Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Way Home ❯ Brother ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Apply disclaimer from previous chapters here. Then read on.]

The Long Way Home


ARGH. This is not what I had hoped for. Ed ryc paah rynt ahuikr lubehk fedr dra vyld so vaamehkc vun dra payidevim, geht yht cahcedeja Yuna ryja hu lryhla uv paehk nadinhat. Huf E ryja paah natilat du dra numa uv y VANNOSYH! Frah fa vuihtat dra Gullwings E fyc ihtan dra esbnacceuh dryd fa fana uh y secceuh du veht uid suna ypuid Spira, hud y zuoneta canjela!

Famm... drah ykyeh, E cibbuca ed fych'd ymm ypuid teclujanehk recduno. Syopa E fyc eh ed vun dra vih ymm ymuhk. Drah ykyeh, ev Rikku ryt gabd ran huca uid uv y vaf drehkc ed sekrd ryja paah ajah suna vih. E cdemm tu hud ihtancdyht ran yddedita dufyntc so vaamehkc!


Then again… perhaps I am aiming too high.

E raynt ran dymg cu syho desac uv dra syh cra mujat, pid vyemat du dyga ed du raynd. Yht drah ykyeh... banrybc E, duu, fyc uha uv dra syccac fru cyf fryd drao fyhdat du caa eh ran.

Banrybc Rikku ec nekrd, banrybc E ys y sicko...

STILL! Even so, I am not appreciating the manner to which my airship is being used!

Fa ryth'd ajah paah yd Besaid y vimm tyo frah Yuna fuga ic ymm ib, fedr ran Shuyin-muugymega puovneaht yht Rikku eh duf. Drah cra cyet fa fana kuehk uh y cekrdcaaehk duin uv Spira, cdyndehk vnus dra vyn Hundr yht fungehk uin fyo tufh! Yht zicd dra udran tyo cra fyc venat ib du lusa rusa!!!

Cu huf, rana E ys, fedr dra Celsius byngat yd dra vyn atka uv Zanarkand, dfettmehk so drispc yht fuhtanehk ruf silr tysyka dra creb duug frah fa myhtat. Buddy tuach'd caas du ryja y bnupmas fedr dra vyld dryd fa'na paehk dnaydat yc dyqe tnejanc; ra fuimt pa famm canjat du nasaspan dryd E ys LYBDYEH uv drec creb, yht E ys hud kaddehk dra nacbald E tacanja!!!

E sekrd yc famm ku yht ehcbald dra ahkeha frema fa fyed vun dra udranc du lusa pylg. Rikku yht Paine fyhtanat uvv cusafrana du lralg vun cbrana yldejedo, yht dra mycd desa E kmyhlat uid dra pnetka fehtuf, Yuna yht Tidus fana fydlrehk dra cih cad vnus ydub dra lysbceda remm. Knayd Fayth, ed syta sa celg.

Zicd yhudran nasehtan dryd E ryja huputo du lymm so ufh. Fro??? Fro ec ed E lyhhud rumt y fusyh'c raynd vun suna dryh y susahd? E's ouihk, E ryja so ufh airship, cusa aqlammahd dydduuc... hud du sahdeuh so tohysel ydrmadelecs!

Ur famm... E cibbuca ed'c draen mucc.

[And now, translations for the Al Bhed impaired.]

ARGH. This is not what I had hoped for. It has been hard enough coping with the fact my feelings for the beautiful, kind and sensitive Yuna have no chance of being returned. Now I have been reduced to the role of a FERRYMAN! When we founded the Gullwings I was under the impression that we were on a mission to find out more about Spira, not a joyride service!

Well... then again, I suppose it wasn't all about discovering history. Maybe I was in it for the fun all along. Then again, if Rikku had kept her nose out of a few things it might have been even more fun. I still do not understand her attitude towards my feelings!

Then again… perhaps I am aiming too high.

I heard her talk so many times of the man she loved, but failed to take it to heart. And then again... perhaps I, too, was one of the masses who saw what they wanted to see in her.

Perhaps Rikku is right, perhaps I am a sicko...

STILL! Even so, I am not appreciating the manner to which my airship is being used!

We hadn't even been at Besaid a full day when Yuna woke us all up, with her Shuyin-lookalike boyfriend and Rikku in tow. Then she said we were going on a sightseeing tour of Spira, starting from the far North and working our way down! And just the other day she was fired up to come home!!!

So now, here I am, with the Celsius parked at the far edge of Zanarkand, twiddling my thumbs and wondering how much damage the ship took when we landed. Buddy doesn't seem to have a problem with the fact that we're being treated as taxi drivers; he would be well served to remember that I am CAPTAIN of this ship, and I am not getting the respect I deserve!!!

I might as well go and inspect the engine while we wait for the others to come back. Rikku and Paine wandered off somewhere to check for sphere activity, and the last time I glanced out the bridge window, Yuna and Tidus were watching the sun set from atop the campsite hill. Great Fayth, it made me sick.

Just another reminder that I have nobody to call my own. Why??? Why is it I cannot hold a woman's heart for more than a moment? I'm young, I have my own airship, some excellent tattoos... not to mention my dynamic athleticism!

Oh well... I suppose it's their loss.

[A/N: This chapter was intentionally kept short. I’d always wanted to try and write an entire dialogue segment like this in Al Bhed; hope it is found to be amusing rather than annoying. But hey, this is Brother who’s talking; as Rikku would say, who cares about him? ^_^ -Neon Ronin]

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