Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ A Place to Belong ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 10 )

[ A - All Readers ]

I do not own Fruits Baskets. I wish I did. Thanks to anyone who has read my little story, it really means a lot! Please review and let me know how you feel! Animelubber99 - no I did not get writers block, I just had a lot goin on with work at the time so I was unable to update…thanks though, it shows people actually pay attention…Yeah! C.B. - Yeah I know I made Yuki had a gun, but it was mainly just to show the amount of desperation. I figure Yuki had so much abuse from Akito, that this final meddling pushed him over the edge.

Yuki stood in the doorway, the other Juunishi behind him. No one knew where he had run off to when he ran to get the gun but he came back quickly, pulled it out and shot the door. "Yuki!" yelled Haru, but the look he got from Yuki made him hold his tongue. Even Shigure who knew how to diffuse almost any situation kept quiet. The room inside was in shambles and Tohru was a bloody mess. Momiji started to run to her but Ayame held him back.

Akito looked shocked at first and then smiled at Yuki. "Yuki put the gun down. You aren't going to shoot me over this piece of trash." As if to challenge Yuki he pulled Tohru by the hair and slapped her face again.

Yuki defiantly raised the gun. "I won't shoot you?" With that question he raised the gun and fired. It grazed his shoulder, and more out of shock then anything Akito went down. Kagura screamed and ran to Kyou, Momiji hid in Haru, everyone else was just shocked. None of them knew where to put their loyalties. On one hand Akito was their master, but on the other he had gone to far. Tohru's heart was gold, she had taught them all something about themselves. They couldn't justify what was done to her.

"Hatori, get to Honda-san and make sure she is ok." Yuki commanded. There was steel in his voice. Even Kyou was impressed by his calmness and ability to handle this situation. Even though he had clearly lost his mind, he still seemed under control.

Tohru tried to stand up and found she couldn't. She could not believe all that was happening in front of her. There was so much pain in this room, and she couldn't help but feel that some of it was her fault. "Yuki-kun please," she whispered, "Please don't kill anyone. Please put the gun down." She couldn't walk but she crawled to Akito. She felt something in Akito right before Yuki shot the door down and she wasn't ready to give up yet. Even if in the end her life became forfeit, if she could repair all of this damage, or at least some of it, it was worth it. She kneeled in front of him and put her arms out. "Yuki-kun, don't do this ok?" she asked softly.

Akito sat in amazement at the girl in front of him. "Why are you begging for my life? You wouldn't beg for your own life, but you are begging for mine when I was the one who almost took yours away?" He didn't understand the strength one could have when they were pure. He only knew anger and selfishness. Since the day he was born he was told the curse would make him sickly for his life, which would be cut short due to the curse. His childhood thrown away while the other juunishi were fine. They would live full lives, never knowing the pain he bore on their behalf. Now this girl, who he hated with all his soul for making them all so happy, was protecting him.

"Honda-san, back away from him now. Let Hatori see you, just get away from Akito." Yuki pleaded. Yuki didn't understand how she could sit there protecting him. If it could just end now, he could stop living his life in fear. He could live with Tohru and be happy without the constant threat. Akito had dictated his entire life, his insecurities came from Akito. Thoughts filled his head and the gun went into the air again, trying to get a shot around Tohru.

"Yuki, no!" Haru yelled seeing the guns position. He lunged for Yuki, but Yuki sidestepped him and the cow fell on his face. Momiji started to cry, worried about Tohru, and Yuki, and even Akito.

Tohru remained in her position, not afraid anymore. She turned to Akito and smiled softly. "Remember, after this is done, make peace with yourself and your family. You don't have to live this way; you have so much in you. Use that power in you to love yourself and your family. Family is the most important thing in the end." She noticed Shigure trying to reach them, trying to get her out of the way of danger. She put her hand out to stop him. "No one else come near," she said worried about their safety.

Akito looked at the girl who was the total opposite of him. He felt her power, her inner strength and love. "Tohru-kun I have misunderstood you this whole time," he said softly his strength leaving him. "Love and hatred. There is a fine line between the two. I have learned it takes more strength to love then to hate. Love is determination, hatred is insecurity. Love takes work while hatred is easily fed. Thank you for believing in me." He wrapped his arms around the girl and held her close. A bright light radiated from the two and all of the juunishi fell to their knees. Even the ones not present were suddenly filled with warmth. Soon the room was filled with spirits of ancestors past, all smiling and radiating warmth. Momiji was the first to stand back up, walking over to where Tohru and Akito sat embracing. Tears were falling down his face, his heart filled with joy. Tohru looked to the boy and wiped his tears away. Akito let her go and she held her arms out. He fell into them softly, worried about her wounds, and to everyone's amazement he didn't transform into the usagi!

A spirit, a young boy, walked over to them. "The curse has been broken. Arigato Honda Tohru."

