Fan Fiction ❯ Virtual Reality or Reality ❯ The Start ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter 2
The Start
In the next moment, she found herself in a grassy clearing. In the distance, she could see a village, and some mountains.
A slight breeze went past her, ruffling her angelic wings.
Weird, should there be a breeze in this game? It feels so real. She asked herself, looking around.
A couple of voices reached her ears as she continued to look around. A couple of other girls were talking nearby.
"Do you have any idea where this is?"
"What makes you think I do. I don't even know you!"
Nia walked towards where the girls' voices were, wondering who they were.
A girl with curly brown hair and river green eyes was facing a girl with firy red hair and blue eyes.
The green-eyed girl had a quiver of arrows on her back, a bow in her hand, and a short dagger at her side. She was wearing a white shirt and a green skirt. Over this was a short jacket.
The red-head had a broadsword at her side and a crossbow in one hand. She seemed to be quite angry at the moment. She was wearing a red shirt, black breeches and black boots.
"Ahem." Nia cleared her throat, looking at the arguing girls with a smile.
Both girls jumped a mile at her voice.
"Hi." The girl with the green eyes said, smiling. She also looked somewhat surprised that Nia had come out of nowhere.
"Hi. Do you have any idea where we go after this section of this place?" Nia wondered, thinking that these two girls were NPCs (A/N: Non Playable Characters for you non-gamers.), and that they were programmed into the game.
"I'm as clueless as you are." The red-head said. "You're the one who seems like the NPC though. We're from the outside world apparently. It was weird though, I had just put on the helmet, and it felt like I was being sucked into the game."
"Same here."
"Well, if it's true, and our bodies are in the real world, then if our virtual selves die in this world, I hope our bodies don't die there." Nia said, worriedly, looking around again, just in case anything was going to pop out.
"This is like that one anime show. I think it was .hack// (A/N: I had to put it. I'm an avid fan, but I didn't base this story off of it, or else this wouldn't be a fiction, but a fanfiction.) or something." The red-head said.
"Maybe we should go to that village in the distance. There's bound to be someone there who knows what we're supposed to do, even if they are a NPC." The other said.
"Well, I see there are more people here." Said a guy's voice nearby.
All three girls turned around to see a boy with black hair and golden brown eyes walk into the clearing where they were standing. Even from a slight distance, they could see that his ears were slightly pointed. He also had a slight ethereal air about him. He was wearing a black cloak over a white shirt and black breeches. At his side was a sword with a hilt that looked somewhat like Aragorn's, from Lord of the Rings, sword. His other weapon was also a short dagger.
The girls were silent as he walked over to them.
"Well, you said you were heading to the nearby town. I can tell you're not NPCs, maybe we should all go, to figure out what is going on. I'm Aran." He said, smiling.
"A...Xantara." The green eyed girl apparently meant to say something else. A real name maybe, because she had a bewildered look on her face when she said her name.
"N...Satu." Nia blinked in confusion, she had meant to say her real name, but it had come out as her game name. A security measure in the game probably.
"Enya." The red-head apparently already knew about the whole name situation, because she had no trouble saying her name. There was a light in her blue eyes, somewhat like a flame.
The four of them looked at one another, and set off for the village.
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A/N: Yes I know, things are going a bit slow, but this is the first part of the story, so yeah -_-;;;;;. This one is also a bit longer than the first chapter. Okay, here's some information on the characters:
Nia is the main character. Her game name, Satu, means 'fairytale' in Scandinavian. I chose fairytale, because I was thinking of fairies when I made her character. Her element is air. She is an angel-type character, complete with wings, and her weapons are a bladed staff and a longsword.
Aran's real name is Mark. His game name means 'king' in J.R.R. Tolkien's Quenya, which is Lothlorien Elvish by the way (I'm learning to speak it ^_^). His element is water. He has an Elven character, and some could see his ears from a distance. He is not immortal though.
Xantara's real name is Alanna, or Anna for short. Her game name means Protector of the Earth. Her element is earth. Her character style is human, but the green eyes show her element. Her weapons are a bow and arrow set, and a dagger.
Enya's real name is Amber. Her game name means Little Fire in Celtic. She has a temper to match her element of fire. Her firey red hair shows her element. Her weapons are a broadsword and a crossbow.