Fan Fiction ❯ raven's mirrored love ❯ raven's mirrored love ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I don’t own teen titans or anything that is menchened in here.

Place teen tower. Time way too early to tell. Scene there is a problem with this early morning scene. Beast Boy (member of the teen titans if you’re a new reader and have know clue as to what you are reading) is sitting outside quietly (a first for him) thinking of Raven. He had a near death experience in her mind (Episode Nevermore). He had always liked Raven but he had never really given it any thought until now. Something had sparked when he was fighting along side her and her sides. Of cores Cyborg was there, but that didn’t help spark any thing(for all those people that think Beast Boy is gay). He couldn’t help thinking of her when ever he got side tracked and started thinking of her he would do strange things. Like coming up here he hated it up here, he didn’t know why he was here.

“Why the crap am I up here again” he said aloud to him-self “I hate it up here there’s to many damn pigeons” he swiped at a couple lost his balance and tripped right into the air duct that let steam out of various places (if u cant see where this is going you need help) as he fell the little numb-skull forgot that he could change shapes and fly out and fell down though the duct that just happened to be a certain titans bathroom.

At this point Beast Boy didn’t know what was going on. He had hit his head on what he thought was a rock (he thinking he had fallen off the tower and was lying on the beach). Then when he realized he heard a voice it kind of brought him to his senses. The screaming of Raven brought him to his senses even faster when he realized where he was.

“BEAST BOY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM” bellowed Raven who even thought the steam from the shower had made a perfect cover grabbed the nearest towel and shielded her-self from view.

“R-Raven is that you” a very confused and disgruntled Beast Boy muttered who hadn’t fully realized where he was.

“Yeah its me, its my bathroom” she shot at him.

“Last thing I remember was being on the roof” he mumbled more to him self than to Raven .

“Well you’re here now, and im not exactly dressed for the occasion” she said getting a little aggravated that she was talking to him naked.

“Right, sorry. I’ll leave” he said getting up trying at the same time not to look toward Raven from fear of flying objects.

Out in the hall he thought to him-self ‘Oh great now how much of a chance do I have with her’

“Hey Beast Boy what up” Cyborg called after him. Some how he had managed to walk all the way to the living room without knowing it.

“Not much” he replied trying to think what to do about his problem.

“You don’t seem to be yourself today” replied Cyborg

“Oh its nothing really” he said trying to make it seem like there was nothing wrong.

“I know your lying. You have that look you get when you really screw something up really bad” Cyborg said with a look on his face that told Beast Boy that he couldn’t get out of it this time.

“Well ok but if you tell anyone....” he transformed into a t-rex and made a stomping motion with his foot then shrunk back to his normal shape “got it?”

“10-4 good buddy these lips are sealed” Cyborg replied.

While Cyborg listened to his friends problem a plan started to form in his computer like brain.

“... then she told me to leave and she gave me a look best I could see like she would like nothing else to make hamburger out of me.” Beast Boy finished his recap of what happened .

“Well it sounds like your up the creek without a paddle” cyborg said trying not to laugh at the image of beast boy falling down the air vent.

“Tell me about it”beast boy groaned “if I ever had a chance with her its gone now.”

“Well maybe there is a way” cyborg said scratching his chin

“What do you mean” beast boy said looking puzzled.

“No time to explain” he said turning and running down the hall to the east end of the tower to find robin and starfire.

“Whatever” beast boy said trying to figure out if he had a short circuit or something.

(Meanwhile in starfire’s room)

“But robin what is the meaning of the balloon? Is your how do you call it dick cold?” starfire said holding up a box of trojans.

“Star they are not balloons the are used so you don’t get pregnant” robin said he loved the way she was totally oblivious to some things. (Makes you sick don’t it)

There was a knock at the door and while robin found his pants cussing like a sailor because they were disturbed starfire let cyborg in.

