Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Taylor stared at his little brother in surprise.

"What is going on? Who is she? And why did Angel just run away screaming and crying?" Taylor asked in a rush of confusion.

"She probably thought she saw a ghost," Zac stated simply.

Taylor stared hard at Kari, until it began to dawn on him.

"Kari! You're alive? Dang, I'm confused! What is going on here?"

"Shouldn't we go after Angel? Who knows where she might go," Zac said, but before he had finished his sentence, Taylor was off and running. With a sigh he ran after his brother, and Kari was not far behind.

Angel had a million thoughts running through her mind. Everyone had lied to her... Her best friend was alive... and kissing Zac... Her best friend was alive!... and kissing Zac... everyone had lied to her... Kissing Zac... ALIVE!

It finally hit her... her best friend was actually ALIVE! As the realization finally sunk in, she stopped in her tracks.

"Just my luck," she groaned, as she saw that she had just happened to stop in the middle of the stage, next to a confused lead singer for the opening band. "This audience is really getting a show tonight," she thought to herself.

Before she could turn to go back to the room, Taylor caught up with her.

"Are you okay?" he ask, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry I freaked out... it's not everyday that you learn that your best friend is actually alive," she felt guilty the moment she said that, for she knew that Taylor would never have that luxury. "I'm sorry," she said softly.

"It's okay," Taylor said as the pain eased from his eyes. "I'll be okay. Come on... Kari wants to see you."

Ignoring the shrieks of the audience, the two began to walk off stage, only to be crashed into and pummeled into the ground a second later.

"Ah! Zac, get off of me! You're too heavy to be sitting on me!" Taylor yelled.

"Oh! I'm sorry..." Angel began to say to the person that was sitting next to her, dazed. It was only a moment later that she recognized the girl. "Kari!"

Kari turned to Angel, and in a shriek of joy, she threw herself into Angel's outstretched arms. The two girls sat there on the ground; crying and hugging for a long moment, ignorant of the watching audience.

"I thought I killed you!" Angel sobbed.

"No! No! I haven't forgiven anyone for telling you that yet... not even my parents."

"Oh! You have to forgive them! They love you, and were only trying to protect you from the person that had hurt you."

"I don't care! They hurt me worse by trying to take away my best friend."

Taylor and Zac smiled to each other as they watched the reunion.

"We should get them out of here and to some place quiet where they can talk," Taylor suggested, and Zac nodded his agreement.

"Angel," Taylor bent down and whispered into her ear, "you two should get out of here. Why don't you take Alyssa to our bus, and you two can talk."

Angel nodded, and the two girls stood up, and walked of the stage, arm-in-arm.

"Now, if we could only find Isaac, we could get this show going again!" Zac said.

"Speak of the devil..." Taylor said, and Isaac sprinted onto the stage, and picked up his guitar.

"Hey, you two, get over here! We've got a show to do... but you HAVE to tell me what is going on later, because I have NO clue!"

Taylor and Zac sat down at their instruments, holding back laughs, as they stared where they had left off.