Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ Registering Raud in School ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hello, I would like to state here that there are reasons that this fanfic is rated PG13. Mainly for language. It's rare, and mainly in thoughts, but I'm working on making it cleaner.


Arriving at the school, Seyr, Yako, and Raud (a.k.a. the new guy) reported to the office. "Sair, you've never been late once in your entire life, forgotten maybe, but never late! What's the meaning of this?" exclaimed the office lady.

Gesturing towards Raud, Seyr replied, "Helping out a new kid in town. My father didn't know that my late aunt was going to send us her eldest son, but she did, and now I'm stuck trying to figure out what I should do with him. I was thinking I should put him in that haunted house that nobody will buy." She grinned wickedly enough that the lady knew that she was just joking about the guy being her cousin.

"Sair, that's not proper courtesy to show our guest! You know very well that the first thing you do is you get them acquainted with the surroundings of this town, not just shove them into some spooky old house that nobody will even enter!" The lady turned to the new guy, "Now, what's your name and age so I can record it in our notebook?"

Honestly surprised by this sudden change in addressee, Raud managed to stammer, "Uhh, my name is Raud, ma'am, and my age is seventeen."

"Well, I guess since Sair went through that whole malarkey story about you being her cousin on her father's side, I'll record your last name as hers. Well, seventeen, eh, I figured that you'd be either her age or Yako's age, so I guess you'll have to follow Yako around today until we can get you settled in."


"There's the bell, Raud! Time for you to start following Yako! Gotta go, else the teachers will wring my neck for being twice as late as I am now!" Seyr ducked through the crowd and started running to her locker.

Yako sighed and told Raud, "Wait here. I've got to go to my locker as well."

For once in his life, Raud actually listened to someone and leaned against the wall of the hallway, waiting for Yako. `Man, how am I gonna get out of this one? There are tons of girls swarming about, damn nuisances.' Suddenly, a group of girls noticed and started to gather around him. `Shit! Gotta get out of here fast!' Squeezing through the girls, Raud managed to spot and catch up with Yako.

Later, in Yako's first class (Band), the teacher scolded Yako, "No, no, no, no! I am not accepting another student in my class, Mr. Kidt. If this new student must follow you around school today, then during my class, he must sit outside and think upon how he's going to get through the rest of the day without getting into trouble. I do not have enough music instruments for him to participate, and he'll probably only prove to be a distraction."

Accepting defeat, Yako shrugged and told Raud that there was a tree outside that he could sit under and it would give him a good view of what was currently going on in P.E. Again listening to someone for a second time in his life, Raud did as Yako suggested and sat under the tree. Closing his eyes and relaxing, Raud let his mind wander through the nearby people's minds, searching for Seyr. He came across some strange thoughts. :What's up with the new guy? Why do I get the feeling that he's looking for me?: He glanced up into the tree and saw Seyr sitting in the branches thinking. She was fingering a left earring that was shaped like a sword. Emeralds made up the hilt and gold crafted the rest of the piece of jewelry, just like the weapon Deathsong. `Why didn't I notice it before? She's got to be Seyr, or if she isn't, then she's... nah, can't be. Seyr would've given Deathsong to Koye, her firstborn, if she had died.' Figuring that he would reply to the thoughts, Raud said, "You've got the weapon Deathsong, so who else could you be?"

Jumping out of the tree, Seyr angrily snapped, "Can't a girl think without you butting in?"

Just then, the bell rang. Raud ran to catch up with Yako as he was switching classes. Pondering aloud, Raud remarked, "Why can't Seyr remember being a demon?"

Yako, having heard him, replied, "Well, she's starting to remember, but she doesn't want to. If you can somehow convince her to remember, then she'll probably do so." They continued walking to their next class.


Feith: Stupid page breaks! I don't like `em and I only use them when I want to continue a chapter, but well, you can't have it all. Please review.