her feet were two fluffy white slippers. Her dark blue piercing eyes were fixated in the direction of a stained brown door that was located in the west side of the room. Beside the door was a small table with a cream colored vase balanced on it. Parallel to the vase was a window with a white border.

"Yo, Nan, the `Lord' left earlier! How about comin' out and helping me practice my fencing?" asked a young man with brown hair and golden eyes from outside the open window.

"Fencing?" asked Nanka, the cat-girl, hesitantly.

"Yah! I got another sword! Why don't you put those clothes on the bed and come out! It's a nice day! But you would have to change your outfit. Don't want those getting dirty." Replied the boy ecstatically.

"Okay! But I don't know if I can fence, so I don't know if I would help you train." Nanka spurted.

"That's Okay. Just change into other clothes. I don't think a dress would be good to wear." Remarked the boy as he placed both elbows on the window sill and looked at Nanka. "You know Nan, you are due for some other clothes. I think a short black dress and a white apron would fit a maid like you beautifully. But, then again you have such a small chest that you would probably slide out of it!"

"AAH! KARUI THAT IS SO MEAN!!!! YOU PERVERT!!!" cried Nanka as she threw her slipper at the boy.

"ha, ha! You're such a dork! Change and come on out. Oh, and here is your slipper." Mentioned Karui as he threw the slipper back at Nanka gently and disappeared from the window.

`what a jerk! That was such a rude thing to say. But…am i…am I that ugly and f-flat?' thought Nanka as she placed the clothes on the bed. `NO! I am not! I wont let him put me down! I am Nanka! Now time to demolish him in Fencing…whatever that is…' and with that Nanka set off to her room to change.

When she emerged she was dressed in a white Chinese shirt and fluffy white bottoms. Being a maid in the Ii family didn't necessarily mean that her wardrobe was limited. Quite the contrary. She was treated more like a daughter than a maid. She got anything she wanted, although she usually didn't tell people what she wanted, and she always got beautiful clothes every month. However, all the other maids that worked in the nearby homes were jealous. They teased her and were mean. But, Nanka tried not to let it get to her, but sometimes she just wasn't able to ignore them.

"Nan! Look, Tira came!" commented Karui as Nanka came out of the house. She saw Karui standing next to one of his frequented visitors. She had short light brown hair and dull brown eyes. She was wearing a light blue dress with flowers along the ridges. On her ears she wore thick green emeralds that dangled in her vanity. She was the one that had pushed Nanka into the mud puddle the previous year and hadn't bothered to say sorry. Not that Nanka was expecting her to.

"oh..Hello, I am happy to meet you." Greeted Nanka as she held out her hand; her fake smile beaming. However, Tira just turned up her nose and responded with a snotty-"Hi.."

"Tira c'mon wanna watch me and Nan fence? Winner plays you!" suggested Karui.

"How about you come with me into town! The warriors of the Slate have come back from the war with the encroaching demons! Why don't you and I go greet them!?" suggested Tira.

"uh..i don't think Nan wants to go meet the Slate. They thought she was a demon last time…it was very dumb of them." Replied Karui as he grabbed the two silver swords at the base of his feet.

"She is a demon! You can obviously see her ears! I don't see why your family has taken her in! she is a bad maid and she can't even make you happy like I could! I don't see why you insist on staying her with a freak instead of with me doing fun things!" cried Tira as she stuck her bony finger out at Nanka. Nanka just looked at Karui from the corner of her eye, waiting for his reaction. She didn't mind being called a demon and freak as much as she would mind Karui admitting that she couldn't make him happy. She always thought of herself as his friend, however, deep inside she felt more for him than she would a friend.

"well, I am sorry Tira, but I don't think that way. So I guess we should stop being friends if you aren't nice to Nan." Remarked Karui nonchalantly as he glanced over his shoulder. "Nan, let's go Fence."

"K-karui…I didn't mean it!! I still want to be friends! I apologize!" cried Tira as Karui disappeared behind the corner of the house.

"I-I don't think he meant it. I think he still wants to be your friend. I am sorry." Apologized Nanka nicely as she ran after Karui. Feelings sorry for Tira as she left her in her own self-pity.

"I will get you some day Nanka. I swear it." Swore Tira as she ran down the worn dirt road to her home.

"Karui. Don't you think you were to harsh? You could've gone with her. I mean, I don't mind. You should do whatever you want to. And I you…you don'-" explained Nanka as she kept up with Karui in a slight trot.

"I did do what I wanted to, Pumpkin." Replied Karui casually.

"b-but…PUMPKIN!?" cried Nanka as she finally processed what he said. "What was that for?"

"Pumpkin. It's a term for someone close to you. And your name means pumpkin, right Nan?" asked Karui as he looked into the sky with a emotionless face.

