Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ Trunks's plan: Will it Signal Ruin or Fortune? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2:

Trunks's plan

Trunks had managed to calm down considerably by the time Goten and Gohan arrived. He greeted both of them with his trademark cheerful smirk, complete with a victory sign. He felt much better in the presence of his best friend. Perhaps it was the authority. Trunks was always at the head of every bit of mischief the pair got into, and he somehow was able shift the blame off of his shoulders in most cases. He had changed clothes and showered up for supper-his lilac colored hair was dripping with tiny beads of water. He had adorned his favorite T-shirt for the happy occasion. It was a simple shirt that his mother had given him, dark blue with the words of his mother's company printed on the front in white. He wore jeans under that, held up barely by a belt. The pants were two sizes too big for him, but his mother insisted that he would grow into them. Goten seemed even more hyper than usual.

"Hi Trunks! Guess what, guess what, guess what!" He exclaimed laughing.

"Hmm, let me think…" Trunks said cynically. "You got to ride the Nimbus cloud all the way here?"

Goten nodded vigorously.

"Uh huh!!"

Gohan smiled.

"He loves flying on Nimbus." He held his hand up. "Now, I've gotta go. I've got a test to study for."

Trunks let out a cry of dispair.

"You're leaving?!" Trunks shook his head in disbelief. "You're supposed to stay!!!"

Gohan smiled, patting Trunks on the head.

"You know that I have to study," He said. "or my mom will kill me, big guy." Trunks pouted.

"I know…" He looked at the ground, still pouting.

Gohan looked at him sadly, and he knelt down so that he was face to face with the boy.

"Hey now." He said, giving him another smile. "Don't be sad. I'll play war with you next time I come over, Trunks! Don't worry." Gohan grinned broader and patted Goten on the head. "And besides, you've got Goten here! He never gets tired!"

Goten smiled proudly.

"I keep going and going and going…!" Trunks snickered a little bit.

"Goten, your not that battery bunny." He looked to Gohan, tisk tasking. "Okay. You can go. But NEXT time… You'd better keep your promise!"

Goten laughed.

"And you'll play with me too, right?"

"Sure!" He gave his little brother a hug, then a nugie. "See ya, Goten and Trunks. Have fun!" He turned and walked outside, where he flew high into the air. Goten ran after him.

"Have fun being a super hero!!!" He exclaimed laughing. Trunks smirked.

"Yeah, have fun being a weirdo." He remarked softly. Goten turned and glared at him.

"He's not a weirdo! He's a super hero! He's ultra cool!!!"

Trunks whirled about, standing on his tip toes.

"Nah-uh!! He's got that WEIRD outfit, and that WEIRD speech he says!" He laughing, mocking Gohan's corny entrance speech. "Don't fear, gentle citizens! I will save you for I…" He whirled about, balancing on one foot. "am the Great… SAIYANMAN!!!!!" He fell down laughing, holding his stomach as if in pain from his laughter. Goten glared at him.

"That's not funny!!!" He exclaimed. Bulma walked up behind him, smiling.

"Hi there Goten." She said brightly. "I didn't know you were here already."

Goten turned around, smiling.

"Gohan dropped me up a few minutes ago." He said cheerfully. "He didn't have time to stay."

"I understand." Bulma remarked. "He's got a lot of school work now that he's in High School." She blinked confusedly at Trunks. "What's with him?"

Goten pouted.

"He called Gohan weird."

"Why?" Bulma blinked in confusion. "He looks up to Gohan."

"Not when he's a super hero." Goten replied unhappily. "He thinks Gohan looks silly."

Bulma shook her head.

"That's just him being stubborn like his father. Don't mind him, Goten. He can't help it." She cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted to Trunks. "Hey Trunks! You wanna stop rolling around in the grass? You're going to mess up your favorite shirt!!!"

Trunks blinked tears out of his eyes, and sat up with a big stupid grin on his face. He sniffled, trying to gain control of his laughter. He sat there, realizing how stupid he looked. He stood up quickly, trying vainly to give his mother a serious look. But it only came out looking like a foolish smirk. Bulma put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"Look at you. Grinning there like that." She remarked with a smile. "You look so funny, Trunks."

