Fan Fiction ❯ Releasing Her Demons ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Releasing Her Demons
By: Jedi_Zea
Summary: Raven finally decides to join the other Titans in a game, but it's not a video game. She wants them to play Dungeons & Dragons and decides to share something about herself while doing so. PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, Dungeons and Dragons, any of the places I got my music from, or any other real things I may make reference to while writing this story. I do, however, own all the other characters except Natora, Saorise, Adrian, and Ivan Balthazar.
(Author Notes) I will be adding OC's to the story and if you want one, send me an email describing him/her/it. I'll have to look it over and send you a reply.
The Titan's Characters
Robin =Vincent, human wizard
Cyborg =Rurik, Dwarven fighter
BB =Ivellos, Elven druid
Terra =Sapphire, Halfling rouge
Starfire =T'klora, Half-Elven bard
Raven =primarily Arachne, half-demon sorceress; but she controls everyone else too
This chapter is mostly from the perspectives of the Titan's Characters not the Titans themselves. A line of asterisks ******(to: )****** will signify the change from the Titans to the Characters.
Chapter 11
Within a minute Vincent was picked up and was being carried by Rurik and the unknown ranger. Arachne was leading them through the rubble of the city to the only fully intact structure left, a stone tower in the center of the city. No one spoke a word, although everyone was staring at Arachne. They were trying to tell if she would betray them to her father or if she really wanted to help them.
Finally after running through the rain, bodies and wreckage of the city they reached the tower. Arachne opened the door for them and called inside for assistance. They barely had time to get inside before there was a servant rushing to the room. The servant was dressed in a nondescript brown cloth tunic and pants. “What do you need Mistress Arachne?” he asked as if nothing unusual was happening.
“See to the guests,” she commanded him. “Is Naryldor still in his lab?”
“Yes mistress, but why do you ask?” the servant said bowing. He walked over to each of the adventurers took their cloaks and hung them up. Then from the same closet he retrieved several towels and handed one to each of the wet adventurers. Arachne motioned to the unconscious wizard. The servant merely nodded as he went to get something from a cupboard.
Arachne took a scroll from a soaked pouch, and read the last trigger of the spell, “Austrat unsinti.” Vincent levitated over to her side and she walked out of the room, with his body levitating right beside her.
“Yo what's that about?” Insisted Rurik.
“Yes, where is she taking our friend?” T'klora asked as Ivellos was advancing grimly on the servant.
“I, I believe,” the servant stuttered “I believe she's taking him to the master, I couldn't tell you why. Would any of you care for some wine?” he asked changing the subject as he opened the cupboard and took out a bottle of a purplish liquid and several glassed. He turned to see everyone in the room was glaring at him, taking the hint he quietly left out the door in the back of the room.
Finally the adventures were able to survey their surroundings. They were in a drawing room with several plush couches and chairs in the room. On the wall to the left of the entrance there was a large fireplace with a coffee table, plush carpet and several overstuffed chairs. There was a cupboard in the back of the room, where the servant had been, and a door next to it. The wall to the right was decorated with elaborate tapestries displaying battles with some form of supernatural horror.
“Hey,” Ivellos began slyly. “You never did tell us your name,” he said to the half-elven ranger.
“What does it matter? I'm leaving as soon as I kill that half-demon,” she said gruffly. The ranger turned away from the group and sat in the chair farthest from everyone else.
Ivellos tried to continue his conversation with the ranger, while T'klora was staring at the tapestries with great interest, things were “accidentally” falling into Sapphire's pockets, and Rurik was cleaning his axe. No one noticed when a new figure entered the room. “On behalf of Master Naryldor,” he said causing everyone in the room to jump. “I welcome you. He says he will be with you soon, and thanks you for helping Arachne.”
The adventurers looked to the figure. He was very thin, dressed in a simple white shirt, black slacks and a black cloak with bright red trim. His skin is almost as white as bone, and his eyes glowed red. He looked absolutely insane, but it was obvious there was some sort of method to his insanity.
“I'm glad to tell you your friend will be fine. It was just a little poison, and given a couple days he should be healthy again.” The man gave each of the adventurers a dark smile while observing them. However he missed the halfling.
Sapphire pressed a dagger right between the figure's shoulder blades. “Alright, give me one reason not to kill you,” she insisted.
The figure just laughed. “You haven't given me a chance to introduce myself yet, but if you must try to kill me please do,” he urged, leaning back slightly onto the sharp blade. Sapphire took this cue and tried to stab through his back, but the knife wouldn't go through. “It's a magical shirt, it protects me against non-magical weapons.”
