Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ You and Me ❯ Proposal ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
You and Me
By: Hishiko-dono
Pairing: Reno/Clous
(Side note: Listening to pandora and drinking pink lemonade is a great way to get inspiration.. Its also a good way to annoy husbands..)

The Proposal
(Reno's POV)

I heard my phone ring and I knew it was you. You had finally got back from Junon last night and just as you were getting into bed this morning I was leaving for work. Thats how its been the last two weeks. Your never home. And when you are, your still working. So I decided I needed some time to think about us. Thats why I left that messege on your voice mail. Thats why I am not answering your calls. Thats why I wont be home tonight. Tseng is knocking at my door and I glare at him.
"What do you want boss?"
"Temper temper Reno. I wanted to see if the report from yesterdays mission was ready for my inspection. And also you are aware that Strife is trying to reach you yes?"

I throw my stapler at his chuckling head as he darts out the door. Cocky bastard. I cant take the ringing anymore so I answer.

"What Strife?...No you listen to me. You are never home anymore, and when you are you barely say two words then your closed off in your office and on the phone with god knows who...Dont give me that shit yo! Look what ever man Rude is staring at me weird so I gotta go, but I guess I will come home tonight after all and we can talk about it then. You will be home tonight right? Or does your secret bitch need you to clean her plumbing?" With that I slam the phone shut and throw it on the desk.

I leave the office and go down to the company gym, change into a pair of shorts and a tank top and pull all my hair into a high pony tail. I start my work out hoping to clear my mind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Normal POV)

While Reno was going through his routine, Cloud was fuming mad. How dare he talk about Tifa that way? She wasnt like that to him. Never had been. Reno knew that. Didnt he? And since when was Reno so needy? Oh right he's been that way since Cloud was nearly killed by the Sephiroth triplets and geostigma...It was this particular event that made Cloud realize that he had to do something to prove to Reno he wasnt going anywhere any time soon. So he picked up his phone and started making calls starting with Tseng... About an hour later he smiled softly at the picture of him and Reno from last christmas, grabbed his keys and his phone putting on his leather jacket and grabbed his sun glasses and headed out the door of his and Reno's small home. His first stop was to confirm his reservations, then to pick up his suit from the cleaners, then to the jewelers, and finally to the floral shop. He went home long enough to take a quick shower and change his clothes. Putting the ear ring that Reno gave him for his birthday and the locket that came with it around his neck. He made one last call to Rude to make sure Reno was still there before he left again. This time he was going to pick up his lover.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Reno's POV)

Finally able to think clearly again I head into the showers. As soon as the steaming water hits my aching muscles, my mind drifts to the fear I had when I almost lost Cloud to the stigma almost a year ago. Thank god for the water, and the fact that I was alone in here or someone would have seen my tears. I heard the main door to the showers open and then close. Thinking it was Rude or Tseng, I ignored it. Who else would be here this late.
I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out into the locker room where I had my clothes. Standing there infront of my locker in a nice black suit, was a vision that stole my breath and brought new tears to my eyes. It was him.. Cloud... And he was holding a single long stem rose bud.
"What are you... Why are you..." Before I could even think to finnish that sentence he was right infront of me arms around my waist and kissing me. Not just any kiss.. A soul shattering earth moving kiss. I put my arms around his neck burrying my hands in his hair and moaned into the kiss.
Before we could get any further he pulled back, I whinned and pouted. He smiled. Cocky bastard.
"Love we dont have time for that right now but dont worry, we will later. Get dressed and meet me in the parking lot. I am taking you to dinner."
And with that he handed me the rose and left. I put my uniform back on because it was all I had here, picked up the rose and headed out to meet Cloud.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Normal POV)

