Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ Cold Memory ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next morning, Cloud was trying to wake Salira up. "Come on, Aeris. Wake up. I'll brake this door down again!" Salira, who was acting like she was still sleeping, got next to the door and placed her hand on the doorknob. "One…" Cloud said as he was getting ready to bust the door down. Yuffie, who was peeking from her door, knows what Salira was doing and giggles to herself. "…Two…" Cloud continued, "…Three!" He took off with speed. As soon as Cloud took off, Salira opened the door and stood behind it. Cloud couldn't stop in time and ran right onto the bed. "Aeris!" Cloud yelled as he came to his senses. Salira ran out the door as fast as she could to Yuffie's room. Cloud chased after her. "Hurry, Salira. Get in!" Yuffie said to Salira. Once Salira got in the room, both her and Yuffie shut the door and leaned against it with all their might.

Cloud tries to brake down Yuffie's door, but it backfired because Yuffie and Salira were leaning against it. Cloud fell backwards once he slammed into the door. Salira, on the other hand, fell forward because of the force through the door. Yuffie locked it and helped Salira up on her feet. "Ouch! How much force did my father use?" said Salira, getting up. "What a way to spend a Sunday morning!" Cloud mumbled to himself as he got up, "I hope I knocked down Salira as well!" "Don't worry, Cloud. She fell," Yuffie yelled so Cloud can hear her. "I give up! Aeris, just get dressed and go down to the church," said Cloud as he left the hallway. Salira opened the door just enough to make sure her father wasn't playing a joke. She slowly tiptoed to her room after she stepped out into the hallway.

Salira entered her room and slowly, yet carefully, shut her door. As she turned to her closet, she noticed a long pink dress laid smoothly on her messy bed. "You're kidding me, right?" she mumbles to herself, "There's no way I'm wearing this! I hate dresses! Let alone, I hate pink!" She threw the pink dress on the floor and went to her closet. Salira got out a pair of pants, her black shirt, and a pair of socks when Yuffie came in. "Your father isn't gonna be very happy," Yuffie said as she looked at the dress crumpled up on the floor. "What? It's just a dress," said Salira, setting the clothes she got out on her bed. "Whatever you say…I've warned you." Yuffie ran out and went to her room. "Yuffie! You forgot to shut the door!" yelled Salira, getting up and shutting the door so she can get dressed.

After Salira got dressed, she made her bed and threw the dress, which she picked up, on the bed. Salira left her room, not realizing or wondering about where her father got it. Yuffie had already left the house, and left her door open to her room. As Salira walked by Yuffie's room, she noticed a picture sitting on Yuffie's dresser. Salira, wanting to know who was in the picture, walked over to the dresser and picked it up. She sat on the bed and examined the picture. There were two people in it: a guy and a girl. Salira immediately recognized the guy; her father, Cloud. She didn't recognize the girl, but she did recognize the dress she wore. That's the dress that's sitting on my bed, thought Salira. She was shocked. Cloud noticed Salira in Yuffie's room, holding a picture, as he walked to Salira's room. He stood next to Yuffie's door and caught a glimpse of the picture. "I thought Yuffie lost that picture," said Cloud, looking at Salira. Salira didn't notice her father was there and jumped as soon as he spoke. "Daddy…I didn't see you there," Salira said. "I see you found a picture," said Cloud, sitting next to Salira.

"Who's she?" asked Salira, pointing to the women in the picture.

"That's Aeris," answered Cloud, "That's where you got your nickname and the dress."

"Why don't I ever see her and you always talk about her?" asked Salira. Cloud didn't answer. He just stared at the picture, remembering Aeris and how her tried to save her. Salira studied the depressed look on her father's face. Did she dump him or something? Salira wondered. Cloud finally spoke, "She was killed three years before I found you." He put his arm around Salira. "How?" Salira asked, looking at the women in the picture. "Someone had killed her," Cloud answered. Yuffie came back into the house and into her room with papers in her hand. "I see you were stopped on the way home," said Cloud as he got up and walked toward Yuffie to take the papers out of her hand.

"I was stopped by some professor from an academy," Yuffie said as she handed the papers to Cloud. She then whispered in Cloud's ear, "I thought it would do Salira some good, and keep her away from You-Know-Who."

"What is it?" Salira stood next to her father and tries to read the paper in his hands.

"I'll talk to you about it later when you come home," responded Cloud, walking out of the room and into his.

"Well…what are you waiting for? You better get down to the church, Salira! Go," Yuffie forced Salira out of the room. Salira still had the picture in her hand, so she placed it in her room on the dresser and left the house.

II Cold Memory

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