Yuki dropped the gun and stood up. "What do you mean?" he asked. They all looked surprised to hear this, but it had to be true! Momiji was still Momiji! Yuki was still shaken up by all that had happened, and could barely walk but he made his way over to the spirit.

"For hundreds of years, the curse that has come over all of us had nothing to do with the cat as all had thought. The vengeful form the cat had was a punishment by the true vengeful spirit, who is known today as Akito. In order for the curse to be broken, the God of the Souma's would have to be taught the true strength of love. That, thanks to Honda-san has been accomplished." The spirit finished up his story and looked around the room. All the juunishi present, even Kyou were crying. Their years of loneliness were over now; they could all live happy, normal lives.

"Hatori," said Akito," please see to Tohru-kun." Tohru was passed out in his arms with Momiji in his lap. All her strength had been used up, and she was barely breathing. Hatori started towards her when a pretty female spirit stopped him.

"Please allow me." She said softly. She walked over to Tohru and lifted her into her arms. She kissed the top of her forehead and a light emanated from her. In a second all of Tohru's wounds were cleared away and she opened her eyes. The spirit put her down and turned to Yuki. "I am sure you can help with the rest of the healing." She said knowingly.

Yuki took Tohru's arm and for the first time since he knew her he finally was about to do what he had dreamed. He pulled her to him and embraced her. She buried her head into his shoulder. "I love you Tohru."

She looked up at him and smiled. He brought his head down to hers and kissed her softly. "This is home," she thought to herself, "This is where I belong." "I love you too, Yuki." She answered. She broke from the embrace and motioned him towards Akito who was sitting in the same spot. Yuki went to him and put his hand out to help him up. The two looked at each other for a while and embraced.

Akito addressed everyone, "I am sorry for everything I have done. I hope in time you can all learn to forgive me my actions." He knew it would take time but he wanted to repair all the damage he had done throughout the years.

Hours later everything was cleaned up. Yuki and Tohru were sitting with everyone, talking as if the night's events were all just a story. Hanajima and Arisa were with them now, and they still knew nothing of the former curse. There was a knock on the door and a beautiful blond woman came in. Momiji held his breath. "Excuse me," she said timidly, "I am looking for…" she stopped speaking and tears started to fall. "Momiji!"

The young boy looked up his eyes wide and tear filled. He couldn't believe after all this time she was finally here. He couldn't speak to her. He wasn't sure why she even wanted him.

"Momiji, please don't hate me for what I did! I want to make it up; Hatori called me and restored my memories. I am so sorry Momiji!" She was crying outright now and the boy flew into her arms.

"Momma! I am so happy!" Tohru's heart filled with joy, and tears fell down her face. If anyone deserved this, it was Momiji. He always believed one day he would be reunited with his family.

Momiji's mother walked over to Tohru. "Thank you dear girl. We all owe you our lives." Tohru was amazed, even though she had broken the curse she didn't understand that she did anything out of the ordinary. All she had done was be herself. All night members of the juunishi had thanked her. Soon everyone was at the main house and Akito had decided it was time for a celebration. Since they had missed the dance, this was almost a replacement.

Music was playing and Yuki was about to dance with Tohru when she spotted Misa walking in. She excused herself and ran over to the girl. "Thank you Misa, for telling them about it so they would look for us. You saved me."

Misa was shocked at the girl's open forgiveness. She had manipulated, lied, done almost everything to secure Yuki for herself and Tohru was here smiling at her. "Thank you Tohru, and I am sorry for everything I did. I am not sure what came over me." The two girls talked and found they had more then Yuki in common. Yuki came over and asked Misa to dance, and Momiji asked Tohru. It had seemed like forever until Tohru and Yuki were finally able to dance.

He took her in his arms and they began to dance. The dance floor cleared out for them, not that they noticed anybody else but each other. Yuki kissed Tohru's head, and he whispered in her ear, "You want to hear a story?"

"Hai!" she whispered back…

"Long, long ago…

Kami-sama told all the animals, "I invite all of you to a party tomorrow."

And on no account, be late. When the mischievous mouse heard that, he told a lie to his neighbor the cat. He told him the meeting was to take place the day after tomorrow. The next day, the mouse rode on the Ox's back and arrived in front of the meeting place. After that, the ox, the tiger and so forth had a fun time until morning…except for the cat who was fooled. A curse befell them and stayed that way for years until a beautiful princess taught them the lesson of love and friendship. And after that they all lived happily ever after. Especially the mouse and the princess."

That's it! I hope you all enjoyed it, and please let me know if you did! If I get enough responses I may be inspired to write another!! I have a little idea in my head already!!! Arigato all for reading! And yes the last part was directly from the anime, but I figured I could use it for dramatic flare! Again (not to sound redundant but please please please, let me know what you thought about my story!!!
