Fire Emblem Fan Fiction / Fire Emblem Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Symphonia Emblem Project ❯ The Hunt Begins ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Episode 9: The Hunt Begins

Picnic area, Meltokio
Genis: "Here you go. Good ol' grilled cheese sandwiches!"
Kiyobi: "Fish omelettes coming up!"
Lloyd: "I'm starved!" *Starts eating*
Zelos: "Easy, there kid! You're gonna choke eating that fast!" *Bites in his sandwich and chokes*
Zelos: "Ack! Help...! Need... water!!!"
Lyn and Eliwood sweatdrop.
Raine: "I got an idea."
Raine roundhouse kicks Zelos square in the stomach, making him cough out the sandwich.
Zelos: "Ough... you didn't have to go THAT far Raine!"
Kiyobi: "Omelettes are ready!"
Colette: "Here, I'll deliver the sandwiches."
Kiyobi: "All right."
Colette takes a trayful of omelettes and starts delivering them to the others.
Genis: "Whatever you do, don't-"
Colette trips: "Whoops!"
Genis: "Drop them..."
Kiyobi: "Time Break!" *Takes aim and quckly fires at all the omelettes*
Lloyd: "Whoa... cool."
Kiyobi: "Go ahead and grab 'em. Just let them sit in the sun for a minute."
A minute later...
Hector: "So... where do we head after this?"
Roland: "Well, all we have to do is head westbound until we find a forest. There's a hidden path inside that will take us to my world."
Sheena: "Sounds great."
Everyone starts having lunch.
Meanwhile... Survival Project Campsite
Hawk: "You know what I just figured out?"
Xyrho: "What?"
Hawk: "We still don't have a clue where we are!!!"
Aurelli: "Hawk's got a point."
Mithos: "Hey Cream, you can fly, right?"
Cream: "Of course!"
Mithos: "Could you fly up and describe the surroundings?"
Cream: "All right."
Shamoo: "Why not just use the broom?"
Mithos: "I'm not good enough for that yet... what if I fall?"
Shamoo: "I'll catch you!" *Smiles*
Mithos blushes: "All right..."
Shamoo: "Don't worry about it, Cream's already up there..."
Aurelli: "What's up? Literally!"
Cream: "Well... all I see is a desert up ahead... and there's a small village the opposite way..."
Mithos: "That sounds familiar..."
Xyrho: "You got an idea?"
Mithos: "I'm pretty sure. The desert is Triet and the other way is Iselia. The Fire Dungeon is in the desert."
Hawk: "Let's go there then!"
Mithos: "All right."
Outskirts of Meltokio
Sheena pulls out her half amulet.
Sheena: "I feel like the amulet. I'm not complete without the other half."
Kiyobi: "Hey! Sheena! There you are!"
Sheena: "Oh, hey Kiyobi."
Kiyobi: "What're you doing here alone?"
Sheena: "Just admiring the view."
Kiyobi: "Yeah. It looks great. Mind if I sit with you?"
Sheena: "Sure."
Kiyobi sits right beside Sheena.
Sheena: "Why did you keep yourself a secret all this time?"
Kiyobi: "What?"
Sheena: "Before I figured out it was you, you didn't want to give out your name."
Kiyobi: "I'm just like that. Living in secrecy, like most of my life."
Sheena: "Yeah, it must be terrible living on your own since you were just a kid."
Kiyobi: "It was."
Sheena: "I missed you since you were banished."
Kiyobi: "Yeah. Living alone isn't easy."
Sheena: "It sure sounds like it."
Kiyobi: "But who cares now? We're reunited again! That's all that matters, don't you think?"
Sheena: "Yeah, you're right."
Sheena puts her head on Kiyobi's shoulder as they admire the sky.
Hector: "So, when are we taking off?"
Regal: "Anytime everyone's ready."
Lloyd: "Everyone seems to be ready."
Colette: "Wait... where's Kiyobi and Sheena?"
Genis: "She's right! They're not here!"
Everyone scrambles to find Kiyobi and Sheena.
Kiyobi: "You know, this is tough to ask..."
Sheena: "Yeah?"
Kiyobi: "I know we were good friends back in Mizuho... but did you ever... you know..."
Sheena: "Have a crush on you?"
Kiyobi: "How did you know?"
Sheena: "Lucky guess."
Kiyobi: "Did you?"
Sheena: "Well... honestly... not really..."
Kiyobi: *Rats!*
Sheena: "But recently..."
Kiyobi: "Yeah?"
Sheena: "I don't know... I can't stop thinking about you now."
Kiyobi: "Sheena?"
Sheena: "Yes?"
Kiyobi: "Ever since we met... there was something, even back then, I felt about you."
Sheena: "Really?"
Kiyobi: "Yeah."
The two end up staring at each other.
Sheena: "Kiyobi..."
Kiyobi: "Sheena..."
The two get closer until...
Lloyd: "There you two are!"
Kiyobi and Sheena: "AAH!"
Kiyobi: "Come on! Can't you see we're having a moment here?!"
Lloyd: "Uh... sorry?"
Sheena: "Well, you ruined it now. What's the matter Lloyd?"
Lloyd: "We're leaving in a minute."
Kiyobi: "Oh... all right. Be right there."
Cream: "Everyone ready?"
Hazel: "Hold up. Iron Chef over here needs a hand..."
Sven: "Uh... yeah... a little help would be nice!" *stumbles*
Mithos: *What a moron...*
A few minutes later...
Xyrho: "Whoo! The heat feels GOOD!"
Hawk: "You can't be serious."
Aurelli: "You really shouldn't drag your feet in a desert, Hawk."
Hawk: "Why do you say that?"
Aurelli: "You're just burying yourself in the sand."
Hawk: "What?!"
Hawk looks down and notices that half his legs are buried in the sand.
Hawk: "Eh... no wonder why it was hard moving..."
Shamoo: "I wonder where Roland is. I hope he's all right."

To be continued...