Fan Fiction ❯ Red Crow ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

His footsteps echoed in the hall as he made his way towards the girl. He knew she had not been alone, he had seen her push someone into the room beside her. They had to still be near. He became tense and wary of every sound he heard around him. Ten years in the service and seven in combat had taught him to never underestimate the enemy. One thing that bothered him as he approached the room was his sense of fear.

As he crept forward toward the dark room, Atsumi stepped out. The soldier stopped dead in his tracks. Nothing in his seventeen years of service had prepared him for what he saw now. Atsumi slowly walked toward him. "S..s..stop or I'll shoot," he stuttered. Atsumi leaped forward and sank her claws into his abdomen. The man howled in pain and fell to his knees. He looked back up at Atsumi, his whole body shaking. She glared down at him with blood red eyes and kneeled before him. Bringing a clawed hand up to his face she caressed his cheek lightly. He recoiled in fear and an inhuman growl came from her throat. He looked at her with wide, fearful, eyes as she slashed at his neck. Standing again, she continued her journey to an exit.

She made her way down the last hall, bodies covered the floor, blood pooled on the cold tiles. She saw none of this. Muscles twitching, eyes burning, she arrived at the front gate. The doors were blow open with wires hanging everywhere. Sparks flew into the air as pleas for help fell on deaf ears. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered the sound of the bullets as they zipped past her head. She stopped and turned to face her attacker. He was young and scared, his whole body shook. She tilted her head and took in the sight of the boy before her. His eyes widened when he saw her face. His gray-blue met with her blood-red and he sank to the floor. She moved forward to leave, but changed her direction mid stride.

He panicked as she made her way towards him. Surely his bullet proof vest could not stop her. There was something different about her; the aura that surrounded her turned everything around it to ice. He scooted backwards along the floor, tripping over bodies until his back met with a wall. He pressed himself against it, wishing he could sink into it and disappear forever.

Atsumi reached the boy and reached out to him. He flinched and closed his eyes, turning his head to the side. She ran her claws over his headgear, slicing it open and removing it. She leaned forward, studying his features. She blinked a few times and watched as another tear made its way down the side of his face. Taking her hand she grabbed hold of his head, turning it to face her. He opened his eyes as she did this, and his fear turned to shock as he witnessed her own tears streaking down her face. This monster, she was crying. The moment hung in the air, suspended, as the world around them fell apart.

Explosions ripped through the compound, the building shook and began to collapse around them. Atsumi jumped forward, shielding the boy's body from the debris. She cried out when an object pierced the skin on her lower back. She pushed them both forward towards the doors, her wings broke through her skin once again as they reached the exit. They ran together from the building, explosions following them toward the shore.