Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ There and back again: Sora's Tail ❯ A broken heart and a brused ego ( Chapter 5 )

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Tam: Well hello once more im back, you know I just relized that i never told you that I dont have any form of correction for my fanfics, yep im doing it the old fashioned way. *sigh* There's not much else I have to say, you know I wonder if Ril's still alive in there man. Honestly, I think she died, I know I would have.

Ril: Well Im odviously made of tougher stuff.


Ril: I tunnelled my way out.

Tam: O_O

Ril: Hey youwere the one who put miniture Kuwabara's in there.

Tam: Yeah but how'd you tunnel out.

Ril: I inslaved there race and forced them to dig me an exit.

Tam: Oh well, I can find another way to get rid of you, say a disclaimer, so neither of use get sued.

Ril: Ok, Well evil geniuses aside, Neither of us own Final fantasy 10, But we do own ourselves barely.

Chapter 5:The Broken heart and the brused Ego.

When do the wheels of fate begin to turn?

Is it when we are born?

When we learn to choose for owerselves?

Or have they been turning all along.


Darknees turned to twilight, and then dawn sooner then expected, Auron had taken last watch and so he was awake to witness the beauty of this Spiran dawn. It had been several years since he'd last watched this magnificent sight, too many to count in fact. How could one hope to watch this sight when last it had caused such heart break, is anyone's guess, but Auron had always been known to be a tough man.

No one could possibly understand what was going through his mind at these moments, not even the one man whom had known him the longest. Lord Braska, if Lord Braska had not interferred then he would not have ever felt this pain, but nor would he have felt the love he had sufferd from these many years.

You see for that is what both dawn and dusk reminded him of, the one thing in the world he would give anything to not remember. Her, her face, her voice, her dark hair. Everything that She had been; pain was only temporary but this, this was hell, all he could do is live his life, day by day hour by hour, until his end came and then he could be with her again.

It unfortunetly was something she would have wanted, true Terra would have wish for him to live a fuller life, but in the end he had no heart to. He had given her his heart and without her how could he use it to care about anything, let alone give it to some one else.

Every day he woke up and he lived his life and protected Lord Braska, his fate, it seemed was all decided for him. For once along while ago he relized that he could never have changed his fate, no one could.

Auron hadnt watched the sun rise or set since her death, he justified it by saying that he disliked both, but in truth he could not bare to watch such things. He rememberd the first time he had seen her on the beach, watching the sunset, wrapped in the warm embrace of the setting sun; could he help falling in love with her, even as a monk he had wished to be the one whom's arm were wrapped around her.

At first he had seen it as a weakening of his Faith, but in the end he relized, that his faith was his true weakness. Auron would live his life, and wait for his death, serving Lord Braska and Lady Yuna until the end, it was what she would have wanted, after all was there anything else he could do?


Sora couldnt help the slight giggle that escaped her, this was to much, she hadnt ment to hit Wakka, but she couldnt help it. Tidus should have warned him about her, but then again they wouldnt be in this position now if he had would they. She just couldnt help it she slipped.

"What you laughing about man" Wakka whimperd babaly.

" Im not " Sora stated prepaly" I was giggeling, there's a difference".

" Is Not" Wakka challanged.

"Is too"








"See you even agree with me" She said haughtaly.

It took poor Wakka a few minutes to figure out exactly what went wrong, and when he did he was the color of a lobster. Meanwhile Tidus and Jecht were trying to hold back trea's of mearth, and failing miserabaly.

"Dont worry Wakka", tidus snorted out between bursts out laughter," She's done that to everyone who arguese with her, I being a former victim have learned, it's not worth the waste of breath to even try".

" Restistance is futal", Sora said in her most machina like manner.

" Whatever man" Wakka sighed.

"Fine if your going to be such a cry baby come here" She beconed, evilly.

"why so you can victimis me again? No thank you" Wakka stated, sending a glare Sora's direction.

"No seriously come here, dont worry I wont eat your soul, yet" Sora said tapping her fingers together in sequence.

"Ok but if anything happens to me just remember, my wife is a black mage, and she's already lost one love" Wakka stated inching closer.

Sora examined his face, noteing the split lip bruses and two black eyes she'd given him with one punch. She had to be way stronger then she thought she was. He looked just plain silly, like some clown that didnt have a mirror to put on his makeup, needless to say she could fix this easily.

A simple modified healing spell would do the trick, she'd only used it a million time's on Tidus. With a simple flick in between the eyes he was better, no bruseing and no black eye's or split lip.

" May I ask you where you learnd that interesting trick" Braska asked politly.

" Sure, I always had to use it on Tidus because the other boys would beat him up, why?" Sora said evenly

" Your a white mage? When did that happen?" Tidus sqaucked indignetly.

"Odviously while you werent looking" Sora said with a slight wink at him.

"Ok, ok, I didnt mean to insult you, it's just you never had time to take up any hobbies before with being the Blitzball captain and all". Tidus replied.

" I will have you know that, I now have pleanty of time on my hands, and no im not a white mage, I happen to be a very accoplished Red mage," Sora said prowdly.

Sora couldnt help the disapointment that spread through her, how could Tidus not know?

How could it be that after two years he truly didnt know, were they truly that far from home?

Eltheria, Wethora, and even Miderna all distroyed, thousends of refugee's had flocked to Zanarkand only to find that, there one last hope had also been destroyed. Four cities, and the same end, what had once been the humantiys hope, had proven to be a death trap.

In the end they had been forced out of Zanarkand by Sin's toxins, but truth be told they had no where else to go, all of the other cities had been infested with feinds and riddeld with toxin.

In the end how could she help but learn magic.


I hope this all makes sense, and if it dosnt it will eventualy, thanks to my new reader Bluest Skies, your right i was in a rush.
And also i'll try to make it clearer next to Ravenrocktheworld.