Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Things were not going to well for the brothers.

Taylor kept on looking at the annoying tormentors in the front row, trying not to glare at them, and trying not to gaze at Angel for too long.

Zac spent all of his time and concentration looking over his shoulder, looking for the head security guard to come and tell him he had found her.

Isaac was getting very annoyed at his distracted brothers, and so therefore spent much of his time sending glares their way, and secretly praying that everything would not fall apart.

And then... it did.

Taylor was just beginning to play the first chords of "A Song To Sing", when Zac up and bolted from his drum set. Isaac and Taylor looked at each other, and bolted after him.

"Wait!" Isaac said, stopping abruptly, and then grunted as Taylor ran into him.

"Ow! Watch it? Why'd ya stop?"

"We can't just leave the fans out there."

Taylor thought for a moment.

"You go after Zac... I've got an idea!"

Isaac groaned and rolled his eyes, but complied.

Taylor walked calmly back out on stage, and picked up a microphone.

"Hey, everyone! Quiet down a little bit!" Taylor mentally kicked himself, as the wave of screams came at him as expected. "Shhh!" By some miracle, most of the screaming died down to a dull roar. "We're trying a new thing tonight! I am going to pick someone out of the audience, and they are going to display a talent for all of you. Think of it as a kind of an intermission."

Thousands of girls began to scream, "Pick me! Pick me!" but Taylor already had someone in mind.

"I pick... you!" Taylor said, pointed to a horrified Angel.

One of the security guards grabbed her from the audience, and brought her safely onto the stage.

Taylor turned off his microphone to talk to Angel for a moment, all the while pretending like he had just met her.

"I'm sorry Angel, but I had to think quick," Taylor said as he shook her hand.

"But, I don't have any talents to do up here!" Angel exclaimed as she dumbly shook his hand back.


"But, I can't sing!"

"I've heard you singing before, you have a beautiful voice. Please Angel! You've got to help us out!" Taylor said, giving her his best puppy eyes.

"Okay, fine! Now turn off the puppy eyes and go find out what's wrong with Zac!"

"Thank you!" With one last meaningful shake of her hand, he was off and running.

Angel turned to the vast crowd, and was immediately assaulted by a million butterflies. With lead feet, she walked over to Taylor's keyboard, and sat down. Ignoring the glares of hundreds of girls, she talked into the microphone.

"Hey, umm, my name is Angel. If you would kindly stop glaring at me, because I don't really want to do this, but Taylor convinced me too, I guess I will sing for you."

Almost immediately, most of the girls dropped their glares with ashamed blushes. All except for the twenty girls in the first row, who were whispering and glancing at her with recognition in their eyes.

"This is a song that I call "Never In My Dreams". I wrote this about the man I am in love with. The first part was written when we had first met, the last part was written after we had started dating. Um, here it goes."

Angel's nimble fingers ran over the keyboard, playing a slow, sweet melody.

Taylor had stopped out of sight of the audience, just to make sure Angel would be all right before he ran after his brothers. When he had heard that the song was about him, he just had to stay and hear it.

"My heart was in despair,

I thought that nobody cared.

I was ready to lay down and die,

All I did all day was cry.

You came to me when I was in need,

You saw in me what no one else had seen.

You held me tight and kept me in,

When I wanted to run from my sins.

You consoled my heart, and helped me decide,

That the way out of guilt was not suicide.

You never knew exactly what you did for me,

The day our hearts were opened for all to see.

You came to me when I was in need,

You saw in me what no one else had seen.

You held me tight, and kept me in,

When I wanted to run from my sins.

Now our hearts are one, day through night,

Wouldn't have been if you hadn't given me light.

When I dreamed of love so true,

Never would have dreamed that it'd be you.

Never would have dreamed

Never could have dreamed

Never should have dreamed that it'd be you.

Oh, when I dreamed of love so true,

Never would have dreamed that it'd be you.

Never would

Never could

Never should have dreamed that it'd be you.

Oh, that it'd be you...."

The last notes of the song echoed throughout the silent concert venue. Angel opened her eyes, which had been closed the whole time. As she looked out over the crowd, she saw mixture of awe, understanding, and sadness. Suddenly, a roar of heartfelt applause rang out throughout the building, and some people were even cheering. Angel looked around to see if Isaac, Taylor or Zac had stepped onto the stage, but she was alone, so she stood up, bowed, and smiled softly. She saw, to her surprise, that the girls and guys from her old school were cheering with all their might, screaming, "We know her! We know her!"

Taylor was still standing off stage, soaking in the meaning of Angel's song. She was right, he had not known that she had been contemplating suicide again. He was just glad that she was happy, and that she loved him as much as he loved her.

Taylor was startled when he felt a drop of water hit his arms, which were folded across his chest. To his surprise, he realized that he had been crying. Now that he knew that he was crying, he could not stop. His heart urged him to go to his love, his brain urged him to go to his love, but his legs would not move. With a sudden surge of energy driven by pure love, he walked out onto the stage.

There, in the center of the stage, was his girlfriend, humbly and shyly acknowledging the cheers. For the first time since he could remember, Taylor was on a stage, and people were not cheering for him. It felt strange, but it was easy to accept, for they were cheering his girlfriend.

Angel saw Taylor walk onto the stage out of the corner of her eye, and so she turned to him. In an instant, the cheers turned into welcoming shrieks.

"You're crying," Angel said with surprise.

"So are you," Taylor said with a tearful smile. He had to let out a little laugh as Angel's hands flew to her face and felt the tears with surprise.

"You heard the song, then. I thought you were going after Zac."

"I had to finally hear you sing."

The two stood looking at each other, as the screams surrounded them.

"Do you really consider me to be your true love?" Taylor had to ask.

All Angel could do was nod.

To the dismay of the lovelorn girls, Taylor threw his arms around Angel, and she hugged him back.

"You are my one true love, and you forever shall be," Taylor whispered into her ear.

"I love you, Jordan Taylor Hanson, but you'd better let me go before these girls figure out that we're together."

"Who gives a damn?!" Taylor exclaimed, and with a loving grin, kissed her.

As soon as they broke off their searing kiss, Taylor took Angel's hand, and brought her over to the microphone.

"Hey everyone! I want you to be the first to meet my girlfriend, Angel."

Angel kind of waved, shyly. To her great surprise, there was not too many boos. There was an aura of acceptance.

"I want you to know that the concert is not over. We've just kind of lost Zac somewhere. As soon as we find him, we'll be right back out. In the meantime, the opening band is going to entertain you some more. See ya all in a few!"

Taylor and Angel ran off the stage, hand in hand, to go find Zac.