Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Tainted And Pure Hearted ❯ Sober ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

-The Tainted And Pure Hearted-

By: Dark Shedevil

Author's Chat Section: Hiya guys! This here is chapter three of 'The Tainted And Pure Hearted.' And I'm so happy! Hope you like this couple so far. (You really don't see a lot of Cid/Yuffie around here.) Oh yeah, I really want you guys to read a story entitled "Fear and Courage" Written by Tifa246. Awesome story, and this was the story where inspired me to write this one. It's not about Yuffie and Cid but Cloud and Tifa. She has this problem that might lead to her death. But will she be able to tell Cloud on how she truly feels or will she die beforehand? Very interesting story. SO GET READING, YA HEARD?! So now after we get this straight let's start reading on this story.

Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat. I DO NOT, own Final Fantasy® VII, but Squaresoft© (Back then it was Squaresoft©.) owns it. Not me, but hey I wish. Who doesn't anyways? Hey I learned to do these little copyright things!

Chapter 3: Sober

Why can't we not be sober?

I just want to start this over

And why can't we drink forever?

I just want to start this over

I am just a worthless liar

I am just an imbecile

I will only complicate you

Trust in me and fall as well

I will find a center in you

I will chew it up and leave

I will work to elevate you

Just enough to bring you down.

-Tool `Sober'

The group followed their journey's destination to Costa Del Sol. Using Cid's 'Tiny Bronco.' They were able to cut back their amount of continuous walking. Everybody was sitting quietly on the plane's wings. Either speaking softly or not even talking at all, allowing for Cid to concentrate on his plane handling. But Yuffie couldn't help it and continued to steal a short glance of the expert pilot.

His blue eyes shimmered in the broad skylight. He did even squint his tiresome eyes like everyone else did when passing by the arising sunlight. While everyone afterwards was peacefully admiring the sun's rising, he just kept his posture and completely focused on the water's road instead.

She noticed.

She noticed how he furrowed his brow, she noticed how he kept on running his fingers through his slightly graying hair, and he kept his focus and determination of the handling. It seemed to surprise her very much.

Yuffie bit her lower lip. Then painfully turned away from the sight of him. Her mind tried to brush off any thoughts of him, yet they kept on coming back each time. Nesting within the reaches of her mind. She begged them to stop but they couldn't. One more quick glance wouldn't hurt. Or could it?

I can't control myself. Why can't I? Ugh. What's wrong with me? ARRGH! This is this so frustrating. Why is it so complicated? Oh gawd!

She looked at him once more.

His face. His nasty cigarette. Bleh! I wonder why anyone would be so attracted towards those death sticks. They smell terrible.

She shook away those thoughts and wanted to do something else. Something besides from thinking of his bad habits. Whenever she thought about him, it usually got on her nerves. People who just threw away their lives. It is what Cid does. It was what he routinely did all the time. But she couldn't tell him to stop. He was a grown man, and already knew the consequences that may come along. But she couldn't help it if she felt worried for him. Looking for some sort of relaxation and comfort she stared at the gentle motion of the water.

With the partially destroyed plane running at a fast rate in the water, Yuffie wasn't able to see her reflection so clearly. Only blurry images of herself. But the shimmering water looked spectacular, especially in the early morning. Actually the entire scenery was inviting and beautiful. Lush green trees against each other, fresh honey-dewed kissed grass sending out their invigorating scent across the vast land. She closed her eyes. Taking in the unfolding day in front of her. She was sleepy and a bit moody when having to wake up so early, but this made her want to take on the day. Besides they were going on a bit of a break.

This was one trip I've been looking forward to for a long time. And I can't wait! But now-

The young teen yawned, and no longer felt as if she could go on awake. Her young growing body begging for a moment of peaceful sleeping. A pinch more of resting the mind and for sure she would be set for the day.

I need a nap. Badly.