“Hey you guys sorry to interrupt.” he said trying not to laugh at robin who had his pants on backward in the confusion. “But beast boy has a problem that we could help him with”

“What’s up with him” robin said noticing the condoms and trying to hide them. For some reason he did not want his relationship with star to be know.(to bad everyone already knew)

“He has a little crush on someone” Cyborg said starting to retell the story yet again.

“Oh poor beast boy, but how can we help?” starfire said floating an inch above her bed.

“We have to see if raven likes him as much as he likes her.” robin replied now with his pants on right “we need some kind of plan as to what we do”

“Well since star is the only female of the group in the mission we can safely assume that she will be re-con” cyborg had gone totally mental he had watched so many rambo movies it started to sink in.

“That makes a lot of sense” robin stated “but how would we get her to openly admit who she likes”

At this starfire started to whistle that little tune that meant she had some thing to hide.

“Star is there some thing you would like to tell us” robin said trying to sound sweet

“Oh it is nothing friends nothing at all.” she said turning so they could not see her face

“Starfire” robin said in a tone that meant now.

“Ok, ok” she turned to face them”when I and raven went to a little café she likes to hang out in she ordered this strange drink I do not know what it is called for I have never seen any form on substance like it before.”

“What did it look like.” said cyborg

“It was in a tall glass with a worm in the bottom. I asked her if she would like a new glass was surly ruined but she said it was all right and drank the whole glass and ate the poor worm. It was a horrible thing to do to the poor thing even if it corrupted her drink.” after this story robin and cyborg just looked at her.

“Star what does raven drinking tequila have to do with beast boy’s problem” said cyborg just staring at her.

“Oh is that what that drink is called? Well after six or seven she started talking about things that only she knew.” star said. After a moment of realization robin and cyborg saw where this was going.

“So if we could get some tequila in her, she’ll start talking like a parrot right” cyborg said

“Yes” replied star “but we need a plan as to find a way to get her to revile if she likes beast boy or not.”

“Ok give me a while and I’ll come up with something.” cyborg said turning to leave “Well you can go back to what you where doing.” he grinned at them and left. Robin turned to star and said

“Now let me show you how the “balloons” work” he grinned and dove on top of star.

Meanwhile in another part of the tower. (Sorry tp those who wanted star robin action) raven was thinking about what had happened a couple hours before.

‘What is beast boy’s deal I mean I know he has a thing for me when he acted all weird when he came out of the mirror’ she got out of her chair and sat on her bed.

‘Even if what I think it means when he went into my mirror its ridicules’ she laid back and closed her eyes ‘I know that only someone close to me or myself can gain accesses to that mirror’

“I have kinda thought he was cute” she said to herself ‘What!?! what am I thinking I cant like anyone’

“Sure you can” said a voice which belonged to the funny side of her “you have always liked his jokes”

“Yeah and what about the time he saved you from being harmed” said her timid side

“You mean when he tripped and knocked out the freak who was coming at me with the butter knife? Yeah he could have killed me with high cholesterol “ she said sarcastically

“Hey it the thought that counts”timid rebutted

“Well anyway even if I do like him how do I know he likes me I mean he’s done the very same for star”raven said to her-selves

“Give me a break you know very well robin and starfire are involved” her brave side butted in “You should go right now and talk to him”

“I can’t you know that if I talk to him and he feels the same way then what am I supposed to do. I can’t feel anything remember.”

“So you do like him” her brave side said with a grin.

“I didn’t say that.”raven retorted

“You might as well have” said her timid side.

“Ok I’ve had enough good bye all of you.” she said closing her mind of to them. (If she can do that)

While raven sat in her room cyborg was running around like a maniac trying to see if he could get his idea to work.

“Man o man o man.” he was saying to himself “Got to find it” he had been searching for a book that was going to pull his plan together “hah, found it “ he said triumpently he looked up a number and dialed a number and ten minuets later had an order on the way to the tower. Just then beast boy, robin, and starfire walked in. Beast boy who had taken refuge in his room came down to see what was up.

“Hey guy tonight we party” cyborg greeted them.

“What the occasion.” beast boy asked

“Well I just scored some killer party supplies if you get my drift.” he said this more to robin and starfire that to beast boy.

