Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Way Home ❯ O'aka XXIII ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[A/N: Insert disclaimer from previous chapters here and enjoy!]

The Long Way Home


I tell ye now, it hasn’t always been a bed of roses for yours truly. But me family has always been a hardy lot; the proud O’aka name has endured and flourished for the last five hundred years, which in a world plagued by fiends and (until recently) the juggernaut Sin, is sayin’ something!!! And it lies with me to ensure that our heritage as great travelers and merchants goes on, whatever hardships may come me way! I’m sure that if me ancestor, O’aka Ghelspad- O’aka the First to those of you in the know- if he were here now, he’d be pleased with me successes.

Well… okay, so maybe I’ve run afoul of a few missteps here and there, and I won’t deny me shop has had its fair share of setbacks, but the salesman’s blood in me burns like a bloomin’ fire. There isn’t anything I won’t do to ensure all Spira hears of me name, not to mention some of the finest bleedin’ merchandise this side of the Moonflow!! I’ve begged and borrowed to get where I am today… never stole, and if anyone tells you otherwise they’re a barefaced liar… and I just know business’ll be on the upswing ‘afore long.

Thing is, I don’t know how well I’d have managed were it not for several very kind customers, gave me a hand when I needed it most. And what publicity, too!! Imagine it, little ol’ me, purveyor to the ones who saved this world from its greatest threat of all, the High Summoner Yuna an’ her Guardians! I first run into them on the boat from Besaid to Kilika, when I was just beginning to spread the name of O’aka XXIII to all who would listen. I were a poor bloke then, barely making enough to maintain me stock, and they gave me a hand. Became some of me best customers, too; after such a great investment in me shop, it were the least I could do, right? Such good people, and energetic, especially that one tow-headed lad in the Blitzball clothes. You’d never think the Church would up an’ call them heretics later on; I didn’t believe they were made out to be evil, so I did me best to support them from afar. Even when those bloody Yevon skivers locked me up, me and me brother stood by them.

Nowadays, Lady Yuna and her friends are still me best customers. Helped me out a treat when I got in trouble over an Al Bhed loan arrangement gone awry; I knew I should’ve checked their compound interest rates… well, anyway, at least me shop at the edge of Macalania still stands, and I’ve made it me goal to keep it standing as long as I can. Sure, there may not be much traffic around a sunken perpetual-winter lake, but I’ll sell to all comers, each and every one of them! Now that me brother Wantz is back, the two of us have really embarked on a publicity binge; every few days we take ourselves and our wares to the edge of Bevelle, set up a small bazaar and trade with the other merchants in the marketplace. We’ve managed to land several good contracts, especially with jewelers wishing to invest in me brother’s handiwork. He may not be much of a salesman, but Wantz can work wonders with precious metals. He’s made bracelets and necklaces that aren’t merely protective magic devices, they’re veritable works of art. Master Rin of the Al Bhed purchased several of his bronze wristbands not less than a week ago, and I’ll tell ye, when a merchant like Rin takes an interest in yer work, that’s a complement.

Speaking of purchases, just a short while ago we had another visit from one of our best customers. It were powerful windy outside, and me and me brother were checking the windows to make sure our stock didn’t get blown off the shelves, when all at once the door flings open and a slight blonde female dashes in, stomping and rubbing her limbs to ward off the chill. I knew at once it were young Lady Rikku, and the sight o’ her wind chilled yet grinning face brought a grin to me own. I greeted her, and promptly offered her a mug of hot cocoa; I always keep a pot on for meself or potential customers. I figure, warm a customer up after the cold they faced outside, they’ll be in a grateful mood, possibly a buying mood…

She asked me how business were, and I were honest about it- business had been a bit slow, but at least we were still breaking even. Then I asked her what brings her this way, especially alone, since I’d hardly ever seen her not in the company of Lady Yuna or her brother. She smirked, telling me she were ‘on a secret mission while the others explored Bevelle.’

“A mission for whom?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Sorry, can’t tell you,” she replied in that lilting sing-song voice of hers. “I had to promise not to tell anybody, not even my own family.” I had to raise me eyebrow at that; must be pretty important if the daughter of the Al Bhed leader couldn’t tell her own pa what she were up to.

She then pulled out a piece of paper with some notes scribbled all over it. “I need a piece of custom jewelry made; nothing enchanted, it’s not a combat item,” she said. “You can do stuff like that, right?” I nodded, telling her me brother were good and fast- and I weren’t stretching the truth, either, Wantz really does have golden fingers when it comes to crafts. Her eyes lit up when she heard that, and she pushed the paper towards me. “My- um- ‘client’ designed this over a lengthy period of time, and it needs to be made letter-perfect,” she said with a smile.

The request looked simple enough- a silver ring with a wide band, etched with a dual motif. Apparently this ‘client’ of Miss Rikku’s wanted ocean waves on part of the band, merging with flowering plants on the other. It sounds simplistic, but the sketch on the paper made it clear what was desired, and it looked like a lot of thought had gone into it. At the apex of the ring, the client wanted a clear, mostly white gemstone, preferably diamond, something tasteful but not small. I made a mental note that we had a 1-carat blue-white diamond set aside for a Snow Ring, but we hadn’t had many orders for those so we could use it. Then, on either side of the primary stone, the client wanted two smaller gems, one sapphire and one emerald. Again, not a problem; Wantz has several of those in varying modest sizes. All in all, a rather nice-looking ring, and I had to ask whether the client was sure he or she didn’t want a battle enchantment.

“Nope,” Miss Rikku replied with a wink, “This isn’t something for battle, it’s supposed to be for something much more special.”

“And what might that be?” I asked. “Um… sorry, can’t tell you that either,” she replied in that same sing-song tone of hers. “So, when will it be ready? I kinda need to put a rush on this order, since we won’t be in Bevelle more than a couple days…”

I did a few quick calculations and glanced at the calendar- hardly necessary, since we almost never get custom orders like this- then went back to confer with me brother. Since it weren’t a magic ring and our schedule were free, he said, he could have it done within two days. He’d just slap on the usual enchantment we use on all our rings, to make sure it fits perfect regardless of the size of the ring finger.

Miss Rikku were downright thrilled we could get the job done so soon, and do it we did. Just an hour ago she come in to pick it up, and Wantz had just done the final polishing job. It were a pricey custom job, but she shrugged it off, saying the client weren’t concerned with the price, just the outcome.

It surprised me a bit when she paid for the job in Calm Skies credits, but me being so close to the Calm Lands anyway, those credits are just as good as gil any day at O’aka’s. She told me her client had forgot to change his credits to gil before leaving the games, and hoped I didn’t mind. Fact is, as long as it gets the O’aka name out in the public ear, I’ll barter in fiend teeth if needs be!! Hmm… those might make handy souvenir necklaces, actually…

In any event, I do hope this ‘client’ of Lady Rikku’s is happy with his custom job. Whoever that ring is meant for will most likely be a very happy person. Oddly enough, the emerald and sapphire stones seem kind of familiar. Makes me think of Lady Yuna for some reason.

Ah well, it’s probably just a coincidence. Time to get back to work. I understand Wantz has been talking with some Hypellos about word-of-mouth advertising…