Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Rain's A Lousy Patient ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: Another chapter and yet I still don't own it.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 22 - Rain's A Lousy Patient


"Dammit, Legolas. I want out of this bed and I want out now!" Rain shouted as she banged her fists on the covers of the bed, ignoring the light pain in her right shoulder. She had been stuck in this room for three days straight since she had awakened and was getting very grumpy about it.

"No you cannot leave until you are healed." he said brusquely. She had been demanding to get out of bed since early this morning and it was beginning to wear on his nerves. "Now stay here, I am going to go get our lunch."

He turned to leave, ignoring the pouting Rain sitting in the middle of the bed, but before he got to the door he turned back. "If you behave yourself today, there is a summer festival tonight that I will take you to." he quipped lightly, smiling as a slight grin spread over her once grumpy expression.

"I promise, I'll try to behave." she grumbled as a lightness crept back into her soul. She watched as he turned and left the room. Sighing heavily, she was grateful that he had suggested the festival, she was beginning to go stir crazy, doing nothing but sitting in bed all day. She was used to being active all the time and was never a good patient when sick.

Nanook whined as he leaned against the bed, his head resting near her elbow. She reached over and ran her fingers through the short hair on his head, caressing his ears. His eyes rolled back and he whuffed happily. Laughingly, "You don't care as long as someone pets you, huh Bup-pup." she chided gently to the large dog. He opened his bright blue eyes, his tongue lolling happily out the side of his mouth as he yipped playfully.

"I know, you want to play, but my jailer would be very upset if I played with you right now." she said chagrined.

"Your what?" came a response from the doorway. She looked up to see Legolas and Elrohir striding through the door, Legolas carrying a package and Elrohir a large platter with covered lids.

"Uhm, nothing." she covered quickly, "What do you have there?" She watched as Elrohir placed the tray on the table next to the window, smiling at her secretively as he left through the door. She cocked an eyebrow at him as she turned back to see Legolas lay the package on the end of the bed. Eagerly she reached out to grab it, but her hand was pushed away unceremoniously as she was pulled from the bed and up against Legolas.

"Hey." she yelled as he swept her across the room and pushed her down into the chair at the table.

"Eat your lunch or you won't get what I brought you." he said as he slid into the chair across from her. She glared at him with mock anger, as he lifted the cover of the tray and placed her plate in front of her.

"You could have asked my to come to the table without manhandling me." she growled at him fire dancing in her deep green eyes, before she turned her attention to her meal.

He looked up at her over the rim of his glass and surpressed a grin. She was back to her old self again and he was sincerely glad to see it. He didn't think she really understood how close she had come to dying. He shuddered inwardly at his remembered panic on the trip to Lothlórien. His thoughts drifted back to those four days of hell. It had taken every ounce of his strength and that of the horses to get her to Lothlórien as quickly as possible. As it was, he had to continue the last part of the journey on foot, as even the great horses of Rohan could no longer maintain their speed. He had arrived, road weary and sporting a fever himself, with Rain cradled to his chest in the middle of the night. Lady Galdadriel and Lord Celeborn had gladly welcomed them and had sent healers immediately to care for them both. Elrohir was remorseful that he had left them, only for them to be attacked. He had left later that night, after he had been assured that they both would survive, to retrieve Arod and Hasufel.

His musings were interrupted by a cold nose pressed against his hand, which was resting on his thigh. Startled, he looked down to find Nanook staring pleadingly up at him, his tail wagging furiously behind him.

"Don't let him beg for food, Legolas." Rain said around a mouthful of food. Swallowing, she continued, "He knows that it is not polite."

He grinned as she turned her attention back to her plate, and when she wasn't looking, he slipped a small piece of meat to Nanook. Grinning, as he looked up unrepentantly, seeing that she had not noticed the small slip. Reaching back up to his plate again, he slipped another piece of meat down to Nanook.

"Legolas!" he jerked suddenly at her loud voice. Looking sheepishly up at her frowning face, he grinned unexpectedly, wiping his hands off on his napkin.

"Sorry." he said, though he wasn't sorry at all.

"Oh, Legolas. What ever am I going to do with you? If you continue to spoil him rotten, he won't listen when it is needed." She ran an exasperated hand through her disheveled hair. Pulling a long lock of it forward, she frowned at it condition. ~ What I really need is a long hot bath. ~ she thought longingly.

