Fan Fiction ❯ Weeping Willow Creek -- Murdoc And Maru's Dreams. ❯ Maru's Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 14 ----- Maru's Dream

"Murdoc, I've been having these weird dreams lately. When I'm in these dreams, I realize they are dreams, but I cannot get out of them" Maru explained.

"Well, don't fall asleep tonight" Murdoc replied absentmindedly.

"Ya. Like when I was little and kids from school would beat me up in my dreams" Maru said

"Yeah. Like that." said Murdoc, typing on her computer.

"Damn it, Murdoc! You're not listening! Don't you remember? I fell asleep and I slept for two days, by the time I woke up I was scared shitless for three weeks!"

"Sorry, but what do you want me to say?" Murdoc said.

Maru was about to reply, but was interuppted by Dick, who came up to tell them it was time for bed.

"Were you listening to our conversations again, dad?" Murdoc asked.

", not me..." Dick said, a large drop of sweat rolling down the side of his face.

"Damn it, Dick. I'm sick of you prying your way into my life!" Maru exclaimed.

"you address me as 'father' or 'dad' Maru, I'm sick of you calling me Dick. it's disrespectful." Dick said

"GET OUT!" Maru screamed.

Dick left with his head hanging low. Maru tried hard not to fall asleep that night, but soon Mr. Sandman payed a visit.


The dream started out as Maru in a white padded room. Then Maru the door unlock> Dick was standing in the doorway. He said "Time for your medication.."

Maru screamed and kicked, but Dick shoves the pills in Maru's mouth. Maru spit them out and Dick started to punch and kick her.

"Take your damn pills, you bitch." Dick yelled. Gord, another counselor, stood at the door. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"This damn girl won't take her medication!" Dick said

Leather straps appeared in Gord's hands and he tied Maru down on a bed.

Then Gord left and came back a few minutes later holding a big metal tool thing which he used to remove Maru's tongue. This then allowed Dick to feed Maru the pills.

Maru tried to scream 'help', but she couldn't and the pills made her fall asleep. When she awoke, she was in a strange room (like a hospital operating room) and she looked at her arms, which were covered with needles hooked up to bags with different coloured fluids running in and out of her body.

Maru screamed and ripped out all of the needles, leaving bloody scars all over her arms. She ran and ran and ran until she ended up in a hallway with three doors. Maru walked up to the first door and entered the room.

This room was filled with people sitting around a large table, facing Maru. Apparently, she was supposed to give a speech, so as she went to reach into her pocked for notes, she looked down and realized she was naked! Maru ran out of the room as fast as she could, and tried another door.

This world was made of chocolate! Maru cried out happily as she began eating everything and anything she could get her hands on. Suddenly, the chocolate turned into spiders and they crawled in her mouth and all over her body.

She ran out of that room and entered the last room. She was in an office with Dick, and was watching herself have a conversation with him from afar.

"All right, Maru. I'm gonna hold up some cards with blobs of ink on them. You job is to tell me what you see..." Dick said, reaching into a desk drawer and holding up the first card.

Maru sat up in the chaise lounge. "I see me dancing in a field of pretty pink and purple flowers" she said sarcastically.

Dick wrote something in his notebook and then held up another card.

"Ooh! I see my family and I having a big family hug!" snickered Maru

"Damn it, Maru! Quit fooling around!" Said Dick angrily.

"What? Don't you believe me? How rude." Maru replied.

"You and I both know you're lying, now tell me what you see!" Dick replied with spit flying out of his mouth.

"All right. Fine. I ink splattered all over cheap cardboard. Now may I get the fuck outta here?" Maru said, getting upset.

Suddenly everything around her faded away and she was back in her white padded room. She saw Gord standing above her.

"Have a nice sleep?" Gord asked

"Fuck you" Maru replied

"Now, now. That's no way to talk to your new counselor. The board thought that Dick was being to violent so they assigned me to you." Gord explained

"Fine. then. let me go home." After Maru said this, she realized she was in a dream but she could not wake up.

Gord unstrapped Maru from her bed, and walked her to a large room where there were lots of other kids exercising. "You have to exercise" Gord instructed.

"No, no! This is just a dream!" said Maru as she broke free from Gord and started running around screaming, 'wake up! wake up!'

Four guards jumped Maru and followed Gord into a laboratory...

They strapped Maru down to a big treadmill and set it on a really fast speed. Then the guards put a metal wall of spikes behind the treadmill so that if Maru could not keep up with the treadmill's speed, she would be thrown off and impaled on the wall of spikes.

Just then, Maru noticed her shoelace was untied and she tripped and got splattered against the wall.

She woke up screaming, crushing her cat, whose claws were digging into her back. Murdoc woke up too, and saw her sister.

"Holy shit, what's your problem?" she asked

"Never mind," Maru replied. "It was all just a bad dream" And she rolled over and went back to sleep.