Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ East Side, West Side ❯ Friends or Foes? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Still don’t own Fruits Basket. Or anything Disney-related in this fanfic. Or anything but the Okurimonos and Kasumi...


The two families stood on opposite sides. Some were confused, some were waiting for what would happen next, and some were just plain out annoyed. They only talked amongst their own for a while, unsure of what to say to the other family.

Kokoro looked to the Sohma family, meeting Kasumi’s eyes looking towards the Okurimono family. They both sighed and nodded. They cleared their throats loudly to get their families’ attention and took a step towards each other.

Most of the two families looked at them, wondering what they were doing.

Kokoro smiled and held out her hand to Kasumi.

Kasumi nodded, smiling. She took Kokoro’s hand as they exchanged some sort of handshake leading them to switch places. They laughed a bit and turned around to face the others. Kasumi was now looking to the Okurimonos and Kokoro was looking to the Sohmas.

“How ya doin’?” Kasumi asked cheerfully.

Most of the Okurimonos blinked, but Sachiko laughed lightly. “I’m doing fine, Kasumi. Yourself?”

“Just great.” Kasumi nodded. “Have you met my family yet?”

“Yeah, ‘cause if I’m correct, that’s what we’re supposed to be doing!” Kokoro smiled at the Sohmas. “Hey Kitty Cat, how’ve ya been?”

“Shut up, Kokoro.” Kyou growled.

“Come on, introduce me to some of the other members of the Sohma clan!” Kokoro said loudly. “Kassie, your brother’s being mean! Will you do the honors?”

“Gladly, Kokoro.” Kasumi laughed.

“Good. Let’s break this ice, it was already starting to freeze.” Kokoro crossed her arms, leaning her head to the side.

“Okurimonos,” Kasumi called. “I’d like you to meet my family, the Sohmas. We have Yuki, the rat. Say hey, Yuki.”

“Hi.” Yuki waved lightly.

“Hatsuharu, the cow.” Kasumi pointed to Haru. “But we all just call him Haru.”

“Hey.” Haru said.

“The adorable Kisa, the tiger.” Kasumi smiled. “Say hello, Kisa.”

“Hello.” Kisa said quietly.
“Ada-girl.” Kasumi smiled. “The very energetic Momiji, the rabbit.”

“Hi there!” Momiji waved cheerfully.

“Everyone’s favorite doctor, Hatori, the dragon. Or seahorse...whichever you prefer.” Kasumi shrugged, pointing to Hatori. “He’s part of the Mabudachi Trio!”

Hatori nodded lightly.

“Another member of the Mabudachi Trio and Yuki’s brother, Ayame, the snake!” Kasumi introduced.

“You put so much enthusiasm into introducing us, Kasumi.” Ayame laughed.

“It’s so much fun.” Kasumi smiled. “I’m the horse, of course! I don’t think Isuzu could make it, so sad. But you’ll meet her sometime. We have Hiro, the sheep! We all love him to bits.”

Hiro raised an eyebrow at Kasumi, most likely thinking she was crazy.

“Ritsu, the monkey. We love him too, no matter what. Say something.” Kasumi smiled at Ritsu.

“Uh hello...” Ritsu said shyly.

“Kureno couldn’t join us either. He’s the rooster...or was.” Kasumi stated. “And we have Shigure, the dog and the third member of the Mabudachi Trio.”

“Kasumi, you could turn the enthusiasm down a bit.” Shigure smiled lightly.

“Sir, yes sir. We have Kagura, the boar. She’s so awesome. Her and Kyou are engaged!” Kasumi smiled excitedly.

“Shut up!” Kyou yelled.

“Aw, Kasumi, you’re so sweet.” Kagura giggled.

“And of course, our Kitty Kitty, Kyou! Him and Yuki are rivals. He’s the outcast and my brother, so I love him very much.” Kasumi smiled at Kyou. "Then of course today we invited our special guest, Tohru Honda. She's not an actual member of the Sohma family, but she's close to it. If she were a sort of zodiac sign, she'd be an onigiri. Which is good, 'cause I like onigiri."

"Hi there." Tohru smiled and waved.

"Your turn, Kokoro!” Kasumi smiled and winked.

“Piece of cake.” Kokoro took the imaginary spotlight surrounding Kasumi. “First off Sohmas, we have our very stubborn Aries, Ariel. She’s my cousin.”

“I don’t know her.” Ariel turned away as Kokoro pointed to her.

“Then our cheerleader, the beautiful Taurus, Torrence! She’s my second cousin.” Kokoro smiled. “Give us a cheer, Tor!”

“Maybe later.” Torrence laughed nervously.

