Fan Fiction ❯ The Girl of Your Dreams ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Girl of Your Dreams

Chapter One: Goddess

(A dark bedroom illuminated by a single lamp sitting on a bedside table. A Ranma 1/2 alarm clock sitting next to the lamp, is unplugged. Yesterday's dirty clothes lie NEXT to the hamper. Various Shoujo Mangas litter the floor surrounding the bed. Above the bed hangs a black belt, and next to it hangs a Judo Master plaque. A shelf on the opposite wall holds anime action figures and first place Judo trophies. Under the shelf is a small TV that's still on, an episode of Fushigi Yugi on. On the bed lies a boy, an issue of Animerica on his chest. He is sleeping, and dreaming.) (A small girl cloaked in a silver cloak appears next to the bed. The boy sits up cheerfully. The girls face is covered by hair, all the boy can see is her long blond locks streaked with auburn.)
Boy-Good to see you.
(The girl visibly smiles brightly. She reaches out a small, delicate, gloved hand and strokes his brow softly. The glove is fingerless and a pale blue.)
Girl-Hello again Komo, how are you today?
(Komo grins enjoyably)
Komo-Well it WAS an awful day. Ganku was a total jerk to Sil. He threw Sil's books in the mud.
Girl-*tsk tsk* I will never understand how that sweet girl Gip is his twin.
Komo-I can. That girl is off her rocker!
Girl-No one else seems to notice, or at least care. Obviously since she is class president. She's just individual.
Komo-The girl talks to puppets for Kami-sama!! (The girl visibly flinches.) I mean, how loony can you get? Without actually becoming YOU of course.
Girl-I choose to ignore that statement... (Gives Komo a glare.)
Komo-(Flinches at the gaze.) Anyways... when I tried to help Sil, Ganku tried to pick a fight with me.
Girl-Pretty stupid considering that's what you do best.
Komo-Actually, he wanted to spar...
Girl-Youch! That's the one thing you utterly suck at.
Komo-Gee, thanks for the confidence boost.
Girl-You're welcome.
Komo-... (Shakes his head.) When I wouldn't fight him, he went and vandalized his own dad's car, and framed me for it.
Girl-That scheming little...
Komo-Mm-hm. And since his dad is the principle, I got three weeks detention.
Girl-I'm so sorry!
Komo-That's alright, Pero has it with me.
Girl-Why? What did he do now?
Komo-He tried to "charm" out physics teacher out of getting homework.
Girl-Mr. Natsurma? I didn't know Pero swung that way.
Komo-Oh! I didn't tell you did I?
Girl-What, that Pero's gone crooked?
(Komo chuckles.)
Komo-No, nothing so apocalyptic. We've had a female sub the last couple of days.
Girl-That's a relief-well as much a relief you can have when discussing Pero... By the way, I notice my influence is doing more then you believed.
(The girl smirks at Komo's confused look.)
(The girl smiles wickedly.)
Girl-Shoujo comics?
(Komo blushes and the girl giggles in response.)
Girl-Anything else happen at school?
(Komo sighs.)
Komo-Yeah, I got a D on that English test...
Girl-What! But I helped you study for that test all last week. I mean, I was going through conversation withdrawals!
Komo-Studying in your dreams really isn't the same as studying in real life... wait a sec, conversation withdrawals? Don't you have anyone else to talk to?
(The girl gets a mournful look on her face. Komo gets panicked.)
Komo-Sorry I asked, just please don't cry!
(The girl gives a dry chuckle at this.)
Girl-You never could stand to see any girl cry could you? I remember when I was five, you said something mean to me and I just started to bawl. You utterly panicked, and said sorry to me at least 20 times.
Komo-Sorry 'bout that, I was a stupid kid then.
Girl-21-I'll say, I faked the whole thing! Do you really believe I would cry that hard over being called boogerhead?
Komo-What! You were faking? Wait a minute... I actually said boogerhead? Boy was I immature.
Girl-You don't know the half of it.
(Komo throws his pillow at her, it goes right through.)
Komo-Shut up!
(The girl sticks her tongue out and Komo glares in false anger. The girl and Komo start exchanging silly faces. The girl regains her senses.)
Girl-Oh! We were talking about school weren't we? So you had a pretty sucky day, ne?
(Komo blinks and sweatdrops, then smiles.)
Komo-I said it WAS. Your visit just made it tolerable.
(The girl smiles brightly then swoons dramatically.)
Girl-(Over-exaggerated.) Oh Komo darling, I feel so loved.
(The girl giggles fiercely then suddenly gets serious.)
Girl-Awww Komo, you really are such a sweet boy.
(The girl gives Komo a warm look and hugs him softly. Komo blushes.)
Girl-Enough with the fun though, I have something very important to tell you.
Komo-(Slightly worried.) What is it?
Girl-I'm not going to be able to contact you in your dreams anymore.
Komo-What! But why?
Girl-As time moves on, things change. Dream mages are only allowed the ability to visit in dreams until their 16th year, and tonight is my birthday.
Komo-But what about our conversations, our arguments, our idle laughter.
(Komo doesn't notice.)
Komo-I really look foreword to your visits! When you're late, I worry another repeat of when you were eight will occur again. I don't want you to leave me!
Komo-You make me feel mature and like a kid at the same time. I don't want to lose our friendship! In fact, I lo-
Komo-(Stops suddenly.) Hmmmm?
Girl-I'm touched by your concern, really. But you're really overreacting.
Komo-How is it overreacting?!
(The girl smiles complacently.)
Girl-I'll still see you, and watch over you, and I'll find some way to talk to you soon...
Komo-Huh? How?
Girl-Who knows, maybe I'll finally come out into the real world...
Komo-You mean I will meet you in real life?
Girl-Maybe, I will try. Though it will be hard, there will probably be some repercussions for a dream mage coming out into the masses...
Girl-You don't worry about that now, nothing is going to keep me from my goal.
Komo-Will you come out tomorrow? Please?
Girl-As soon as possible, Komo. As soon as humanly possible.
Girl-I won't be able to tell you it's me if I see you though, you'll have to figure that out yourself.
Girl-Attracting unwanted attention.
Girl-There are a lot of people who would love to misuse the power of a dream mage... I can't openly announce that I talk with you in your dreams.
Girl-I must go now Komo, I hope to see you soon in the real world!
(The girl starts to fade)
(Girl pauses in in disappearing. She is now semi-transparent)
Komo-Can't you at least give me a hint to find you with? I mean, there are a lot of people in the world.
Girl-(Looks torn for a moment) Well I guess that that would be okay... My hint is one word, Goddess.
(The girl/goddess starts to fade again)
Komo-What's that supposed to mean?
Girl/goddess-Till we meet again Komo.
(Girl/goddess is completely gone)
(Komo sits up in bed so quickly he falls out of bed)
Komo-Owwwww... Why? Why? Why?!
(Komo breaks down crying on the floor, yelling. Downstairs, Komo's mother hears the yells and starts up the stairs to investigate)
Komo-Wait a sec...(Stops crying) *Flashback*Who knows, maybe I'll finally come out into the real world... I hope to see you in the real world... Till we meet again...*End Flashback* I'll be able to see my goddess in the light! Yay!!
(Komo jumps up in joy and a crash is heard. Just then, Komo's mother opens the door to his room)
Mother-Komo honey? Are you alright? I heard yelling, and then a crash and wanted to see what was wro---Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!
(Mother sees Komo hanging from the ceiling, his head through the roof, stuck from his jump)
Komo-(Gives 'OK' sign with his fingers) I'm alright mom... just please go get a ladder.