“Now for my introduction,” he stated. “My name is Adrian, I'm the apprentice of the master of the tower. He has sent me personally to see to your comfort. Perhaps you would like some music?” he asked. Just as he said that the piano in the corner started to play a sad, slow song accompanied by a violin that floated up from the floor. “They're good,” he stated, stepping away from Sapphire and her dagger. “But they aren't very good with the classics.”
(To: Arachne and others)
Arachne looked over at Vincent, who was hovering beside her. She knew he was poisoned, but she didn't know how strong the poison was, or how strong he was. She raced down the hallway, to the large pair of oak doors at the end of the hall. The desperate demoness pounded on the doors with all her might. “Open up Naryldor! I need help out here!” she shouted.
A strange flash of light came from under the door, and a loud shriek. Seconds later the door opened and a pale, but composed elven man stood in the doorway. He had long white hair flowing behind a red robe with a few bloodstains upon it. The elf turned to Arachne and said, “Yes?”
Arachne was panting for breath from her long run down the hallway. “He needs help, he's poisoned,” she gasped.
“Oh yes, bring him here,” Naryldor said absently. He turned over to a beaker of a purplish liquid and stirred it slightly while Arachne brought Vincent into the room. Naryldor seemed quite uninterested with the young wizard's plight, and turned to an old tome standing on a wooden stand near the middle of the room.
“Naryldor, he could be dying, shouldn't you be doing something?” Arachne insisted. She turned to Vincent, took a cloth out from under her cloak, muttered a few arcane words and placed the cloth on his forehead.
The red robed wizard brushed off the comment and walked over to the center of the room. He went over several of the symbols inscribed on the floor thoughtfully, and continued around the circle.
Arachne meanwhile, stared at Naryldor with a befuddled look. “What are you doing, he's dying,” she insisted.
Naryldor looked back at the two people in the doorway and shrugged. “He'll be fine, he just needs to rest. Put him in a room, I have to figure out what went wrong with the summoning,” he said motioning to the door.
Arachne scowled at his lack of concern, but accepted Naryldor's diagnosis and turned away. She went to find a room with Vincent still hovering beside her. She trekked through several halls and stopped at a door at the end of the hallway she was in. She opened the door into a room painted dark purple, with heavy velvet drapes covering the large window and balcony to the left of the door. There was an enormous bed in back, covered in a similar purple bedspread, and several overstuffed couches and chairs. On the wall opposite the balcony there was a large fireplace a door on the left, and another on the right.
Arachne levitated Vincent gently onto the bed. “Sleep here,” she whispered to him. “You'll be safe in my room.” The demoness then turned to the door to the right of the fireplace and opened it. It was a large closet with hangers full of various clothing. Arachne wanted to make a good impression so she decided that she shouldn't wear any of her everyday clothes. `No tunics, no plain robes, something really nice' Arachne thought as she looked and finally found something perfect.
She took the dress from the closet and walked into the other room, she came out a few minutes later and went over to her dresser. She put on make-up and jewelry at a leisurely pace, while glancing back every once and a while to the poisoned human on her bed. When she was finished sprucing she sat next to Vincent, and muttered the same arcane words to cool the cloth on him again. “Thank you for protecting me,” she said with a soft smile.
Arachne stood up slowly, put on a calm demeanor and walked out of the room.
(To: The main group)
Adrian watched the adventurers with amusement as they tried to keep themselves calm. “Enjoy the music at least,” he said while walking over to Sapphire. He bowed politely to the halfling, and offered her his hand. “Would you care to dance m'lady?” Adrian asked with a friendly smile.
Sapphire put on a sickeningly sweet grin and hissed, “Will I get to stab you while we dance?”
Adrian laughed at her remark kindly at the cutting remark. “You can stab me, but I can't promise that the dagger will get through my robes,” he remarked with his good-natured smile.
“Then I'll pass,” the angry rouge scowled, stepping away from the strange robed man.
Adrian turned to see if he could get another of the group out of their slump, but at just that moment the large doors in the back of the room opened. Arachne stepped out, dressed in a low cut, and form-fitting black dress. A halo of red roses adorned her flowing black hair, and contrasted beautifully with her pale skin. There was a soft smile across her crimson lips that seemed uncharacteristic based on her appearance. She opened her mouth to speak...
(Out of the game, and to the Titans)
As Raven described Arachne entering the room, she slowly let the dark shadow she used to conceal herself down. Raven revealed that she was dressed exactly the same as Arachne. Every jaw in the room dropped, Raven saw this and smiled slightly. `Just the reaction I was hoping for,' she thought as she glanced at Robin from the corner of her eye. And for a moment an uncomfortable silence consumed the room.
(A/N: Sorry, but I love writing cliffhangers to make you, my readers, want the next chapter even more.)