“Sweet what did you get?” beast boy asked forgetting about the incident earlier.

“Some stuff that makes liquor seem like water.” he said

“Sweet can’t wait till then” beast boy said more enthused than ever.

“Great we just need to get the food and other stuff that we need.” cyborg said

“Ok how bout starfire, myself, and beast boy can got get it for you.” robin said realizing that this must be the plan that cyborg had been talking about.

“Thanks I’ll get everything ready here.” cyborg said “Remember use my account I did the clerk a favor by removing a virus from his computer so I get a discount.”

“Sweet, so what is the occasion?” beast boy asked “I mean what’s the party for?”

“No reason.” everyone ells said at once witch made beast boy suspect something.

“Ok come on guy lets go.” beast boy said letting his suspicion side. Hey if there was going to be free food he didn’t care.

“See-ya in a little while.” cyborg said grinning now that the easy part was done he now had to convince raven to join the festivities.

Back in ravens room.

“Well might as well go down and see if I can find something to eat.” she was 3walking to the door when she heard a knock “Who is it?” she said in a tone that usually meant ‘why do you even bother’

“It’s cyborg. Just wondering if you would like to help with the party.” he said trying to sound nonchalant.

“What party.” raven said mildly interested. Maybe this would take her mind off beast boy’s little intrusion.

“Just a party on a Saturday night.” cyborg said “But if you don’t want to I’ll fix it myself.” hoping that she would take the bait.

“Sure I’ll help on one condition.” raven said

“Name it.” cyborg said hoping that what he thought was coming was wrong.

“So long as we don’t have to listen to your weird music and here something that sounds half decent.” raven said crossing her arms.

“Sure whatever you want.” shew cyborg thought that was close guess she might not want to come because of bb.

“Good now lets get started before I change my mind.” raven said but she grinned to herself so cyborg couldn’t see ‘maybe I can see if my theory about beast boy was correct’ she had come to the conclusion that she and beast boy did have something going on. She had always thought he was cute but couldn’t get close because of her powers but if she was right about this then she would not have to worry.

About an hour latter.

“Hey we’re back.” starfire said

“Good all we need is the muncies. yo bb help me over.” cyborg calling to beast boy the only other person who could acutely do something with food.”

“Ok.” beast boy said grabbing the bags star and robin where carrying “where do you want it.”

“Over there on the table.” cyborg said “Just set it up on the table.”

“Sure thing.” beast boy said putting down the bags and fixing the food.

Meanwhile raven is in the next room ‘Ok now if all goes according to plan I’ll will know if he likes me the same way.’ (Why she dose not know)

“Anyway if he does like me and my mirror let him in the way its supposed to when they are really close to me then we have no problem.” raven said to herself

Just then everyone enters cyborg carrying a crate

“Yeah its here everyone ready to partay.” cyborg saying in a chessey voice

beast boy had caught sight of raven and just about ran for his life when he remembered the events earlier.

‘Oh crap why did I think she wasn’t going to be here. Not that I didn’t want to see her.’ he thought while taking as long as he thought was good to stare at her ‘I mean she is so beautiful.’ just before she looked up he averted his stare.

‘There he is.’ raven thought to herself ‘It wouldn’t be that bad if he were the one for me.’ she was staring at him while he went to the computer that had all the music and turned up the volume to full blast to get the party started.

The others thought ‘alright this wont be that hard after all.’ after they noticed how much they where staring at each other ‘now we just need to loosen them up a bit.’

“Hey guys how about some drinks.” cyborg said tearing off the lid of the crate revealing about 20 bottles of tequila.

“No thanks.” said raven “last time I had tequila I blew up the tolite the next morning so I’ll pass.”

‘Oh crap.’ thought cyborg ‘if she doesn’t drink any we wont know if she likes bb.’

