Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuujin ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Summary: This world is full of many creatures; those of legends . . . some of myth . . . and some created from the depths of the imagination . . . the imaginations of Humans . . .

This is the age before Humans even knew what Dragons, Vampires, and Unicorns and Demons and Angels were . . .

This is the time when all those creatures, you thought were not real, actually existed . . . the time of Kaigan: The Spiritual Awakening . . .

This story is about a female angel, Ariko, taking part of a Holy War. The Holy War or Seisen is a war between every creature of the land. Ariko and her dragon guardian, Aria, try to stop the war and bring peace to the land while there is hatred between the Holy races (Unicorns and Angels) and the Dark races (Dragons, Vampires, and Demons).



The female dragon roared in anger and sadness, standing in a pool of deep dark red blood. Her hatchling's body layed there, the skin growing cold, and slowly losing its color; turning pale. Humans had come, invading her territory, and killed her daughter while she was out hunting. Aria's hatchling was no more than a few days old. She and her hatchling had been living in a cave, which was hidden deep within a mountain.

The mountain was known as Fire Mountain, to all dragons . . . for many days, Aria stayed near her daughter's deceased body; keeping watch and mourning over her loss . . .

The angel flew as fast as she could, trying to escape the Griffon. The Griffin’s screech could be heard as its wings flapped, beating the air about it, trying to catch its prey. In the angel’s arms was a bundle and the bundle was a baby, a baby angel . . . the griffon finally caught up with her, its teeth holding on the very end of the fabric that the angle wore as clothing. The angel panicked, staring back at her captor as the winged monster dragged her down. In desperation, the mother angel dropped her baby into the valley below with hopes that the griffin would not eat the baby by later and would at least the baby would die when it meets the ground.

Least did the mother know, fate had its own plans for her and it protected the angelic baby . . .

Aria's golden scales shown brightly against the sun's beams as she flew through the valley of Fire Mountain. Her wings beat against the wind, keeping her airborne. As she searched for a hunting spot, an unfamiliar cry met her, making her look down. The mother dragon flew toward the odd noise. She finally landed in a clearing within the valley, where water could be heard running.

The vicinity around this little area was calm and serene, except the odd cries coming from some nearby bushes, which caught her attention. Aria cautiously approached the bushes and lowered her head, parting the bushes. What she saw surprised her. Here lay a small baby with honey-colored hair and deep sapphire blue eyes. When she sniffed the baby, her breath tickled the baby's skin, making it giggle in delight.

By the baby's scent, it was female. Her motherly instincts were what made the dragon pity the orphaned angel. Despite losing her daughter, the orphan also needed her. At least that is what she thought was best anyway. The dragon nuzzled the baby's cheek lovingly, making her giggle again. There was a loud noise nearby and the mother dragon lifted her head, to smell the air.

Nothing . . . but just when she thought it clear, something caught her nose. A Griffon. Aria bit into the baby's blanket, lifting her up, and she took off to her nesting cave. The baby cooed as the breeze caressed her skin. Once they were safely back in the nest, Aria set the baby down into the leaves and soft dirt that made up the nest.

Her new nest anyway. Since her real daughter died, Aria made a new nesting ground so that the Humans wouldn't come back. The mother dragon layed down next to the baby, snuggling into the nest along with it, trying to keep it warm. Soon both angel and dragon were asleep.