Trunks frowned.

"I don't wanna look funny."

Bulma laughed, then walked up to him and ruffled his hair.

"Okay you big funny guy." She said laughing. "You and Goten need to get upstairs to wash up for supper. We're having chicken!"

Goten hopped into the air.

"Oh boy!!! Chicken!!!" He ran around Bulma, laughing the whole time. "Chicken, chicken, chicken… We're gonna have chicken!"

Trunks raised a brow.

"Fried, baked, or barbeque?" He asked.

"Fried." Bulma replied.

Trunks smiled broadly.

"That's awesome!" Goten nodded.

"Fried chicken!! Ha ha ha!" Bulma smiled.

"Alright. Go wash up now, so you can eat!"

Trunks nodded vigorously.

"Okay!" He turned to Goten. "Let's go, Goten!"

"Okay!" Goten replied, following Trunks who'd taken off flying indoors. Bulma shook her head.

"They never remember what I told them about flying indoors…" She shook her head and then sighed. "Oh well."

Meanwhile, Trunks and Goten had crowded into the loft bathroom, and were eagerly washing their hands.

"Wow Trunks!" Goten exclaimed with a laugh. "You're so lucky that your mom always orders takeout!"

Trunks nodded.

"It's because my Mama can't cook very well." He said with a broad grin. "Papa nearly choked to death the last time she made something."

Goten stood on tiptoe, rinsing his hands. When he had finished he wiped them clean with a towel and then grinned at Trunks.

"So what're we gonna do tonight?"

Trunks smirked as he rinsed his hands as well.

"We're gonna show my parents that we're not weak little kids."

"So we're gonna put all of your mom's cars on the top of the City Tower again?" Goten asked blinking. "I don't think that Miss Bulma will believe that aliens did it again."

"I don't think she believed us the first time anyway." Trunks said, drying his hands with another towel. "No, we're gonna play a game with her time machine!"

"The time machine?" Goten asked blinking. "What's a time machine?"

Trunks sighed.

"You're such a juvenile." He said frowning. "A time machine lets you go whenever you want in history! You can even go to the future!"

Goten let out a cry of joy.

"Oh! I know what that is! Mommy says that the older Trunks came here in one to help my daddy fight some bad guys a long time ago."

Trunks nodded.

"Yeah. My Mama from the future made it so that the me of the future could travel back to give Goku-san an antidote for a disease or something. My Papa told me." He grinned again. "And they treated the older me like a hero! Imagine if we used it! We'd be appreciated then!"

"But, don't they already appreciate us?" Goten asked blinking. "I know that my mommy and Gohan do."

Trunks shook his head.

"They're just acting." He said with disgust. "Grown ups don't ever respect us kids. If we saved the planet, that would be different."

"How do you know the time machine will take us somewhere where the world'll need to be saved?"

"Aw, come on, Goten! Doesn't your Mama teach you history? There's always something going on!" He smiled at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. "Can't you see it? They'll treat us like grown ups if we can save a who era!" Trunks grinned inwardly as he envisioned it-his father patting him on the back, congratulating him, his mother taking him to the toy store every single day because he was her little hero! Goten blinked at Trunks, then shook his head.

"I dunno if this is a good idea…"

Trunks snapped out of his reverie, and then looked at Goten critically.

"Look, Goten." He said pointedly. "Your Mama and brother love you very much, right? Well, that's because you're so cute and innocent. What if that changes someday? Don't you want them to always love you?" Goten nodded. Trunks continued. "If you save the world, then they'll be sure to always love you for that. So, will you come with me, Goten?"

Goten stood there for a moment, trying to weigh the decision just put upon his young shoulders. Finally, he nodded.

"Okay, Trunks. I'll go too."

Trunks clapped his hands together.

"Perfect! We'll leave tonight, after my Mama and Papa are in bed. Okay?"

Goten nodded.


Trunks noticed the apprehension of his young friend, and put his hand reassuringly on Goten's shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll be fine. I took a test that said I have the IQ of a fifteen year old! We'll be fine with me in charge."

Goten nodded, but didn't feel that comforted…