Fan Fiction ❯ The Town of GotenDooke ❯ The Legend ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

GotenDooke, Town of Mystery

`Prologue - The Legend`

As the small town of GotenDooke began its renovations by putting up a new park it is instinct that it would attract the five friends. The wolf, Pacu. The bunny, Mistina. The vixen, Nimca. The coyote, Tharis. And finally, the wolf-fox-coyote mix, Twister. All five best friends knew eachother since they were six and under. All orphans that met by chance. Were they meeting just another whim of fate, or did it have a reason…? These young weres are determined to venture through the park despite the monsters that may dwell there. Later they stumble out of the bounds of GotenDooke, only to know now the many realms of fantasy… How will the band meet up the challenge of what awaits them. The true meaning of their meeting and very existence. Their friendship can last a stampede of dragon horses' or so the group says now. How will their ideals change… and how will their views on one other grow or wither? The only way to return to GotenDooke now is to make sure the weres that live in the region regain their memories of the lost orphans. For once you step outside of the boundary of the territory it is like you have never been… The only way for such a wish to happen is to find the Sorceress of the Mountains. This ice vixen, Makita, lives on the tallest mountain on the edge of earth itself. Will they make it there, or was this journey to be forgotten? The legend merely tells of this fox, which lived since the dawn of time. But, is it mere legend, or truth? That is what the question will remain as the small band travel to such a peak. Few know where she is, but the orphans know, how you ask? … Many will try and provoke them just the same, to give the information away, and then destruction will come. If the vixen must grant a wish of an evil, chaos of this world will insue. They must stay on their claws to get through the reality of the world, or they will never see their home again. But, will hard work, friendship, and devotion even be enough for such a journey? That is what they will find out… In due time.

As the road continues to grow,

Ever so long ever so complicated,

My goal is quite simple,

I will unite these worlds,

I will unite all creatures,

And I will be home for supper!

-Band of Friends-







Howdy hoo! Lol, sorry for the weird summery up there. It may sound corny or cheesy but I wrote this story when I was 13. I just decided to type it up again and post to see what I get from it. As you see, I posted some chapters to go along with it. But, later… When the chapters stop I wanna review before going on! Thanks ^.~