Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Darker than Darkness ❯ A Panther Emerges ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Pale silver eyes stared up at the familiar house of Shigure. She had heard rumors of people being able to turn into the animals from the zodiac. She was dressed in all black with a black trench coat wrapped tightly around her, protecting her from the fall chill. She stepped onto the porch about to knock on the door. The door swung open and an orange haired man stared back at her. Tohru came running around the corner and spotted the visitor. The woman wrapped her arms around Kyo. The familiar 'poof'' was heard and Kyo was left as a cat hissing and growling with his back arched.

"Who do you think you are?" Kyo hissed.

"So it's true, and they can talk to. I do not remember there being a cat in the zodiac though." She said calmly.

Shigure popped out from his study hearing all of the commotion. He looked at Kyo then looked up to the stranger. He locked eyes with her and was a little taken aback by the emotions that slipped through. Cold and ruthlessness. Like Akito. She turned around upon hearing breathing. Yuki was standing there looking at all of them and finally meeting the eyes of the stranger. Fear passed into his face. He also saw Akito.

"I suppose I should call Akito."

"Baka neko." Yuki mumbled.

"It wasn't my fault! She hugged me!" He spat as he changed back.

The girl not caring that Kyo was naked, pushed past him. She followed Shigure into his study. Shigure dialed Hatori's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hatori, we have a problem. I need to come see Akito."

"It is 11:30 at night Shigure. What could have possibly happened?"

"Another knows about the curse."

"I will inform Akito, come right over."

The phone went dead on the other end and Shigure hung up. He had a deep grave look on his face. 'Is this a good idea? Having these two meet.' he thought looking down at the phone. A car pulled into the driveway about fifteen minutes later and Hatori stepped out. Shigure practicly dove into Hatori's car. The mysterious girl got into the backseat and they drove off to the main house. When they arrived there was no commotion coming from any part of the house. Everything was deathly quiet. The girl followed Hatori and Shigure's lead down the dark hallways. They came to a stop at the door. Hatori slid it open slowly. Akito was sitting out on the porch looking up at the full moon. They all took places on the floor. Akito stood. He reajusted his robes as he moved across the room to them. His eyes fell to the girl. She looked back up at him, defiantly. He grabbed her hair just as he had Tohru's.

"So defiant. Are you not afraid of the dark little girl?"

She smiled at him. "One can not be afriad of what they live in, not to metion what they are apart of."

He sneered at her then signaled for Hatori and Shigure to leave. He smirked evily. He picked her up by her hair. She grinned sadistically at him. Inside he felt something new. What was this feeling? The feeling to drop her. To run. It was fear.

"You have know idea what it is like to be cursed."

She gave him a hard look. His hand released it's grip. Akito slowly back away into the corner. As she drew near he huddled down protecting himself.

"To be cursed is to live forever and watch everything around you die."

"Hatori!" Akito screamed as loud as he could.

"Remember my name Akito. Amber Panther. Remember my face Akito. You will see me again."

Hatori burst into the room. Amber was standing over Akito. A cold and cruel expression on her face. She left the room leaving Hatori to tend to Akito.
Haru came out of one of the halls. She smiled at him. Her smile was about as warm as Akito's. He shivered under her stare. Shigure came up behind her.

"How did it go?"

"The little boy is afraid of me."

Shigure pulled back.

"I need a place to crash. Your house will do."

"Your presuming a lot."

"I don't think you will tell me no now will you."

She let herself out of the main house and started walking back in the direction of Shigure's. He watched her leave and turned to face Hatori when he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Is Akito okay."

"He was really scared."

"Did she seem familiar to you?"

"A slight bit. I wonder who she is."

They stood in thought for a while. Shigure snapped his fingers.

"I remember! She was in out high school class!"

"That can't be her. She hasn't aged a bit."

Shigure nodded in agreement. That was a question that needed answering, but not now. He waved good bye to Hatori as he got into his car. Amber wasn't home when he arrived, which was good since he needed time to think things over. Like how could this girl have went ten years without aging a bit. It was impossible.