Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ Trunks is outmatched! Who will be our hero? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10

Trunks is outmatched!

Who will be our hero?!

Trunks stared at the blast as it engulfed him, sending him flying towards the rocky wall of the cliff-side where his friends were fighting a Sinspawn. He was flung into a dark cave, and partially buried in debris. He winced, coughing weakly, as he struggled to sit up.

"Shit…" He groaned, wincing. His arm was twisted at an odd angle, and it hurt more than anything he had ever felt. He winced again, and struggled to his feet. He turned towards the opening he had made, and then powered up again, feeling frustrated. "You won't beat me that easy, Sin! You hear me?! You won't win like that!" He exploded out of the cavern, golden light wrapping around him. But he was completely unaware that he was being watched by a solitary being that hid behind those rocks. Trunks flew back up towards Sin, but he saw at the last second that the creature had been anticipating this. Another blast of energy was reaching out for him, whipping up cold lances of water in its wake. Trunks winced, ready accept his fate for being careless, but then he heard a cry. A cry uttered by a familiar voice. A cry that froze his soul.


Trunks looked up just in time to see the small, childish form of Goten slide up between the him and the blast. Goten took the blast at full force, and was sent rocketing into Trunks. Trunks caught his friend, and was horrified immediately at his appearance. Goten was in awful shape, and had been, even before taking that awful hit. He had old wounds that were infected, and his face was pale. His new wounds had also opened the old ones, so now the young body of Goten oozed with crimson blood. Goten was unconscious, though Trunks feared he may be dead or dying, after a hit like that. Goten's clothes were practically useless. They had been reduced to mere strips of fabric, many of which had been tied on some of his old wounds. Trunks cradled his friend, looking fearfully up at Sin. Sin seemed to rear up in triumph, preparing another finishing move. This time, Trunks was certain that he was done for…

But then suddenly, in the space of time it takes to blink an eye, Trunks was staring into a field of orange fabric. He blinked, and looked up, into a face that he had only seen in pictures.


Goku looked down at Trunks, looking a lot like Goten.

"Tr… Trunks!"

Trunks nodded.

"Yeah! Yeah, that's me!!"

"Gosh, I didn't know your hair was so long!" Goku exclaimed. He noticed Goten, and he let out a cry. "Goten-he isn't dead, is he?!"

"I… I don't know, Goku-san…" Trunks said truthfully. There were tears in his eyes as well. He was so happy to see someone from his universe, and he was also happy to have Goten back. He just prayed that Goten was alive…

Alive… That blast…

"Goku-san!" Trunks shouted, realizing what Sin had been doing only seconds before. But it was too late. The wave of energy hit them all, knocking them back. Goku suddenly got a very cross look on his face, and he turned and looked at Sin.

"He did this to Goten?!"

Trunks bowed his head.

"Some of it…" Trunks looked up to Goku, his eyes pleading. "You can get rid of him, right? I mean, you're supposed to be like the strongest guy in the Universe, right?"

Goku shrugged.

"There's always someone stronger. Get down on that beach there. I'll do what I can-just keep Goten safe!"

Trunks nodded, feeling much better. He hovered down to the shoreline, and checked Goten's pulse. His friend was alive, thankfully, and he didn't seem to have any of the changes that Trunks had. At least that was a good thing. Trunks looked up towards the battle now, and saw that even Goku was having problems. Sin was just too big. He could just absorb any ki sent his way, and hitting him did little, even with a Super Saiyan's punch. Sin's magical attacks nibbled away at Goku's energy, until he, like Trunks, had been whittled away into nothingness. Goku flew down to Goten and Trunks, and he looked at them urgently.

"We've got to escape." He said grimly. Trunks shook his head.

"I can't just leave my friends!"

Goku turned around, looking at Sin suddenly, his eyes wide. Sin was doing something-something bad. This attack seemed to surpass anything they had seen yet. A black aura appeared around Sin, forming a great ball of darkness. The ball suddenly streaked towards Goku, Trunks, and Goten, and the two standing Saiyans did what they could to hold it back, but it was too much… Too much…

And then it was gone. Another attack from above caused Sin's ball of destruction to dissipate. They all looked up, and Trunks's eyes filled with tears of relief.


Vegeta was standing next to a time machine, his eyes narrowed and locked on Trunks. He then looked to Sin, hate in his gaze. He said something, but Trunks couldn't hear him, for his father was too far away. Suddenly, Sin withdrew, which seemed to make Vegeta even angrier. He flew down to the small group of Saiyans. He ignored Goten and Goku, and went right to Trunks.

"If you EVER dare to scare your mother like that again, I will tear you apart!!!" He shouted, his voice hoarse with emotion. Trunks's eyes filled with tears.

"Papa!!!! Papa, I'm so sorry!!!" Trunks gave Goten to Goku, dashed to his father, and he threw his arms around him, letting the tears come. Vegeta scowled at Trunks.

"Don't cry in front of everyone! Stop being a weakling!!!"

Trunks looked up at his father, a goofy grin covering his face.

"But Papa… You're crying too."

Vegeta wiped his tears away, shaking his head.

"Just…" Vegeta started, then he hugged his son back. "Don't do that again, alright? You… Worried everyone. You and Goten."

Goku watched in amazement, his brown eyes wide. Vegeta glared at him.

"And just what the Hell are you looking at, Kakkarotto?!"

Goku smiled, still cradling Goten, his eyes softened, as if he was seeing Vegeta for the first time.

"Nothing, Vegeta. I just think I missed something."