Fan Fiction ❯ Real Super Robo! ❯ A time of promises ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I do not own anything in here which is already copyrighted. However, the characters and the original mechs in this fic are my creation and any resemblence to live people are purely coincidental.


".... " Someone's speaking
(.....) Someone thinkning

Real Super Robo

I am Evan Mitsuhide. I love to play video games with my best friend Jin. And nothing will ever change that.

The sun is shining brightly across a small town in Japan. In this particular town a great fight is going on, between two great warriors. One was a karate expert whilst the other was a professional boxer. The fight between the two warriors was a fierce one. Both, looking for an opening whilst at the same time avoiding the punches and kicks of their adversary. Finally after what seems to be an eternity, the boxer saw and opening and with one fierce right hook, he floors the karate expert with such force that the expert skids across a few yards before finally stopping leaving a trail of dust. All was silent. Then suddenly the boxer raises his hands in triumph and the words "Player 1 wins" flashes above him.

The scene now cuts from the television towards a brown haired nine year old and a green haired ten year old who are both holding joypads.

"Aw man! You won again Evan!" The green haired boy sighed.

"Hey what can I say Jin?" Evan, the brown haired boy replied. "I'm simply unbeatable in this game!"


The sound of thunder roared outside and a flash of lightning followed as the heavy rain continues pouring down making both boys wish the weather was as nice it was in the video game that they were just playing.

"Oh boy!" Sighed Jin again. "Will this thunderstorm never stop?"

"The way I see it this is a good thing." Evan spoke up.

Jin turned to Evan with a confused look. "Good thing? What do you mean?"

"Well..." Evan began. "You know how our parents are always telling us that we spend way too much time on games and that we should go outside more often? Now we have legit reason not to go outside!"

"Hey yeah!" was Jin's reply.

The two boys high fived each other. For 4 years the two have been the best of friends and would often go to each others houses and generally play games. They first met during the lunch hour of their school. Evan had just moved from the United Kingdom to Japan so his family can live together at his Japanese father's home. Evan was at first scared at the fact of a foreigner being in a different school but Jin approached him and asked him his name. From then on the two became fast friends.

"Dude, let's see what's on tv." Evan said to Jin.

Jin nodded and proceeded to switch to various channels with his tv remote but nothing seems to really interest the boys. Finally Jin left it on some news channel before giving up. The news reporter in the tv was standing near a military base holding a microphone in one hand and an umbrella in the other hand as the rain continues to pour. The reporter then began speaking.

"It's been 2 years since the idea of actual walking robots being used for weapons have been given the go ahead by governments in various countries including Japan. Many people thought that robots used for battle or "mechs" as they are commonly known to comic readers, tv watchers etc would only exists as fiction but now we've have confirmed reports that robots which the army have dubbed "Techno Weapons" is indeed now in the process of being created. We now go live with Japanese millitary leader, Honda Yoshimasu as he makes his speech about the new millitary weapons."

"whoa" Evan said. then he remembered something and turned to Jin. "Hey Jin, isn't your dad a technician in the millitary? Maybe he's working on one of these things!"

"Yeah you may be right. Dad rarely talks about his work though. Whenever I ask him about it he always say that it's top secret and that he couldn't tell me anything about it." Jin replied.

The two boys then looked back at the tv which now shows a man in uniform. He looks to be in his mid 30s. Has short black hair, narrow eyes, a little bit tanned skin, short nose and fairly long ears. He began his speech in front of the media.

"First of all I would like to say that the development of the new Techno Weapons are purely for the idea of defending one's country. We would never use these machines to start a war with one another. They are not for offensive purposes. Secondly I would also like to remind people that we are still in the development stage of the new weapons and that the first completion of these weapons most likely wouldn't be completed until another 8 to 10 years so these rumours that have been going around saying that the army can deploy these machines any time soon and start a new world war is completly false."

Then a reporter stood up and proceeded to ask a question.

"But why do the army feel that it is neccessary to produce these new weapons? And why all the secrecy about it up until now?"

Honda wasted no time in justifying the weapons. "The reason that we need these new weapons is so that in the unlikely event that another country wages war against Japan, we would have a powerful new weapon that is capable of protecting the people and quickly eliminating the threat. The public has to remember that the Techno Weapons is not just going to be produced exclusively by the Japanese millitary. It's just that we are the first ones to be developing them. The idea that other countries would then follow suit is all but inevitible. Even if we decided not to create them, because of the growing advancement of technology, other countries eventually will and in that case, unless we have our own Techno Weapons, our country will be millitarily weaker than the others. As for the secrecy, we did not want people to think we were building weapons of war and destruction. We wanted to make our intentions known first BEFORE we reveal what it is we are planning to build because like I said at the beginning, the sole purposes of these new machines is to defend our country against any hostilities and that is all they are for."

Honda was then flooded with more questions by reporters and journalists. Evan and Jin just sat on the couch watching the whole thing. Suddenly Evan turned to Jin.

"That's what you want to be isn't it?"