As if reading her mind, Legolas stood up and walked over to the bed. Opening the package, he pulled out two small bottles and a large fluffy towel. "I knew that you would want to get cleaned up before the festival tonight, so I asked Elrohir to find this for you." he said as he held out the bottles to her. Frowning slightly she took the proffered items from his hand and discovered that they where an elfish form of shampoo and conditioner.

She looked up happily as he took her hand in his and helped her to stand. With an arm about her waist he eased her into the bathroom, where an already filled steaming tub was waiting for her.

"Thank you Legolas." she smiled as she caught sight of the delicious treat.

"Will you be all right if I leave you alone?" he asked, his tone holding a note of concern. She turned to look up into his eyes.

"I am a big girl Legolas and can wash myself just fine on my own." she said, trying to ignore the naughty pictures that paraded through her mind. Particularly of the ones with her and Legolas in the bath together, her cheeks heating rapidly at the thought. Legolas frowned as he saw a sudden flush in color through her face.

"Are you feeling all right? Do you need to sit down?" he asked quickly, reaching up to feel her forehead, worried that she had a fever again.

"What I NEED is a cold shower," she muttered drily.

"You need something?"

"No, I'm fine. Please just leave me to take my bath. I will let you know when I am done." she covered quickly, leaning forward out of his grasp. His hand on her waist was burning though the thin cloth of her nightgown and she was very confused about the emotions ragging suddenly through her.

"Please call me if you have any problems." he said as he turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. Rain stared at the closed door, tempted to call out to him. Shaking her head against that thought, she turned carefully and sat on the edge of the tub. Reaching down with her left hand she tugged the hem of her gown over her head, careful of her still stiff and slightly painful right shoulder. Looking down, she grimaced, realizing that she would have to have her bandages changed after the bath, since there was no way she was going to able to keep them dry.

She slid into the hot water, sighing gratefully as the warmth encompassed her sore body. Carefully and as quickly as she could, she leaned forward and washed her hair. This process literally drained her of most of her energy. She leaned back after completing the task, panting lightly. She could not remember the time when she felt so helpless, that she couldn't even take care of her own basic needs.

Closing her eyes as she rested her head against the rim of the tub, she turned her thoughts inward as she pondered her current situation. She remembered the battle against the Uruk-hai, Legolas had stomped out of camp early that morning and she had stayed behind to gather the packs together, knowing that he needed time alone. Elrohir's disappearance had come as a shock to him and she understood his anger.

As she had been packing the bags, Nanook began to growl and she had turned to find three large gruesome beasts charging towards her. She had managed to kill the three with her pistol, but hadn't seen the fourth, fifth and six charging from the other side until one of them hit her with the arrow. She had rolled away from their charge as Nanook attacked. She had pulled the horses loose, yelling loudly as slapped them on the rumps and charged into the trees with them.

She remembered picking up one of the downed creatures swords and turning to find the three advancing on her, when Legolas had burst into the clearing shooting two with his bow as she sliced through the third. She recalled the panic that had been in his eyes when he had found that she was wounded, and how gentle he had been with her when they returned to camp. She then painfully recalled the incident with the Uruk-hai sneaking up on Legolas and her accidental shooting of him. She still hadn't told him exactly what had happened yet, and she sincerely hoped that he wasn't going to be too angry with her when she did.

She definitely remembered removing that god-awful arrow for her shoulder, that was something she didn't want to go through again if she could help it. But after that everything had been hazy, up until three days ago when she had woken up in Lothlórien. She remembered Elrohir and Lady Galdadriel being in the room and then Legolas suddenly appearing and her overwhelming relief to see that he was all right.

But something else was nagging in the back of her mind, something important that she tried to remember. A whispered voice, tugging at her memory, begging to be released. He had said something too her as she was falling back asleep, something she knew had made her heart soar with happiness, but it stayed just outside of her reach. Her musings were interrupted by a loud banging on the door.

"Rain, are you done in there yet. You have been in there over an hour." Legolas's voice called out, amusement ringing through his tone.

"Yes, I'll be right out." she sighed exasperated, she had almost remembered what it had been before he had interrupted her.

"Good, because Lady Galadriel expects us in half an hour. She wants to talk to you." he called through the door.


A/N: Thanks for the patience. This week had been the week from hell and I haven't even had time to think about writing, let alone finish this chapter. I will try to put out at least a chapter a week until this story is done, but please be patient. I won't leave you hanging for long, promise.

So, other than that, what do you think? Lady Galadriel has finally decided that she needs to talk to Rain, but what about, hummm? Well, we will find out next chapter, won't we.

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Thanks for reading and reviewing ~ DBZ Vegeta