Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ Conan and the Sohmas ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Conan? What's that?” Rachel yanked a book out of the boy's hands and surveyed the page. Conan, actually Jimmy, had been reading Love Hina.
“Um...nothing....” But it was too late. Rachel had relocated his book to the top of the fridge and gone to her room. She returned later with a small bag.
“If you have to read manga, then here, this is better.” Conan barely stopped himself from smirking at her red cheeks. He picked up the book.
“Fruits Basket?” He opened it and flipped through, surveying the pictures of animals getting petted by a seemingly naive girl. Shojo...blech.
“Yes. I think you'll like it.” Conan had lots of doubts about that but flipped back to page 1. There was nothing else to read; at least this would pass the time.
But by vol. 2 it was clear to Conan that this was no ordinary Shojo series. He'd finished with Rachel's collection in a matter of hours, and headed to the manga store for the next volume. When he got back he found Richard and Rachel gone, and barely had time to track them down and squeeze into the train before all 3 left for Richard's next case.
I don't own Case Closed or Fruits Basket. But I do own Destiny-chan, Yorkie My Heart, and Char Yeht! The Way of Foot and Fist. They're just not published yet.