Jin turned and faced Evan. "Huh?" he asked

"A millitary officer." Evan replied. "You once told me that it's your dream to go into the army? Can I ask why? It looks like a pretty hard thing to do. You have to fight off enemy soldiers if there's a war. You have to fight off reporters when you're being interviewed. And then there's that whole TEN HUT! thing! I don't know about you but I personally can't take being yelled at every single day."

Jin looked at his friend, then looked at the floor. "I suppose..." He began " I suppose it's because I want to be with my dad. He's always doing work in the millitary and he rarely spends time with mom and me anymore. And I suppose, like that man on the tv, I want to grow up to be somebody is strong enough to protect people. I like protecting things."

(wow) Evan thought. Even though they've been best friends for years this was probably the first time Evan had seen Jin acting so serious. Jin suddenly had a sad look on his face.

"But..." Jin sighed. "I'm not exactly soldier material. I'm frightened of guns, I'm not strong and no offense Evan but so far my greatest accomplishment in life so far is beating you at a driving game. I'll probably never get in the millitary."

Evan had an annoyed look on his face.

"Hey!" Evan said loudly, making Jin jump a little, "never say never in front of me! Unless the two words after that are "give" and "up"! Jin we're still kids right now! We'll both grow up and be super strong grown ups capable of doing anything we want! And I swear Jin, you'll make an excellent officer one day! In fact I promise you that I'll help in anyway I can to get you in the millitary!"

Jin felt very small tears coming out of his eyes. But they were not tears of sadness, but of joy. He was proud to have a friend like Evan. He may be a bit naive but he was always there for him.

"uh...Jin? You alright?" Evan asked, noticing the tears in Jin's eyes.

Jin quickly wiped them away and smiled at Evan. "Yeah I'm fine!" He replied. "I'm just glad to have a friend like you!"

Evan smiled back and said, "Hey! No problem!"

Jin suddenly spoke up. "Evan since you made a promise to me, I'm going to make the same promise to you! Tell me your dream Evan and I swear I'll do whatever I can to help you achieve it!"

Evan smiled again. "Ok! Well, my dream is to be....."

"Yeah?" Jin asked

".........a Super Hero!"

There was a brief silence as Evan was smiling as he told Jin his dream, whilst Jin just sat there with wide eyes and an open mouth. Finally Jin spoke.

"You wanna wha....?" Was all Jin could say.

"I want to be a superhero! I want to be able to save people, destroy evil doers and have cool powers doing it too!"

Evan then struck what he considers to be a "cool" pose.

"Oh yeah!" He exclaimed "And a fancy armour wouldn't be too shabby either!"

(You're right Evan. We are still kids right now.) Jin thought with a sweatdrop on the back of his head as Evan continues posing.

"So what do you think Jin? You gonna help me?" Evan asked his friend.

"Uhh...yeah...sure. I promise to help you become a super hero one day Ev." (Even though I have no idea how) Jin thought as he replied to his friend.

Evan smiled again and he spoke with enthusiasm. "Actually you can help me now!"

Jin was confused yet again. "Huh?"

"Jin, you're dad's a top secret guy in the military right? So that means he has connections to things like military warehouses and labrotories! And in labrotories there are usually things like radioactive devices or secret chemicals and things like that. So ask your dad to bring one of those here, we'll then catch a spider, expose it with the chemicals and then have it bite me! Then Presto! You'll have a friend who can stick to walls and be incredibly strong! "

Another moment silence with a wide eyed Jin with a mouth open and a sweatdrop.

(No) Jin thought. (I'll have a friend who'll be incredibly dead!)

"So Jin! What do you think?!" Evan asked.

"There...." Jin began. "There are so....many things.........wrong....with what you just said. I seriously don't know where to begin. Evan, this is really REALLY not going to work."

Evan looked at Jin for a while, then had a sad expression on his face.

"You're right. No, you're Jin. What was I thinking? This was so stupid!" Evan thought as he laid back on the couch. Jin was getting worried now. He was afraid that he might have emotionally hurt Evan and may have destroyed his hopes and dreams. He was about to say something when Evan sat up again and spoke.

"Spiders' been done. What we a bat!"

(Oh boy...) Jin thought.

A few months later

Evan was on his way to Jin 's house. It was part of the routine for him. Every Saturday wake up, have breakfast, do paper rounds on his skateboard, then go over to Jin's. It was just a normal day for Evan. Or at least it was suppose to be. As Evan reaches Jin's house he immediatly noticed something different. Outside of Jin's house there were loads of vans outiside and people were actually moving boxes from the house into the vans. Evan may have been only 9 but he immediatly knew what this had meant.

(Oh!) Evan thought as he races into the house to find Jin, praying that this wasn;t happening and that Jin wasn't going to move away. Evan over the past few days had noticed that Jin was not being himself. He was less talkative and when he did talk he always sound sad and at one point he even apologised to Evan even though he had done nothing wrong. But now Evan understands but still he hoped that this was all just a bad dream. As he ran past the movers he ran straight for Jin's room and sure enough there he was sitting on his bed, the only thing that's left in his room. They looked at each other and Evan saw Jin's eyes were a bit red. He had obviously been crying. Jin smiled sadly at Evan who could do nothing but continue staring at him. Finally Evan spoke.

"Jin...tell me this isn't real. Tell me that you're not moving."

