Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Darker than Darkness ❯ Getting to know eachother ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
In her dreams, she was reliving the past. A past that she hadn't seen for years. The pain, sadness, and fear, all felt real to her. Every bit of it. It was hard dealing with it. And now, dealing with this. Being tied down like some animal. Though this wasn't the first time it had happened to her. Throbing pain brought her out of her inner thoughts. The wounds on her wrists were rapidly healing now and would be completely healed in a few minutes. The pain dulled away and she sat up. Amber was in a different room this time. The walls were crimson red. The floor covered in a plush black carpet. Wards were scattered among the walls, windows, and doors. Except the one that led to the bathroom and the one that led to the kitchen. She didn't have to look very hard to see that the a few bits of furniture was bolted to the floor. She smirked a little. Precautions. That's a new one to me. She heard a voice outside.

"Why? Why do I have to be locked up for something I can't help?"

It was Kyo. Amber knew there was someone else with him. She could hear his breathing. The door slid open. Kyo entered followed by Hatori.

"Kyo some furniture will arive later."

Kyo nodded and threw his duffle bag into the corner. Hatori locked the door as her walked out.

"Hey little kitten."

Kyo looked up at her, just noticing her sitting on the floor. He also noticed the bandages that ran up her arms. She followed his gaze to the white wrapping. Amber unwrapped them quickly and held her arms up.

"Well, what do you know? No scars." She motioned to the exact spot where the cold steel cut her open,

"You a cutter too?"

"What do you mean too?"

"Knowing I was going in a cage cutting seemed the easiest way out."

"To bad someone always saves you."

Both snickerd a bit but abruptly stopped.

"I told you I'd help you out. I will."

Kyo looked at her. She patted the floor next to her and he sat down.

"Now, time to make a plan."

They sat a while discussing how they could get out. Many suggestions came to a dead end since she couldn't break the doors or windows open because of the seals. Hatori came back. A few sohmas carried in furniture. A small TV, chair, sofa, two bed rolls, and two dressers. Amber's black bag was also along with some of the extra thing carried in. She went through it immediatly. It was missing. The necklace was gone. She looked up at Hatori.

"Where is it?"


"My sapphire necklace!" She cried frantically.

"Oh...That. Here it is."

He pulled the necklace out of his pocket. Amber held it close. Everyone left.

"What's so special about that necklace?"

"It's a gift from Nira."

"Who is Nira."

"A man I used to know. He...he passed away."

"Sorry to hear that. How did it happen."

She looked at him, to her necklace, then back at him.

"He was shot." A tear brimming her eye.

"Sorry to bring it up." He said looking to the floor.

"No. You didn't do it. Hey it seems we are going to be living together. We should get to know eachother right? What your favorite song, color, hobby, and dream?"

"Mortal Kombat, orange, martial arts, and to beat that damn rat. What about you?"

"Boulevard of Broken dreams, black."

"What about your hobby and dream?"

"I don't have a hobby, and as for my dream, it shattered years ago."

Amber stood and pulled things from her bag and started aranging them in one of the dressers. She then picked up the dresser with ease and put it against the wall. She started rearranging the rest of the furniture as well. When she was done she sat on the couch with a satisfied look.

"I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known." Amber looked up at Kyo. "Don't know where it goes but its home to me and I walk alone."

Amber smiled at Kyo. She sat back on the floor next to him. She decided to add her own little twist to the song though.

"We walk this lonely road the only one that we have ever known. Don't care where it goes but its home to us and we walk alone."

No one can see your tears
Because you sit in the rain
Crying away your fears
Ripping out your pain
Not any more
I'll melt your frozen core
I'll stand beside you
I'll help you when you fall
I'll be there to guide you
When ever you may call

Her mind went over what Nira had read to her so many years ago. She leaned on Kyo's shoulder. He was a little surprised at her actions but didn't pull away. Kyo just let her lay there. She was lost in her thoughts, or memmories to be more precise. She remembered what Nira told her

"Forget about me. Find a new person."

She could never forget about him, but could she fullfill that other request and find a new person. She leaned into Kyo more nuzzleing into the warmth he provided. He still didn't pull away. He heard a light snoring sound. Amber had fallen a sleep. Kyo debated with himself as to wether he should move or not. The kind side of him won and he stayed and let her sleep. She seemed peacefull and serine when she was sleeping. Light a cat with no fears, sleeping in a meadow, next to a stream, and under a tree on a breezy day. He imagined her there with butterflies floating about, while a cherry blossom blooming overhead. It was nice picture. But it would end when she was awake. When ever he looked into her eyes, he saw pain and sadness. Then, he saw her with darkness distorting her, snow covering her, and she was alone. It was strange, how he could find her in sadness or happiness. She offered to protect him, with no questions asked, could he protect her. I will. I will protect her the best I can for now. I have so few good things in my life and I'll make sure they stay with me for as long as I live. He swore it to himself. With a last look at Amber he leaned his head against the wall and fell into his own dreams.