She looked around and seeing no other place to take a nap, her mind locked with the woman beside her. Tifa Lockheart smiled at Yuffie and with her hands she lightly tapped on her lap. A sign for Yuffie to take as a resting spot.

Yuffie smiled back and nodded. Resting her head of Tifa's lap she immediately fell to a light sleep with the air at a nice level and warmth of Tifa's movements and caressing.

"Hrrmmm… Uhhhm." She immediately woke up the sunlight was too much to handle and she kept on squinted as she stretched."Umm… How long have I been sleeping Tifa?" Still squinting and getting accustomed to the broad daylight shining directly in her face.

Tifa only chuckled. "Around half an hour, you sleepy head." It was amusing to her how Yuffie manages to clarify her sight and revitalize her body.

"Oh. Hey are we there yet?" Asked the young teen.

"Not yet. Almost though." Tifa responded. The older woman turned her attention to man sitting next to her, Cloud Strife. He sat up still and stern appearance about the situation.

Tifa playfully tugged at his earlobe.

"Come on Cloud. It's just going to be a small break. We all need one. Don't you think?"

He shook his head. "I don't know Tifa... The evil in the world doesn't take a break."

She looked at him with a face of disappointment. Whenever she tried to cheer him up, it only made it worse. But she was a persistent woman and on these instances she began to play around her delicate fingers. Weaving and lacing her fingers in and out from each other. Over time she learned to make simplest things a sort of playtime when nothing was to be done. Never wanting to be bored she always had something to do.

Cloud examined his childhood friend. When seeing her face, her frown and wandering crimson eyes, he began to feel guilty for not giving her a better more optimistic response. He hated to see his best friend like that.

Tifa… You are so caring. Always thinking about everyone else but yourself. That's why you deserved a break.

Placing his hand gently on Tifa's shoulder it made her cheer up right away. That allowed her to beam a smile at everyone else.

Lying down on the wing's edge with arms and legs spread-eagled away from Tifa, Yuffie examined the heroine very carefully. Her laugh made the mood of the group suddenly excited. Even Vincent let out a sign of laughter when Aeris slightly poked him in the neck. It's a gift Tifa achieved and did so well.

Gosh. I wish I were like her. So gentle so caring, someone whom everyone seems to get along with. She's so beautiful, her hair is shiny and straight while mine's is full of knots, her Crimson eyes tell a tale of wisdom, while my Dark Blue eyes show nothing but a childish young adult. You see her and Cloud and can see a love evolving. She practically has it all.

Escaping from within her was a small sigh. Her eyes closed once again and her only thoughts about a particular subject led her to a serious concentration.

I wish one day I can find my true love. Ultimate happiness, and extreme wealth. Which reminds me…

Yuffie searched for her tiny brown bag hidden well in her pocket. Pulling gently on the string that is always knotted in a specific way, ribbon fold and tied twice, that is led to believe that it brings good fortune to the Wutainese. Yuffie studied her colorful Materias. It was something that made her happy and a sense of pride.

Let's see here… Water Materia, Fire Materia, Enemy Skill, Cover, Haste, Earth, and my favorite. Steal Materia.

"Hard to believe such tiny things carry so much power."

Noticing the bushy scarlet mane, she knew right away it was none other than Red XIII.

"Yeah I know. This being so handful at the worst of times." She held up her Materias, each carried by the spacing between her fingers.

"You carry them there?" He pointed at the tiny brown bad on the ground with his paw.

She shook her head. "Only my extras. And since I can't place them all on my weapons I carry them here."

"Don't you worry about someone taking them?" He asked.

She tied it up hastily and placed it back within the depths of her pocket. "No not really. No one trusts me anymore, so I just have to have my own. Besides they never know where I put them and only I use them."

He lowered his head. "Why do you say that?"

"What do you mean?" Confusion was written all over her face.

"That no one trusts you."

"Oh! That… Well, you should know why."

Red XIII approached Yuffie. "Actually I don't know."

