Fan Fiction ❯ Red Crow ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
That night she had looked so monstrous, so frightening. Now, in the pale light, she looked so fragile. Her clothes were torn and covered in blood, once again reminding him of the night previous. He shuddered at the thought. He gazed at her small form closely, her pale, smooth skin; perfect but for a small tattoo on her upper arm. Leaning forward he was awed by the detail. The small crow-like tattoo was frighteningly realistic, as if it would at any moment fly from her arm. Reaching forward slowly he ran his hand lightly over her long dark hair. From the looks it would have felt coarse, not unlike sheep’s fur, but in reality it was soft, light, and smoother than silk. He jumped when she began to stir. She groaned while she rolled onto her front, placing her hands into the warm sand she pushed herself up. Her companion meanwhile had backed away and was watching her with close scrutiny, as prey would its predator. She ignored him completely now and began walking down the beach toward the shallow waters.

The sand sank beneath her, forming shallow imprints where her feet once resided. The sound of the surf calmed her raging mind and she sighed unsteadily. She was soon surrounded by the warm waters; she continued walking until the water came over her head, letting the ocean surround her. The movement was hypnotic, forward and back she rocked lightly with the waves. She opened her eyes to reveal electric blue, picking up the slightest detail in her blue-green surroundings. Small groups of fish swam past her, their silver scales reflecting the sun in brilliant displays. Ahead of her a large green sea turtle made her way to her birthplace, to begin a new generation; these were the birds of the ocean. The water caressed her into a smooth embrace as she sought release. Carefully she turned and began her return to the beach; the breeze cooled her wet body, causing her to shudder lightly. Making her way back to the beach she once again became aware of her new companion. His face was filled with curiosity and fear. Despite the distance between them she saw deep into his eyes, and even deeper into his mind. His memories flooded her and steps from the shore she sank into the sea. Tears poured from her eyes as her walls crumbled and she mourned the death of her friends, her last family. Their faces would always haunt her, their expressionless, empty eyes.

Waves crashed against her small form as the pain and despair filled her being. Strong warm, yet unfamiliar arms wrapped around her, lifting her off the ground and away from the sea. "I don't understand,” she whispered softly, "What did we ever do to you?" A slow numbness came over her before she drifted off into the world of dreams, and nightmares.

* I didn’t write a lot, but my muse took a vacation or something, plus I have class and work, so it’s come’n out slow…Not to worry, I will continue. This is my best fic yet…