Jin lowered his head and faced the floor. "It's true Ev. I'm moving."

"Ok then. Tell me you're moving down the street. Tell me you're moving to the house next door! Anything! Just don't say that we're gonna be far apart!" Evan cried, clinging on to the very small amount of hope he still had.

Jin just sighed. Then he handed a piece of paper to Evan. It seems to be an address of his new location. Evan's eyes almost bulged out when he read it.

"What the..! This is like on the other side of the country!" He yelled.

"I know..." Jin said quietly.

" But....but why?! Why are you moving all of a sudden?! I thought....I..." Evan couldn't finish. He was just too confused right now.

Jin, not looking at Evan spoke quietly. "My dad. He uh.....he has to move to another base to continue his work. Apparantly the base near my new home is a lot bigger and has the equipment dad needs."

Evan could not believe what he was hearing. "That's it?! That''re moving because your dad was looking for a bigger place to work?!" He yelled.

"No...there's another reason actually." Jin replied in the same quiet tone. "My dad actually knows a cadet officer there and uh, he said that he has a cadet millitary school nearby as well. And my dad told me that this is an excellent opportunity to.....become a soldier. I wanted to tell you Ev but it's just been so hard for me. I...really didn't want to have you find out like this. We're gonna leave tomorrow morning."

There was another moment of silence. Then Jin continued.

"Evan. This is my big chance. Probably my only chance to make my dream come true. I said before that I wanted to be in the millitary more than anything else in the world. This is a huge opportunity for me. I...I just got to take it." Jin said sadly.

Evan could just stand there in disbelief. This was all so sudden to him. His best friend. His only friend, was going far away, probably forever and he can't seem to do anything about it. He felt tears coming to his eyes. His heart was beating heavily. It's all happening so fast and it was all still so confusing to him. He can't take it anymore. With a cry he ran out of the house, leaving Jin in his room, still looking down on the floor, fresh tears now flowing from his eyes.

"Evan....I'm so sorry...." was all he could say.

A few hours later Evan was already in his room, breathing heavily, thinking to himself that this was all a nightmare and that he would wake up anytime soon, but deep down Evan knows that this is for real. Jin is gonna leave him tomorrow. That is unless he does something about it. He began pacing around his room trying to think of how to make Jin stay. He ideas varied from the plausible; phoning Jin and persuade him to stay, to the downright insane; kidnapping Jin and lock him in his closet. But as he think of new ideas he suddenly remembered something. A promise. He remembers the promise that he made to Jin a few months ago that he would do whatever he can to help Jin get in the millitary. He started to regret making that promise but he also rememered all the times that Jin had been there for him. Jin was the only person in his school to approach him and talk to him. He was his best friend. What kind of friend would Evan be if he didn't pay him back somehow. After a few hours of more thinking, Evan lowered his head and tears began to emerge. He had made his decision. He is going to keep his promise to Jin and the cadets is the first step towards the millitary for Jin. It absolutly pained Evan but he knew what he had to do. He had to let Jin go.

The next day

It was already morning. Evan and his parents arrived to help Jin and his parent's move the last of their belongings. Jin was worried about Evan, he had not spoken to him at all after their last encounter and was beginning to think that he might now hate him. Gathering some courage, he walked over to Evan who was moving some boxes.

"Uh...Evan?" Jin asked, trembling a bit.

Evan stopped for a moment. Then turned around and faced Jin. To Jin's suprise he was smiling.

"Hey Jin. You better give it your all when you're at cadets you hear me? Some time in the future I wanna see you on tv giving a speech!"

Jin smiled. "That, I promise you."

Suddenly Evan's mother called them both up. She was holding a camera and wanted to take a picture of the two as this could possibly be the last time they'll be together. Despite the sadness both boys were feeling they both gave their biggest smiles. Jin gave two V signs with both hands whilst Evan had a thumbs up as the picture was taken.

It was almost time to go. Both boys didn't wish it would come but it was going to. Evan turned to Jin.

"Hey Jin? How about we make one last promise?"

Jin turned to Evan

"What promise is that?"

"That some day we'll see each other again." Evan replied smiling.

Jin smiled back. "Count on it!"

The two shook hands, then gave each other a hug.

Suddenly the Jin's dad honked his car. It was time. As Jin takes one last look at his old house, his got into the car. He looked at Evan one last time with a sad expression as he waved goodbye. Evan waved back as the car begins to move.

(I did it Jin) Evan thought (I said I was gonna help you acheive your dream and I kept my promise. Good luck pal. Wish you all the best)

Evan waited until the car was no longer in sight. Evan's parents suggests returning home and Evan agrees. As he walked back he had one more thought going through his head.

(I will see you again Jin.)

Little did he know, it'll be 10 years before the two will meet again and when they do, it'll be in the wildest way possible.

End Chapter 1

Next Chapter: Fast forward 10 years

Authors notes: So ends the 1st chapter of my project. It's gonna be a long one. Even I don't know if I can finish it but I honestly do intend to. One thing to note here is that this is absolutly NOT a yaoi fic (sorry yaoi fans). In fact I intend to give both characters gilfriends at some point during the story.
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