Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Path Of Repentance ❯ Murder Of A Maester ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

-Path Of Repentance-

By: Dark Shedevil

Author's Chat Section: Never did I really like Tidus/Yuna. He was okay, but I know Yuna deserved better. So in planning a brand spanking new story I came up with a thought of Yuna being with Seymour. And of course Seymour being a total cutie, the plan was a go-go. This is a fan fiction filled with dramatic/lemony proportions. So sit down relax, read this fanfic and enjoy! And I want to thank two very kind people who took the time to read my story and tell me my horrible mistakes, so here's to you Kirie Himuro and Kyd (Raises wine glass.) Thank you guys so much! Oh yeah one more thing, in upcoming chapters the rating will change to R.

Disclaimer: Every now and then, authors who do this disclaimer want to take a bat and break it apart. So let me give an explanation. Seymour hand me a bat (Seymour hands her a bat.) Here's to you disclaimers. (Breaks it apart and messes it up.) Now this is the time to run away before the police come on. Let's go Seymour. (Runs away like hell.)

Chapter 1- Murder Of A Maester

Lying spread-eagled on the cold temple floor was the body of Seymour Guado. As Tidus was speaking with the others of the action we should take next, I kneeled next to the dead body of Seymour.

All I can remember are the last words he said to me.

" would pity me now?"

Those words I just did not want to remember them, but they were all that ran through my head. Then I felt a strong sensation within. Guilt. I couldn't help looking at his fragile face. It hurt me so badly; I had to close my eyes.

Tell me was this all a lie? The teachings were something I've dedicated to all my life to the high summoners, maesters, and my father… Now I find out that Spira's ray of hope was just a heartless person who killed his father for vengeance. A man, whom all this time, made me believe that this was indeed someone who could lead the people of Spira to a better world when I am gone. I cannot believe I was going to take your hand at marriage at first!

I caressed his face, feeling his scars one by one. They were so elaborate and beautiful; each one intertwined another with a light shade of blue covering up most of his forehead.

You were the person who led me to believe that our pretend marriage would cause happiness throughout Spira. A person whose love we cannot share but only to those in sadness. But...

This is how it was supposed to be. Us killing you, in order to defend ourselves. At first I was horrified to hear what you had done to your father. But as time went by, it wasn't hard to be convinced. My goal in coming to Bevelle was to expose to everyone whom once believed in you the truth. Nothing but the cold, harsh truth.

I couldn't help but stare at his face once more. Such a marvel, dying with his face burrowed in a saddened expression. Placing his head on my knees I fixed his hair. I couldn't help running the tips of my fingers over his ice-cold lips.

I'm so sorry but you did deserve this.

"Hey, Yuna we should go before-" Tidus began to speak but was interrupted.

Tromell and a couple of Guado guards came into the room.

"Lord Seymour!" Tromell exclaimed in terror.

Tromell's eyes were set firmly upon his master, whom was still lying on my knees. Quickly I got up and rest his head once again on the ground.

"What happened here?" Tromell demanded as he approached us; anger blazing within his dark green eyes.

His fingers touched Seymour neck, feeling for a pulse. But I knew there was none to be found. "You murderers! You killed Maester Seymour!" He screamed.

It was then I saw Wakka. His head was downcast, as was Lulu's. They were speechless.

Wakka shook his head in disbelief. "What have I done?"

I could tell they were ashamed for murdering Seymour. But had they no other choice? Even from that, I can understand their feelings towards this. Yet I wonder... Will I get to finish my pilgrimage? Will Spira be rescued by summoning the final aeon, even though we have become murderers? I… I just didn't want to think about that.

Tidus ran towards Tromell, clutching the Brotherhood tightly. He approached the enraged servant and shouted: "Wait a minute! It's not our fault at all! Seymour struck first! He's the bad guy!"

Tromell stood up, even angrier if possible. "So you did this?"

Auron hasn't even lost his usual stoic nature. He seemed like he didn't even care at all. "Yuna, send him."

I looked at everyone. Their faces were sleet white, probably from all the shock. Even my cheery cousin was looking nervous.

I know we'll make it through this somehow.

I took out my magical rod and began to dance, but then Tromell stopped me.

"No, stop! Stay away from him, traitors!" He bellowed.

I did what he asked. Then I saw the guards take Seymour's dead body out of the room.

Where Seymour had died, all that was left was a single blue lock of his hair lying on the temple's floor.

Seymour… His name ran through my head over and over again. I just did not want to kill him. But I couldn't understand why he'd done this. To me, to my friends, to Spira.

My head finally cleared up. I turned towards Tromell, my voice almost breaking down in tears. But I had to say something. "Traitors?"

Once again Wakka, who was like a brother to me, shook his head in denial. "We're finished."

It just couldn't be, this couldn't be happening! All my hard work, the future and hope I wanted for Spira was going to be destroyed just like that? All I wanted now was a person to wipe away this mess. But it was Tidus who wanted to make it all better.

He pointed directly at Tromell, who still stood there in silence, and spoke. "Now hold on just a minute! Seymour's the bad guy, right? We'll just explain to everyone what happened!"

Auron shook his head while looking at the man I loved for quite some time. "It won't be that easy... Let's get out of here."

I didn't think it was going to be that easy either but we had to escape. But unfortunately when we arrived at the end the ice bridge that once stood beneath us we found it was no longer there.

"Gimme a break." Tidus exclaimed as he slashed his sword at the ice walls. No such luck in even trying to get to the other side.

My younger cousin walked around the bottom area, where a section of the trials stood. "Hey! You guys, I think we have to do this, so we can cross."

"Very well then." Auron said as he went down along with Tidus and tried to complete the trial as fast as possible. After about a few minutes the ice bridge reappeared. We continued running towards the temple's entrance. My world began to revolt, as I saw Tromell once again in front of us, but this time surrounded by many more guards.

Fresh tears slowly streamed my face. "Please."

Auron saw my tears and quickly responded. "Give us a chance to explain."

No such luck. Tromell shook his head. "No need. I already know what I'll tell the other masters."

"Meaning?" I heard Auron's rough tone of voice. I could tell he was now very angry.

"Lord Seymour was the leader of the Guado before becoming a maester."

Tidus balled up his fists in anger. "You're not letting us go."

He chuckled, sending shivers down my spine. "Let you go? Lord Seymour would never forgive us if we did."

In trying to be helpful, Rikku shot up. "Wait, wait! Jyscal's sphere! We can show it to them!"

Tromell held up the blue sphere recording. "You mean this?" Then he crushed it into a hundred tiny pieces with his hand. "The Guado take care of Guado affairs."

Kimahri took out his spear and shoved the Guado out of the way. "Away!" He bellowed.

Auron followed Kimahri's lead. "Run!"

The seven of as ran to the exit, only to be followed by some more Guado guards. We made it all the way to Lake Macalania, only to be faced with another battle.

The long and intense battle left me exhausted. Wakka had to take my place along with Rikku and Tidus. They were able to defeat the Wendigo and the two Guado guards, but right before Wendigo died it pounded it's fists on the icy lake. It began to crack.

"Oh no!" I cried, before the thinning lake broke and we all fell down into the darkness.

Author's Notes: Mostly Yuna's thoughts and a remake of what happened in Macalania temple. Next chapter Yuna realizes things, so until then everyone, and don't forget to review if you want to read more.