"Well,..i guess." Replied Nanka. "But doesn't it sound odd to you?"

"I sorta like it.." remarked Karui as he turned to look at her and gave her a great big grin.

"Hee hee. Why don't we fen then!" commented Nanka as pointed to the swords in his arms.

"Fence ya dork." Corrected Karui with a chuckle. He handed Nanka one of the silver swords.

"How do you fence? I mean, what are the rules?" asked Nanka as she took a stance.

"Here, lemme show you the stances." Said Karui as he stood behind Nanka, placing his hands slightly above her hips.

"Eep!" squeaked Nanka as he applied pressure to her sides to get her to bend slightly.

"Okay, this is the beginning stance." Stated Karui, his mouth extremely close to her ear.

"WAH!" cried Nanka as his breathe reached her ear and sent a chill through her, which caused her to instantly jump away. "I am sorry! It's just my ears. They are sorta sensitive."

"Sure. No biggy. Just calm down and I will teach you the three other main stances." Replied Karui as he leaned against a big boulder behind him.

"Yah,..okay…" sighed Nanka as she held her ears. She felt very faint now. She felt sick to her stomach, and red all over. But she was going to beat Karui for calling her flat-chested. She had to think about that! "Okay! Bring it on! I will beat you my first time!"

"Okay. You can try, but I will win." Remarked Karui as he walked over to her and put his hands on her hips. He showed her all three stances, and every time he talked his breathe brushed against her sensitive ears. However, she was determined to learn all the stances and beat him. "Now. ON guard!"

"Hya!" spurted Nanka as she blocked a direct hit from Karui. She bounced up and jabbed at his stomach, barely missing him for lack of lengthy arms. "Darn!"

"I win." Remarked Karui with pride as he pressed the end of the sword against Nanka's back.


"That's probably why you lost. Revenge is one of the worst reasons to fight. Plus, what did you want revenge?" asked Karui.

"none of your business…plus, it is to nasty to repeat." Replied Nanka.

"Is it because I called you flat chested? Ha ha! You are really funny to tease!" laughed Karui.

] "It is NOT funny!" pouted Nanka. "hmph. I challenge you to a re-duel! The winner gets to make the other something! Uhm…like laundry for a month!"

"Deal. Shall we start it now then?" asked Karui.

"Okay! MWAHAHA!" agreed Nanka as she rose from her seat on the ground.

Five minutes and two stances later-

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I LOST AGAIN!!!!!" cried Nanka as she flopped to the ground, the sword slightly poking the base of her neck. She hung her head in shame and whined.

"Now, let us see what we shall have you do. We could get you to wear that dress I was talking about,…or maybe something else…hmm…let's think." Thought Karui out loud, tormenting Nanka.

"Meany! You can't make me do perverted things like that! I said like laundry!" cried Nanka. `hah hah! I already do most of the laundry! How bad could it be?' thought Nanka with a grin.

"I want you to kiss me." Replied Karui calmly. However, Nanka was in shock. KISS HIM?! WHAT?! She couldn't do that! "You said I could make you do whatever I wanted. And that is what I want."

"B-but…but" protested Nanka in shock. "Are you sure you don't want me to do your homework or something?"

"I'm sure." Replied Karui, his icy eyes looking into her soul.

"uh…" groaned Nanka as she stepped closer to Karui. `I-I did promise him I would…I have to…' thought Nanka as she stopped walking. She stood on the tips of her toes and placed her hands gently on Karui's chest. "A-are you sure?" asked Nanka hesitantly.

"What? Going back on your word now? And so close too!" teased Karui as he looked down at Nanka.

"I am not!…o-okay…here I go…" stuttered Nanka as she lifted up higher and slightly kissed Karui on the lips. However, he had another idea in mind and grabbed her back. In turn kissing her back. "WAH! That wasn't part of the d-deal! W-why would you do th-that?!" cried Nanka crazily as she broke free.

"Why? Because I wanted to. Anyway, I have to go away for two days. I wanted to say good-bye Nan. And this is my way. So I shall see you in two days. I have to go with the Slate. Don't worry, but when we see again I challenge you to a duel and if I win you know what'll happen." Commented Karui as he gave her a nice smile and started walking away.


"I will, Nan. Don't worry. I want to come home. To my pumpkin." And with that Karui disappeared and began his descent to the Slate camp where he would follow his fate and fight against the demons encroaching on the village.

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Author's Note: Wahhh! I can't believe I wrote and posted that…but one of my pals said it was cute so I posted it. >.< I will try to update soon. I also have to work on V.R. before I ruin it! O-O I might re-do the second chapter…but I never know… Until Next Chapter!!!