What in the world is he talking about? Doesn't he know?

She sighed. "Remember that time when I stole the Materias from everyone. Ever since then, it's like they don't care about me and don't trust me anymore."

Red XIII jerked up his head. Noticing the young teen saddened face. "I trust you." He said in a low voice.

Sheer Shock. Although Yuffie had expected the usual 'Yeah I remember that incident', ordeal her only friend from the group had really put her in a cheerful mood.

But only to make sure.

"Y-you do?" She shy fully asked.

He nodded. "Yes, I do." This time saying a bit louder than before.

The two of them began to discuss about their plans. While everyone else felt the necessity to talk as well. Barrett to Cait Sith, Vincent to Aeris, and Cloud to Tifa.

It made Yuffie happy that her one friend, being non-human, actually has the trust he had for her as she did for him. Yet she hadn't heard a word from Cid. She would regularly see him reach into his pocket and take out a fresh new cigarette now and then, but otherwise from that he didn't say anything. She shrugged it off and went back to listening to Red XIII.

After fifteen minutes or so Yuffie listened to every word Red XIII had to say. He was describing the time when he was young.

"So, I know you and your dad, didn't get along too well. But how did you manage to live with a human?"

He looked down, as if trying to find the right words to describe such a blessing. Having a place to call home, having a friend who practically knew everything, and one who cared so much about him.

"It does not matter whether he was human or not. He really cared for me. He treated me like I was one of his own."

She smiled weakly. Looking at the endless water and knowing that they'd be approaching land very soon.

I wish I could find a loved one like that. Wouldn't it be great? I could imagine the huge amounts of love and caring. Red XIII told me about his mother too. Mostly everybody describes his or her mothers in the greatest way. I suppose a mom in your life really make her the best. I just I could experience that. But I was too young to even remember... The memories I had of her were drained out. Long forgotten, since she was taken away from me at such a young age.

"Hey Yuffie are you okay? You seem to stare out into the Ocean an awful lot."

She returned from her little spaced thoughts. "No it's okay. I just can't wait until we get there. The beaches, the fun, the umm... break from the ordinary?"

He chuckled. "That all sounds fun. But I'm just going to sleep."

Yuffie laughed along with him. And then suddenly felt her motion sickness coming back.

No... Please! Just when I didn't have motion sickness, it just had to come and attack me when we are almost arriving.

"Ughh... Umm.. Does anybody..." She threw up out into the ocean.

"GREAT! JUST GREAT! Hope you didn't completely fuck up 'Tiny Bronco' you dumb little brat." Cid spat out.

Yuffie only glared at him. She could've handled his rude comments when she didn't feel like this. But now. She only got even angrier by the second.

With the motion sickness starting to kick in with maximum force Yuffie didn't want to stand one more minute of Cid's rude and unhelpful comments. "Wasn't it already fucked up in the first place, Cid?" She barked at him while throwing-up into the ocean.

He didn't say anything. It's true it really was messed up like hell before. It was a miracle that it was able to run on water.

"Whatever." He moved around his finishing cigarette with his tongue. He could no longer taste it's addicting taste so he threw it out into the ocean.

"Cid... You are so mean. Ughhh... Does anybody have anything that can help me?"

"Here you go. This may not cure your problem right away. But it will soon enough."

She reached out and took the bottle of Digestive medicine from Vincent, then drank it quickly.

"Hey thanks Vinny!"

They had finally arrived to Costa Del Sol. Getting off `The Tiny Bronco' they headed towards the deck all of them looking enthusiastic and had their plans set for the day.

"Okay, we'll meet up at the Inn, around 9:00pm, okay?" Cloud told the group.

"Yeah okay we heard ya!" Barrett ran off towards the entrance, as so did Aeris right behind him.

Vincent was in no hurry and walked. Tifa and Cloud ran in sort of a little race. Tifa waved to Yuffie, but Yuffie didn't notice. She went to dock and breathed in the air deeply. Trying to conquer her motion sickness.