He walked out the door and hopped on the bike behind Cloud, his very evident erection pressing against the top of Cloud's pert ass making them both moan.
"You sure we have to wait babe?"
Cloud just chuckled softly and started the motorcycle and peeled out of the parking lot. After a short ride they pulled into the resturant and let the valet to park Fenrhir. Looping his arm with Reno's and escorted him inside. He gave the hostess a polite smile and gave the name for the reservation. She gave him a knowing look and they followed her to their table. She took down their drink order and walked away. After the wine was poured, the waiter came by to take their order.
"Are you ready to give your orders?"
"Oh yes, um actually Barnellii should already have it I called it in this afternoon just tell him its for Cloud Strife."
"Of course Mr. Strife we have been expecting you. It will be a few moments. If you and your partner would like, we have a live band playing out on the patio if you would like to dance while you wait."
Nodding excitdedly Reno smiled at him.
"Alright Reno we can dance if you want to."
Cloud stood and took his lovers hand and they walked out onto the patio. He walked over to the band and made a request then took Cloud's hand and dragged him out onto the dance floor. As the opening notes to S.E.X from Nickelback boomed out of the speakers Cloud swallowed the lump in his throat as Reno stood straddling one of his legs and grinding and rocking against him in time with the music. He knew he was in for it but what the hell... He started dancing with Reno..
Two songs and several glasses of water later their food was ready so they headed back to their table and began to eat. As soon as the meal was finnished, Cloud called for the cheque, paid it and they left the resturant. As soon as they walked through the door, Reno was softly pushed against the back of the door with Cloud's tounge down his throat and grinding his hardness against Reno's delighting in the heavy moan that escaped his throat.
"Cloud... Bed..Now.."
Happily obliging, mainly because of his surprise, he stepped back taking Reno's hand and lead him to their bedroom, stripping them both of their jackets and shirts. Once they were at the door, Cloud opened the door and pulled Reno inside and shutting the door and locking it before turning the light on. The gasp from his lover told him he had recieved the desired affect. When he looked up and saw the tears falling from Reno's eyes, he decided this was the best time and he dropped to one knee and took Reno's left hand in his.
"Reno, we have been through alot over the years. Me nearly loosing you, you nearly loosing me. The fights we had, the mistakes we made. But none of it matters as much as what we will do together in the future."
Reno could only nodd and sniffle as more tears fell.
" I know I have been distant lately, and havent been home very much and for that I am sorry. After that phone call, I thought for certain you were ready to end this. And that made me think how much I cant loose you, how much I really truly love you. Reno, I love you so much, I would give my life for you. But instead, Im giving you my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul. What you do with them is up to you.. So, my love will you marry me?"
All he could do was nodd his head yes. He let Cloud slip the white gold band onto his finger, then lowered himself to the floor infront of him leaned over and locked his lips with Clouds. Cloud pulled away from Reno's tempting lips and began to kiss away the tears that stained his lover's face.
"The only tears I ever want to see from these beautiful eyes are tears of happiness. You will never be alone again."
And with that last declaration, no more words were spoken. He gently lifted Reno up and laid him carefully on the bed. Slowly he took off Reno's shoes and socks placing a kiss on the sole of each foot smiling at the soft gasps spilling from those kiss swollen lips. He reached up and undid the dress pants of Reno's uniform whiles his lover raised his hips so he could pull them off, before doing so he placed an open mouth kiss on the tented material of Reno's bulge earning another gasp. As soon as the pants were off he licked his lips. Reno had gone comando. This thought went straight to his own raging hard on. He moved himself between Reno's long pale thighs and leaned down and kissed the leaking tip of the proud erection infront of him before engulfing the entire thing. This earned a loud deep moan followed by a string of colorfull words from the redhead above him. He began a slow tourturous rhythym of running his tounge up and down the length scraping the head lightly with his teeth and slipping the tip of his tounge into the tiny weeping slit on top of the engourged head. Reno was bucking his hips and thrashing his head from side to side while gripping Clouds soft spiky hair almost to the point of pain. He was nothing but breathy moans that sounded somewhat like Cloud's name and lusty cries of pleasure. All too soon Cloud could tell his lover was about to topple into bliss so he pulled away from his tasty desert.
"Damnit Cloud! Why did you.." He stopped mid rant when his lover removed his pants and boxers.. There was a piece of gauze taped to a place on Clouds thigh, and it was not a small piece either. Before Cloud could even register he had moved he was lying on his back and Reno was about to uncover his other surprise..
"What the hell is this Cloud? What happened to you? Who hurt you?"
He chuckled softly and reached down pulling off the "bandage" to reveal his "wound".
"I wasnt going to reveal this to you until tomorrow for your birthday but..." Reno looked down at the newely revealed tatoo and had to laugh.