“None for me either.” beast boy said “I don’t drink anything that has to do with animals remember.” (The worm at the bottom what a wimp you would think he would like meat after being a t-rex)

‘Damn how will I get him to talk now I was hoping he would be so out of it he would talk freely’ raven was thinking ‘now I guess I’ll have to do this the old fashion way.’

“Ok suite yourself.” said cyborg trying to conceal his disappointment that his plan failed “more for us.” he tossed a couple bottles to robin and starfire.

“Be carful star that stuff is strong.” robin said and before he could stop her she turned up the bottle

“Mmmmmmm...... hich that was most refreshing.” star said after drinking half the bottle.

“Ok you’re the only person I’ve seen that has downed that much of this kind of tequila and

remain standing.” cyborg said in disbelief “How did you do that.”

“Well on my planet this is a type of stimulant sort of like your coffee.” star said.

“So alcohol has no effect on you.” robin said with a look of disappointment he was hoping to get her drunk tonight ‘oh well it’s not like you can’t get her to do what you want anyway what’s the difference if she is hyper.’ “So star lets dance.” robin taking her by the hand.

“Ok.” star said a gleam in her eyes “lets go.” she tore out onto the dance floor with robin trailing

“Star what are you doing.” robin said in shock.”

“Dancing with you of course.” she said but she was dancing like it was going out of style and she was moving so fast that robin was dizzy just watching her

“Star could you slow down a little.” robin said trying to keep up “Why are you moving so fast.”

“It’s the tequila as you call it.”she said not slowing down “it make anyone from my planet speed up past what is normal.”

“Oh does it.” robin said. He had a plan for that speed a little later on.

Meanwhile beast boy was at the food as usual raven at the other end trying to find something to drink and cyborg watching robin being slung around by starfire.

“Ok what to eat.” beast boy said to himself “their we go I can eat the whole bag of chesses chrunchies with one bite.” he ripped open the bag tossed it in the air turned into a pig and swallowed the whole thing bag and all. But when he came down from the jump to eat the bag he landed on the table sending the punch flying and land on ravens head.

Beast boy turned back and ran over to raven.

“Raven im so sorry.” he stammered looking very much like he would like to die.

“Beast boy.” raven said in a calm voice “you have three second to run before I kill you.” she was ringing punch out of her hair and didn’t notice that the others were staring at them like there was going to be an explosion.

“I’m sorry.” he said as he walked out the door.

‘Why? Why does it always happen right when I get back on track its not fair.’ he thought as he hit the button on the elevator for the roof.

‘Well now is my chance.’ raven thought ‘I bet anything he’s going to the roof he acts like he hates it up there but he always goes there to think.” she was thinking as she climbed the stairs. She did not want the others to see she was following beast boy.

‘Man now I’ll never get a chance with her.’ beast bot thought ‘she’ll never forgive me now.’

“Beast boy you up here.?” raven called

Beast boy almost fell of the tower at te sound of her voice.”raven? Is that you?”

“Yeah can I talk to you a minute?” raven asked

“Sure I guess what about.” beast boy said fearing the worst.

“I know how you feel about me.” she said looking in his eyes “I knew by the way you acted after you and cyborg fell thought the mirror.”

“You do!” beast boy said thinking ‘oh no now she’s never going to like me if she know that I like her I just know it.”

“Yes I know. And I just want to say I’m sorry for all the mean things I’ve said to you when you try to help me and it’s not worked very well.” she said still looking him in the eyes.

“Then that means.”

“Yep. I like you to bb.”raven said her eyes tearing up.

“Raven what the matter.” beast boy said gong over to her and putting his arm around her and turning her head so he could see her eyes again. “Why are you crying.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to say that. I’ve never been able to say it because the is only one person that I destined to be with me. And that person is you.” she said with a look that shocked beast bot even more that the fact that she liked him.

“Why me?” he said after a moment

“My mirror only someone close to me can access that mirror.”she said smiling at him “and I bet you thought it was an accident.”

“Yeah I did but I’m glad it wasn’t.” he said taking her hand “now lets go back down and have some fun.”

As they walked to the elevator raven said “I love you bb.”

“I love you too raven.”