"Well... What a shitter! Look at the back's edge of 'Tiny Bronco'. It's all fucked up and covered in your nasty puke!" Cid shook his head.

Yuffie clenched her teeth. "Sorry. But I couldn't help it." The suddenly she felt the pit of her stomach turn, and began to feel woozy once again. "Ughh... I have to go now I feel like I might faint."

She dashed towards the inn. Couldn't control the spinning room. Seeing everything fuzzy and blurred. Her head began to hurt. She ran in through the door and fainted on a bed there. No one seemed to notice not even the Inn Owner. She slept in the Inn for the remainder of the day.

"Dumb fucker."

Cid didn't say anything else, and threw the bucket of water on the plane's front edge in order to wash off the remaining vomit. He walked off to the beach. But he couldn't help but wonder. Why did she leave off so fast? He expected her usual throw back and complain. About 'How mean he is.' or 'For an old man this and old man that.' That pissed him off. Everybody called him an old man from time to time.

Those stupid bastards. Barrett's like 35, and they don't say shit to him. But I ain't that old. I'm only 32. Wonder how anyone could see that as 'old'. Well as long as I'm here. Might as well hit the bar.

He looked around the bar's entrance just to see if anyone was there. He really didn't want another person to come up to him and telling him not to drink.

He grinned

I want a drink goddamn it!


The Bar Tender turned out around. "Yes, sir?"

"I wanna a shot." He demanded.

"Very well. That'll be 100 gil per shot."

He slammed 800 gil on the table. Taking in notice the Bar Tender looked shocked.

"Are you sure?"

He rolled his eyes. Cid Highwind was definitely in a very daring mood today. "Yes I'm sure. Just get me my fucking drinks."

"Yes sir."

Cid sat patiently at the table. He duly noted the 'No Smoking' sign on the door. Made him upset. Feeling the urge for another smoke. Having already a full pack this day. He began tapping his fingers on the table. Trying to create a steady yet catchy beat. The man was a genius with mechanics, and it would make sense he would be good with the motion of his hands.

"Hey! Nice tune!" Commented a man leaving the bar. Cid grinned. Obviously satisfied with his music. He commended his steady beats while tapping his foot on the bar's floor, when finally the drinks arrived.

"Here you go sir. Exactly eight shots." He placed each one carefully onto the table. Eyeing Cid carefully studying him licking his lip while drinking down his first shot.

"Have a good night." Announced the Bar Tender leaving back to the bar.

Cid finished his fifth shot. Still craving the taste of hard alcohol. He gulped down his sixth shot shaking his head to clarify his twisted view. He no longer felt sober.

Observing from afar a man by the name of Jerry, known for his attention grabbing schemes and loyal companion to many local heroes saw how Cid drank up the order of drinks. "Wow! You already drank 6 shots?!?! Heh. That's no match for Big Al."

A man twice the size of Cid jerked his head up and crushed his drink on the floor. "I heard someone said my name? Who's was it?"

The redhead man went giddily to Big Al. "Hey this man is a challenge. He already drank six shots!"

He chuckled with a gruff tone in his sounds, and then he cracked his knuckles. "Ya sure? A challenge? Hey, that sounds interesting. Where's the dumb punk Jerry?'

Jerry pointed at Cid, who wasn't even paying attention to what the men were saying.

"That old geezer?!?"

Cid clutched his drink causing it to break. His fingers were bleeding. Small amounts of blood slowly slithered down his fingers, but Cid didn't care. He had heard the word 'Old'.

"Hey you's man theres. Come here and faces me lika man..." Cid hiccupped. Then cleared the table by knocking down everything.

Big Al grinned. "Well ya heard the man, Jerry! Go get us our drinks and let's call this a drink show."

He approached the table in where Cid was sitting in. The sat on the chair opposite from him staring at the man's outfit.

