Fan Fiction ❯ Sans Time ❯ I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Sans Time”
By: NothingIsBr0k3n

I own nothing but the plot and the characters. All references to other anime are copyrighted to their respective owners.

A/N: I borrowed various things from other Japanese entertainment such as the “double dollar” sign ($$) from Trigun, the Fuher and “Central” from Full Metal Alchemist, and “The 7th Heaven” (appearing here as a clothing shop) from Final Fantasy VII. They are not mine, and I don't own them.I am a simply a starving artist advertising for those fine subjects. That said, enjoi.

Chapter 1

Kayne Traydor made his way down to the dungeon area. ~Dammit. I wonder what that fuckin guard wants ME for?~ He was presently in a very vile mood, seeing as he was awoken at such a late hour. If it had not been for the amazing power of the Furher, he would have told the prison guard which side of which nut he could kiss...Rats and roaches hurried to get out of the way of the large leather boots as they tromped moodiliy around the first grimy corner into a large room lit by several candles. Sitting huddled on the floor in a corner was the most pathetic looking girl Kayne had ever laid his fierce grey eyes on. The guard marched forward and yanked her up roughly by the neck. She yelped. “The Furher says take this slimy whore out to Central. They'll deal with her there. Kayne looked down at her. She was tan-skined with dark eyes and long dark hair, which looked as though at one point it was very beautiful, although now, it was matted and dirty. She painfully looked up at him, into his eyes, so void of pity...He aimed a kick at her. “Don't you look at me, worm...” She flinched and jerked away, pulling her chain and collar taut, nearly soffocating herself. The two men pretended not to notice. The guard informed Kayne that the girl has used alchemy illegally and was to be taken to Central for further punishment. She had been in this dungeon for nearly a year now. The guard handed the lead to Kayne, who snatched it and growled. “Why must I take this maggot?” The guard snicked. “Because you need the money. $$71,000, just to GET her there. Alive, mind you. Kill her, or let her be killed, and you get nothing.” Kayne sneered and yanked the lead softly. “She looks half-dead now.” “Well, she isn't, she's alive and you keep her that way, or you'll get nothing. Now be gone. Im tired...” Kayne gritted his teeth and exited, roughly tugging the girl along.

Out in the corridor, the girl followed her newest captor swifty but distantly. She gazed timidly at his long black hair and blushed. He was really pretty...But mean. She was used to it by now though...He had large tough muscles that bulged through the thin layer of his leather jacket. His black pants were flatteringly tight across his thighs and buttocks...She blushed deeper and looked away.

Kayne sighed and bit his tounge. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. ~Dammit. Sometimes it doesn't pay to be the best...AND broke. Oh well. Ill get this bitch to central, get my money, and then go home, to sleep....Wait a- CENTRAL?! Thats 1500 FUCKIN miles from here!!! ~ He groaned aloud. ~FUCK, I've been jipped...This'll cost extra, dammit.~ He seethed openly. “I can't beileve this shit...” Cursing under his breath, he arrived at the entrance and pulled it open, tugging the girl with him. They opened up to reveal a forest clearing, with a beautiful sleek, black two-seater, motorcycle sitting off to the right. The girl stared. It looked very comfortable...Kayne wrenched her over to it, and tied the lead around a tailpipe and sat down in the drivers area. He looked at her as she stood back, unsure of what to do. “Well? What the hell are you standing there for?! You want me to drag you?!” She flinched and shook her head. “Then GET ON, dammit!” She hastily climbed on behind him and sat. He glared hard at her. “Don't. Touch. ANYTHING.” She nodded timidly and turned the key. The engine roared to life and he smiled at it then closed his eyes and tilted his head back, as if drinking the sound up. He reved it a few times, then and kicked off, sending dust and twigs flying. Catching the girl unawares, she gasped and latched on to the sides of the seats to prevent falling off. Kayne smiled wickedly. “You'll have a hard time holding on back there...This road is VERY bumpy and rocky...She closed her eyes and breathed deep. Normally, she was not scared of riding a motorbike, but this man was vicious and wouldn't kill her because she was his meal ticket, but he surly would scare the sin out of her with not a second thought. She slitted her eyes open. The moon was out, boardered by the branches of trees and leaves. He stared at it. It had been almost a year since she last saw that beauty of the sky. To have Kayne's beautiful hair whipping her in the face and the moon above her head, and the wind in her hair, it felt good to be alive...Kayne shouted over the roar of the engine. “HEY! PUT YOUR ARMS AROUND MY WAIST, IM GOING INTO A TURN!” She complyed, blushing again at the close contact with such a pretty guy. She knew there was nothing there, of course, but again, she hadn't had human comtact for almost a year, not counting the nasty prision gaurd who whipped her. Kayne leaned over on the bike and she leaned with him, rounding the large curve and bursting out into the city streets.

Out here, she could get a better view of the moon, in all its white glory. It relected off of Kayne's jet black hair and onto her golden face. She closed her eyes and thought about a happier time when she had a family and a home..Her thoughts were broken as Kayne's bike ground to a halt. She looked around. They were out the dessert now. How long had they been driving along? She didn't know. All she knew was that Kayne had turned around, his eyes locked with hers. “Listen, where we're going is 1500 miles from here. Thats a good 10-12-day journey on this bike. Now, I DO NOT want to be stick on this bike with you for 10 days. So, we're sleeping here for the rest of the night and we'll continue on tommorow morning.Got that?” She nodded. He sighed. “Good, now get off.” She slid off the bike and waited for him to untie the lead. She sat down on the cold ground and and he sat opposite her, leaning against his bike. He glared at her. “What?” She shook her head. “N-nuthing...” Then she turned away and lay down on the cold ground, and waited for sleep to take her over...

