Fan Fiction ❯ Realms ❯ Chapter 1: Not sure what to call it ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Dancing Bears

Painted wings

Things I almost remember

Then a song, someone sings

Once upon a December

-Once upon a December- Disney Anastasia

A.n- From now on this will be in First person, though not always in the same person perspective.

Anything in Italics will be 3rd person and it usually either signifies a Dream of a person or a Memory.


"We never told you to go and get wasted you Alcoholic"

"I am not a Alcoholic, and at least I don't smoke"

"Smoke? Nick I don't even own a Pack of Cigarettes" I sighed as I got up from my seat not wanting to listen to my friends go threw there daily Saturday argument anymore. It was always the same thing every time we sat down to decide on where we want to go and hang out. Andrea would suggest some club and Nick would groan and complain about how he still had the Migraine from the last one we went to, and then war would brake out and they get into name-calling.

"Naoko!!!" And then of course they would shout for me once they notice I'd left and ask me to pick a place.

"Movie" I shouted as I started to rummage threw the fridge looking for something to eat. We really needed to clean it out soon, it was starting to look like it was growing mold.

"OOOOHHH YA!!! We can see that new movie… That one about the Girl…"

"No way, why would we want to see some chick flick?" Nick shouted in an outrage.

"Boy you're just picky today"

`Round Two' I thought silently as I cursed my suggestion, I should of known better they could take any innocent suggestion and turn it around into an argument.

"What are we seeing?" I asked as Nick stormed into the Kitchen. I didn't need to ask to know what it was.

"What do you think?" He asked as I laughed lightly, yep so predictable.


"He's just a Child Aiden we can't send him there"A woman shouted angrily as a man with long crimson hair glared at the girl. She looked to be about 20 at the most and had a fiery colored hair.

"We can Pyra and we will"The God of Fire, Aiden said as he muttered words under his breath and a Portal appeared in front of him. Inside the portal it showed a small Shrine in a surrounded by tree's.

"Then at least find his sister and send her with him"The woman, Pyra, pleaded as the man nodded No once again.

"…She dead Pyra"A look of horror came across the Woman's face as she sat down the chair staring at the ground. Her long red bangs fell into her face hiding her crimson colored eyes as the man sighed sadly.

"I'm Sorry"

"What will happen when he wakes up, he'll wonder were he's at, where his parents are, he'll wonder where his sister is"

"He won't."The man said simply as he looked towards the door. A little boy know older then 5 stood half away behind the door, Silver blue eyes gazing inside looking at the two yet not understanding what so ever what they were talking about.

"Childcome here,"The God said as he got down on his knees. The boy nodded and slowly walked over to him his eyes full of curiosity.

"What's going on?"He asked as Aiden smiled at him and ruffled his Brownish Blue hair but he said nothing to him just muttered something under his breath.

"Go into the portal"He said as the boy nodded as a Huge explosion went off. Aiden looked at the Woman who nodded and shoved the startled Childthrew the Portal as anther explosion rocked the area.

A loud crash rang threw the hallways and My room quickly as I sat up and blinked looking around my room to see if anything was in there when I saw it, in the corner a pair of Crimson red eyes stared at me with this Piercing gaze.


Ya Know I'm kinda wondering if it's to late to turn Naoko into a girl…
Naoko: ::Glares at her:: You better get that thought of your head or so help me…::Leaves the Threat hanging in the air::
Me: ::Laughs:: Nervously and pushes Naoko out of the room muttering sorry::

Anyways Before I was so threaten by my own creation, I don't know how in the world a guy mind works, and I don't really tend to find out so If Naoko not acting like a Guy would… um… ::thinks of something quickly:: It because he grew up around Woman, ya no man in his life ^^; ::leans against the door as Pounding and Yelling is herd::