Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ Rosalynn ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Back in Midgar, Cloud could not believe what he had just heard. "I guess I can protect you," he answered. Cloud and Sethrinn finally reached the park. "Oh! Thank-you! You don't know how happy I am!" exclaimed Sethrinn. She gave Cloud a big hug. "Can you please lay off the hugs?" Cloud remarked, gasping for breath.

"Oh…oops…sorry," Sethrinn answered as she let go of Cloud.

"Well, I can go call my friend and see where SOLDIER groups are. She keeps track on them so me and Salira can avoid them."

"Your friend? She? I'm confused."

"Her name's Rosalynn. She use to be on a lot of the same missions as me and also quitted a few years ago. She still tracks them down though."

"Oh… So you're dating her?" Sethrinn asked. Rosalynn, not her again. How much I despise her!, she thought, that bitch will pay majorly!

"No, she's just a friend I keep in touch with. Nothing more," Cloud answered. He started to walk back to his house. "Come on. We'll go call her now."

"NO!" yelled Sethrinn, stopping Cloud dead in his tracks, "I mean no, that won't be necessary. I don't want to bother her if she's busy."

"She won't mind really," Cloud remarked, looking back at Sethrinn.

"No, really, it's okay. I'll just keep an extra eye out," Sethrinn replied. She then mumbled to herself, "I won't have that bitch mess in my affairs!"

"You okay?" Cloud asked, walking toward Sethrinn.

"Uh…yeah…I'm fine. Just trying to remember something," Sethrinn answered, smiling.

"Why are you being followed?"

"Don't know…I have really no idea."

"Hmm…that's something we need to find out. I could ask Rosalynn, she'll have a good idea."

"We don't need to call her. I really don't want to bug her."

"She doesn't mind at all. She's never busy until night. She works at the bar in Sector 6."

"It's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay then. Want anyone else to help?"

"Nope…Just you…I'm a little shy around other people I don't know."

"Just me…Why?"

"You seem nice and cute."

"Ha…very funny."

"No really."

"Whatever. Exactly how long do you want me to help you?"

"Until they go away, or it's safe for me to go."

"I guess I can't say no now, huh?"



"Great what?"


"Hey, listen. I'm going to head home."

"You want me to go with you?"

"No, I'm fine right now…I'm sure they haven't found me that quick yet."

"Just checking."


"See ya later then," Cloud responded, walking back home.


"What now?"

"Why don't you meet me at that fancy restaurant down the street tomorrow night?" Sethrinn called after him.

"Sure, whatever," Cloud calls back, disappearing into the horizon. Once he was out of sight, Sethrinn laughs wickedly and disappears. "Insolent fool!" she yelled as she vanished. On the way home, Cloud wonders to himself. Why whenever I was near her, I sensed a dark presence like Sephiroth's…weird…I guess I'll find out more about her tomorrow night…speaking of which…why did she ask me to protect her? It was quiet odd…I mean we just met…She seems nice, however, there is something about her that I'm unsure of…