It was a tatoo of a red fox smoking a cigarette. His trademark. His brand. Cloud had gotten his brand tatooed on his thigh.
"Rufus sent me a copy of that last week. I took it to Cid and he did the tatoo for me. Dont give me that look thats why I went to Cid. I knew I could trust him not to molest me or tell you about it. Vincent wouldn't molest me but I also know you would have been upset if you knew he got to see me like that."
Reno nodded. Shortly after they had come out to their friends and about being both gay and together, he and Cloud got into a fight. Cloud and Vincent had been inducted into the Turks as part of a back up squad, and Reno and Rude had been called out to a mission so Cloud and Vincent had to do an under cover mission to infiltrate a mob boss's main headquarters. They had to be lovers... Reno shuddered at the memory. Then he got an idea to make cloud think he was mad at him, he lay down on the bed away from him but where Cloud could still see his face, hands, and his ass. And what he was about to do with said hands and ass. Grabbing the lube he squirted a liberal amount into his hand and rubbed his hands together to spread it to both hands. He wrapped one hand around his aching cock and began to stroke himself biting his bottom lip and moaning softly he moved his other hand further down and started teasing his own opening, rubbing slow circles around it hips bucking involentary and he moaned Cloud's name as he inserted one finger. He heard Cloud moan his name and felt as he tried to touch him..
" No Cloud. You just get to watch..."
He knew what he was doing to his lover by not letting him participate but oh well, that just made this much more fun. He slid in another finger, and began pumping them in the same rhythym as his strokes speeding both. His back arched and his hips bucked harder as he moaned and cried out clouds name again. He wiggled his fingers spreading them apart to stretch himself for Cloud's dick. Sliding in a third finger, thrusting them in and out harder and faster, gripping his cock tighter and stroking faster he steadily called out to his lover over and over..
Not able to contain himself any longer he coated himself in the lube and pulled Reno's fingers out of the way and quickly but carefully thrust into his writhing lover.
"Fuck Cloud!!" As soon as he entered his lover he struck his prostate and Reno came all over his abs. But that didnt stop him. He thrust in and out of his lover with a hard fast pace that drew out Reno's orgasm and kept him moaning out his name like a mantra. Every thrust inward struck Reno's prostate over and over and over, his cock already hard again and leaking pre-cum. Clound reached his hand down and gripped him tightly and started to stroke him in the same pace as his thrusts. All to quickly his movements became erratic and he could feel his own orgasm drawing near so he slowed down..
"Wha? Cloud dont stop baby please dont stop.. Feels too good."
"It's ok baby I wont, but if I dont slow down now it will be all over.. I want to make this last. I want you to remember this night."
And with that said he pulled out and grabbed Reno by his sides lifting him up, lay back against the headboard of the bed and crouched down onto his heels and brought Reno into his lap facing away from him (Think reverse cowboy in kama sutra) bucking his hips up to impale Reno once again..
:OH GOD CLOUD! So good... So deep..Nnng.." Cloud spread his thighs to open Reno up more and sunk in deeper than he had ever been..
"NNNnnng...Cloud! Too much.." He could feel his lover close again so he grabbed the base of his cock tightly in his hand..
"Not yet baby.. mmm. I know it feels good. Believe me.. That tight hot ass wrapped around my cock feels nothing short of heaven but I want this night to last as long as possible. I want us to cum together love. Hold on for just a little while longer, K?" Reno could only nod. Hearing Cloud talk dirty like that always turned him on. Cloud lay back further on the bed and began thrusting his hips up at a different angle and once again had an unrelenting rhythym smashing into Reno's g-spot. Reno screamed out and if he could cum he would have. It felt so fucking good. He got a devious idea of his own and reached down by the foot of the bed and grabbed their "goody bag" and pulled out a strange looking toy known as the prostate stimulater. He grinned wickedly as he coated the thing in lube and then coated two of his fingers. While bouncing on Clouds hard cock and moaning in sheer pleasure, he took advantage of their wide spread legs and leand forward bending at the waist which made Cloud cry out. Taking this moment to insert his two fingers he heard his lover grunt and waited to see what he would do. When he only bucked down onto his fingers, Reno began thrusting his fingers in time with Cloud's thrusting. His lover was now making the same noises he was which told him it was time to trade his fingers with the toy so he did. He knew it was in the right position when Cloud screamed out a broken version of his name and his hips jolted up harder. Reno turned on tha vibrator and set it on the highest setting and began to slam it in and out keeping time with Cloud's thrust.
"FUCK RENO! I told you I wanted....nnnnngggg....fuck....wanted to make this L-last! Shit so fucking good...Reno I-Im gonna oh FUCK!"
"Dont hold back... OH GOD! Cloud Im cumming too baby! Cum with me please!"
And with that final command they came together and both collapsed to the bed barely able to breathe. Reno past out from the sheer pleasure so Cloud reached down and pulled the covers over them put his arms around Reno's waist, kissed his head. As he gained a moment of conciousness, Reno heard Cloud mumble..
"I love you baby..."
"I love you too, Cloud. More than you will ever know."