“Our adorable Gemini, Hinako. Also my second cousin.” Kokoro winked at Hinako. “Sorry her twin couldn’t join us today. Unless a male is willing to give her a little hug so Kiriko could be here. Any takers? No? No?”

“Hi!” Hinako waved.

“I’m the Cancer, Kokoro.” Kokoro smiled. “Our prideful Leo, Leo! Ariel’s older brother, so he’s my cousin too.”

“Hey.” Leo waved lightly.

“Our hilarious Virgo, Sachiko. She’s my aunt.”

“Hi there.” Sachiko smiled.

“Our kind Libra, Ryu. Sachiko’s cousin.”

“You’re too kind, Kokoro.” Ryu joked.

“No, that’d be you.” Kokoro joked right back. “Our annoying Scorpio, Kippei. My little brother.”

“You’re the annoying one.” Kippei slightly glared.

“You wish.” Kokoro glared back. “Our quiet Sagittarius, Kohaku. He’s my...third cousin?”

Kohaku nodded.

“Yeah, I was right. My other third cousin, the quiet Capricorn, Jon.”

Jon gave a small wave.

“Our family lawyer, the Aquarius, Mizuko. She’s my aunt and Sachiko’s sister.” Kokoro stated.

Mizuko just rolled her eyes and sighed.

“And our Pisces, Takeru. He’s just too cute.” Kokoro smiled at Takeru. “He doesn’t talk much, but he’s also a third cousin.”

Takeru waved lightly from behind Mizuko.

“And that, Sohmas, is my family. The Okurimonos.” Kokoro smiled at her family. “We have no outcast that we know is alive, seeing as our family liked to scatter.”

“Now then, can we all start talking to each other?” Kasumi looked at the Sohmas.

“Yeah, come on. Just standing around isn’t any fun at all.” Kokoro whined, looking at the Okurimonos.

Both families looked to each other and smiled lightly. The crowd began to mix around as people from the Sohma family began to talk to people from the Okurimono family and vice versa.

Kasumi and Kokoro looked to each other and smiled in victory. They joined some of their own family members.

The get-together ended a couple of hours later as some of the Sohmas began to leave. Some of the younger Okurimonos threatened to begin walking back to the house if they didn’t leave soon.

“See ya later, Kokoro.” Kasumi waved.

“Laters, Kassie.” Kokoro walked off. “Hey Kitty Cat!” She ran over to Kyou, wanting to ask him something before she left.

“What do you want?” Kyou asked annoyingly.

“Seeing as your woman’s not around anymore...” Kokoro smirked, knowing she was annoying him again.

“Kagura’s not my woman!” Kyou yelled.

Kokoro laughed. “Anyway, I wanted to ask you something. I couldn’t ask with her around because she might have killed me.”

Kyou raised an eyebrow at Kokoro.

“I was going to ask you if you wanted to join me and a few others on a little hang-out. It’s not a date, but Kagura might have taken it that way and I would’ve been killed.” Kokoro laughed lightly.

“A hang-out?” Kyou looked at her.

“You can’t tell me you’ve never hung out with anyone.” Kokoro sighed. “Poor you...but it’s gonna be me and Kippei. I got Tohru to come along...Yuki too–...”

“I’m not going.” Kyou said immediately.

“And Kasumi!” Kokoro smiled.

“Now I’m definitely not going.” Kyou rolled his eyes.

“Come on. I know you’re not my biggest fan, but please? For me?” Kokoro begged, her eyes shimmering.

Kyou slightly backed away from her. “No.”

“Pretty pleeease?” Kokoro took a step toward him.

“Fine, I’ll go.” Kyou growled. “But don’t do that!”

“‘Kay! Next Saturday at six.” She smiled. She began to walk away as she heard Sachiko whistle. “Gotta run. See ya!”

“What’s this? Does my little Kokoro have a thing for Kyou?” Sachiko teased as Kokoro joined them.

“What? No.” Kokoro raised an eyebrow. “You’re crazy, Aunt Sachiko.”

“Just think. Kippei already has a thing for Kasumi. It could be a double wedding!” Sachiko stuck her tongue out playfully at Kokoro.

“Oh you wish.” Kokoro laughed. “Like I’d ever share a wedding with Kippei.”

Sachiko laughed and patted Kokoro’s head. “My little Kokoro’s growing up so fast.”


And there’s chapter eight! Thanks for the reviews so far. Recently I got one asking if I was going to make any pairings, and here’s my answer. I’m thinking about it. I mean, I’ve already got Kasumi and Kippei set up, but I’m not sure about the others. Kokoro begins to think she has feelings for Kyou later on, but we’ll see then if they’re actually real or not.