Kayne watched the girl curl up into a helpless little ball and sleep. She wasn't so bad. Quiet, but he liked that. Didn't want a Captain Chatterbox on this long ride, no sir. He pulled out his butterfly knife and carved at a peice of sandstone in his pocket. He sighed. ~Why me?~ He wasn't even tired anymore, but he didn't trust traveling at night with a woman. HE could kill anyone he wanted, but she...she probably couldn't beat an egg, let alone some random thug. And she couldn't die, because then he wouldn't get paid. He closed his eyes and drifted off. ~She must live...~

A few hours later, Kayne was awakened by a biting cold. A wind had blown in and it seemed the tempeture had dropped dramatically. His eyes darted to the girl, who was lying still. He got up and inched over to her. “Hey. Hey, girl.” He poked her and she shivered. She was dead-cold, but alive. He sighed. ~Thank God.~ He looked out into the desert. It would be cold like this till the sun rose, then it'd be hell's furnace...He slipped out of his jacket and threw it over her. She was curled up, so it was large enough to cover her entire body, but not her feet. He thought for a minute, then took off his tee-shirt. His nipples hardened instantly. ~Heh. I've had worst.~ He wrapped her feet in his shirt and returned to his bike where he resumed cutting at the sandstone. ~Nothing can be allowed hurt this girl. She must live.~

When he awoke the next morning, she felt somthing heavy, but warm on her body. She sat up and the black jacket rolled off her shoulders. She touched it. ~That man...~ She looked around and found Kayne holding two fish on sticks over a happily crackling fire. It was still early morning, but the chill had just about died out. She looked at him, then to the jacket, then to her feet, then back at him. ~His tee-shirt, and jacket...It must've gotten cold last night...He saved me...~ She looked down. “Th-thank you...” He cocked a brow. “For what?” She looked up at him. “F-for keeping me warm through the night...” He relaxed. “Oh. Yea. That was more for me that you. If you die, I don't get the $$70,000, so I gotta keep you alive.” She sat up and handed him his jacket and tee-shirt. “Oh, well...Thanks anyways.” He grunted and took them, slipping them on his body one at a time. She stared at his strong chest, his tender, pink nipples, rippling deltiods, and strong hard abdomen. “Hey...Hey, girl...YO!” She started. “Huh?! Oh, sorry, I was uhm...thinking...” Kayne smirked. Yea, right. He knew better. He leaned across the fire and handed her a fish-on-a-stick. She looked at it for a moment, then he shook it a little. “Take iiit...” She obliged and muched at it happily. He sat back and eyed her. Now that he was in a slightly better mood, he felt more like himself, aside from the constant irratant that he'd be traveling 1500 miles...As she ate, he looked at her messy clothing and tangled hair. ~This chick looks a grade A mess...I can't travel around with her like this...~ So, he devised a plan.

“Ahh...That was very tasty.” The girl sat her stick down and risked a small smile. Kayne tossed his own stick aside and looked her in the eye. “Alright. I've come to the conclusion that I can NOT travel around with you looking like some “dead-man-walkin'” street urchin. Given your current predicament, your clothes are fitting, but with me, you'll look no such way. I have a reputation to maintain. So, once I'm ready, we are heading striaght into town and getting you some presentable clothes, you hear me? I'LL be picking them out, and you'll wear them without a fuss, got it?” She nodded and he stood up. “Good. I'm going to take a piss, and when I get back you better be on that bike, ready to roll.” She nodded again. “Good.” Then he stood up and walked a distance away to piss in the wind. As he unzipped and released himself, he thought of what to dress the girl in. ~Hmm...her body ain't half bad...maybe a mini skirt and a tanktop...Nah, attracts too much attention. Don't want her getting raped and killed. How about a long skirt and tanktop?'ll get caught in my wheels...Ah, I got it!~ He would've snapped his fingers, but he was busy holding his dick, so he'd save it for later. Grinning mischeviously, he zipped his fly and headed back to the bike.
The girl patiently swung her feet and hummed as she waited for Kayne. The sun had risen a little more and the heat was now starting to set in. She sheilded her eyes and looked towards the horizon. ~I wonder where this place is that the man is taking me to...~ She sighed. It didn't matter; she'd be killed anyway. She played with the tattered edge of her shirt and began to sing a song her mother always sung to her.

“In you and I, theres a new land...angels in flight...
I need more affection than you know, a sanctuary, my sanctuary,
yea...where fears and lie melt away...Whats left of me?
What left of me now?”

She sighed and looked into the sky and continued.

“You show me, and now I see that nothing is whole
and nothing is broken...
In you and I, theres a new land...angels in flight..
I need more affection than you know, a sanctuary, my sanctuary, yea...
where fears and lie melt away...Whats left of me?
What left of me now?...”

At that moment, Kayne was returning, but stopped dead at the sound of her voice. ~That song...~ He looked down and then back up.~How does she know it?!~ He stood there, dumbfounded for a few moments before shaking it off and tromping back to the bike. The girl stopped singing when he apporached, and sat back on the bike, ready to go. He got on without a word and started the engine. He glanced back at her and narrowed his eyes. “You really look a goddamn mess.” She said nothing but looked at him. He chuckled and kicked off, heading into the next large city of the desert: San City.