"Wait a damn minute! Y-You're Cid Highwind."

Cid stood up and pointed at himself. He kept on losing his balance but managed to stand up. "Yeah, T-that's a me! The on and and... Uhh... Only!"

Big Al cracked his knuckles once again. Then finally the drinks arrived 6 of them for each. "This is going to be an easy battle. Not only that, he's drunk already! Prepare to die, Old man!"

Cid sat back down looking at the glasses then picking one up. "Well'l see who's a... an old man... Yuffie!"

Big Al and Jerry laughed. "Will you look at that? He really must be that drunk, cause he sees me as his girlfriend." He laughed once more and lifted his glass. "Well may the best man win, Highwind."

At the mentioning of his name his Cid drank his glass. Drinking another after another. Al tried to catch up but Cid quickly drank each one faster. He was stunned.

Highwind was already drunk yet he managed to keep on drinking? Impressive for an old man.

It finally came down two the last drink. Whoever was able to drink their last shot first became the winner.

"And the winner is..." Jerry hesitated then when hearing a glass shattering he clearly saw who the winner was.

"The winner is… Cid Highwind." He said with such disgust.

The bartender came up to Big Al. He was furious. Big Al punched the wall and spit on the stair rail.

"That's fuckin' impossible. Getting beaten by this already drunk man." He pointed at Cid.

Meanwhile Cid limped around the room his vision was getting hazy and surrounded by a colorful blur. "I'm not drunk you s-s-s-silly sit." He left the bar. Still drunken from those shots he drank.

Back in the hotel Tifa grew worried as she repeatedly kept on looking at the clock.

"Where is he? Shouldn't he be here by now?"

Cloud shook his head. "I guess we have to start without him though where's Yuffie, shouldn't she be down here as well?"

"I gave a medicine for her motion sickness so as a result she's asleep, still recovering." The older man rested against the wall once more, closing his eyes while his locks of jet-black covered his face.

"That girl ain't good fer nothin." He pounded on the table. "Just watch she's gonna steal our Materia when we ain't looking, and then we're screwed."

Red XIII looked down, he never truly understood why Yuffie had done such a horrendous thing to the group. After all they had done for her. He still didn't care. It just doesn't feel right to hear of the bad things Barrett spoke of her.

Barrett continued eyeing Vincent conspicuously while calming down a bit from the past experienced he encountered with Yuffie.

"Ya sure you just didn't give her a medicine for something else as well?" He asked.

Vincent shot him a dirty glare making the room turn into a dead silence. A utmost time to be worrying Tifa inched closer to Cloud not trying to attract any attention from the rest.

While Aeris went out to buy a snack Tifa thought now was the perfect to at least talk to Cloud a bit more seriously. She knew that sooner or later she would fess up and truly confess her deepest thoughts and feelings to him, but meanwhile she grasped hold of any opportunity she was given.

Her palms sweating, which was a habit that Tifa possessed whenever she was nervous though only she knew for she wore gloves most of the time, she positioned herself aside to Cloud. Inhaling his scent, and seeing her future's prize. Or so she hoped Cloud to be.

You smell like Heaven Cloud. How I wish I could tell you this. Your majestic blonde hair, your beautiful face, a glow of peach you have for skin, those Mako green-blue eyes of yours. All of that and more make me want you more. But how am I ever to tell you this? How can I? What if I do tell you that, would our long friendship be ruined? Would you ever look at me the same? I won't place our friendship at stake. I just have to keep my mouth shut until there is a perfect time. There I'll say. That I promise you…

A loud slam was beaten down on the tabletop followed by a shatter of glass was heard. From the highly expensive vase. "That's it Cloud we're looking for him! Can't stand all of this bullshit. He's gotta know when to arrive. Let's go!"

Cloud sighed.

Barrett sure can be impatient at times. But he's right. Although Cid may be a grown man he's probably in a tight situation and might need some help. Or maybe he's just drinking his ass off. Whatever.

Storming to the front door Barrett bellowed once again for Cloud to follow him. This time even louder. Cloud got up from his seating looked at Tifa and left off running.

Leaving Tifa to sit alone at the table. The crimson-eyed woman stretched out her arms then sat up straight. She sighed. How badly she wanted to be with Cloud and converse with him. She thought she might've had that chance tonight. Be she was wrong once more.

"Don't worry Tifa the right time will come."

Looking up she saw the image of a red cape's folding as it left off into the hallway. She knew it was Vincent.

A chuckled transcended from Red XIII. Another shocked brought to Tifa. She would've expected this rational behavior from these two. But nonetheless, she wasn't upset in any way.

How do they-?

Shaking off those thoughts Tifa knew that Vincent was a person whom would never say anything about this to anyone. So she didn't worry.

Besides it's nice someone knows. Walking silently up the stairway she tried to make her way into Yuffie's room to check up on her.

"Now where's the idiot' been to? Yer ass better be helpin' Cloud."

It wasn't enough to distill Cloud from his happy illusions. Lately the man been thinking about new things. New feelings. New thoughts coming back to him. He hadn't told anyone, and didn't want to neither. These thoughts were personal.

A slight Tink was heard. Cloud looked up and saw Barrett's machine arm-gun on his forehead.

"Now I'ma gonna be asking yer again. Have you seen Cid's ass anywhere around here?"

Blue-Mako eyes circled looking for a direct answer and a quick but decent lie.

"Cid's a serious drinker and the bar is farther up ahead, more than likely he's stationed there."

Barrett lowed his arm-gun. "Something botherin' you man? Lately you've seen distant. Well not lately but more than yer used to. What gives?"

"I'd rather feel like not talking about it." There was a serious tone coming from Cloud Barrett carefully eyed him then returning back to his walking. Leaving Cloud a bit satisfied and a little unpleased.

It's all of these mixed emotions. All of a sudden we're on this hunt for Sephiroth. Plus Tifa and Aeris.

Mainly being Tifa and Aeris.

Tifa was a name more recognizable to him for she was a childhood friend of his. Never having a problem with her, he over time, developed rather unusual feelings for her.

Beginning at first with just wanting to be around her, having to join that group of friends she had. All those dumb childish things was a pursuit of mine. Seeing all the laughter she obtained made me want to be with her even more. I would always observe her from afar, her long shiny black hair, and those crimson eyes leaned toward a severe need. I promised her that day that I'd come back for her. That our friendship will be built to last. That I would be her hero. It took roughly 10 years to ever see her face again. Seeing her again gave enough airs in my lungs to revitalize my means of hope. She was okay and everyone was okay. Traveling with Sephiroth…


What ever happened that day? I can't seem to remember… How did I ever-?

"Dumb sons of bitches! Boring as the- SHIT!" Cid collapsed on the ground with a bottle of beer in one hand and a shot glass in the other.

Both Cloud and Barrett rushed to Cid's side.

"Do you fuckin smell that? He smells like alcohol everywhere!. Cloud get him by the legs!"

They carried Cid into the hotel. Cloud carrying his legs while Barrett grabs hold of his shoulders.

Placing him on the couch where Tifa once sat, Barrett slapped him.

"The dumb fuck's out cold." He slapped him again, but still no movement from him. Only a load groan.

Knowing Cid wouldn't awake anytime soon Cloud knew nothing else was able to be done. "Let him rest we'll deal with him later. Now we need to rest I bet everyone else is getting worried."

"Yer right. He better not leave again." Barrett letting him go, returned to stairs letting out a load yawn and soft under breath cursing.

Observing Cid's slow breathing Cloud shook his head. "Not under those conditions."

Author's Notes: It's been like forever since I updated. But oh well I'm satisfied Nothing major happened here but it will happen soon enough. Either way please leave a review. That'll make me ever so happy!