Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Honda constellations ❯ pisces ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

There was once a god named Typhon, who wished to rule the world, but Zeus would have nothing of it. Typhon was a terror, continually trying to overthrow the entire pantheon of gods. He was so great that he caused all of the immortals to flee to the lands now called Egypt and seek refuge there. The only one to stay behind was the king of the gods, Zeus, in hopes of freeing his kingdom for his people. It is said that Eros and his mother, Aphrodite, were walking on a riverbank when they sensed the tyrant. They both dove into the river for safety, turning into the fishes that we today call Pisces. tml
“Good morning my little flower!” Shigure exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen to see how Tohru Honda was doing with breakfast that morning, and to hopefully grab a sample of her delicious cooking.
“Good morning Shigure! Can you get the newspaper for me?” she asked without looking up from the batter that she was mixing. He nodded and left out the shoji to `fetch' the paper. A minute later, he came back in and opened it up to scan the front page for inspiration for his next novel.
A sizzling came from the kitchen and Tohru came out while the breakfast was cooking. “Can I have the horoscopes? I mean, after you're done, Shigure.” Tohru kneeled on the opposite side of the low table.
He nodded, looking up from reading his own, “which one are you, I'll read it for you.”
Tohru looked toward the kitchen in a sad moment, “Taurus. Um, excuse me, I think I need to flip the pancakes.” She excused herself and left. Shigure shook his head slightly at her strange behavior and turned to the horoscopes so he could read his own (Scorpio) before reading hers out loud.
Taurus: _o all of y_u dear bulls out t_ere, its time to come home. It has been yea_s since then and they miss you terribly. Fly free to yo_r nest and embrace your family.
That has to mean something. Or the editor had the day off…” Shigure mumbled to himself, not sure what to make of the odd message.
Tohru came in silently, wondering why he has trailed off in the middle of reading her horoscope. Shigure looked up to see her pale face, “ can I see that fortune please?” she held out her hand, waiting for the page. Shigure handed it to her and she practically ripped it out of his hands and grabbed a pen. After writing all over the page for a few seconds, she held it up and proceeded to read the others also.
“Ms. Honda? Are you feeing alright?” he asked, watching her face grow ever more pale. She nodded, falling back onto a cushion that was around the table, “maybe I should call Hatori for you?”
“N…no, I'm alright. It's just a message to me from my family.” Tohru turned the paper so Shigure could see better, “the missing letters spell out my public name. They want me back at the house and I don't want to go.”
“Your grandfather's?”
“No, my uncle's on my dad's side. I didn't go last year and they are getting tense about me being out in the public.” Tohru left the table to go put the next set on the griddle.
“Believe it or not,” cam her voice through the shoji, “I ran away from our family's house with my mom before she left. Sure, grandpa knew about where I was at the time, but not enough to squeal back to the main house and bring me back. Now all I have to do is find who told!” what they didn't see was her waving the spatula around like a madwoman.
Yuki came in to the dining room in the middle of her tirade, and was mentally asking himself who replaced Tohru with a human being…“Wait a minute, you ran away?” he asked in shock, not expecting her to be the one to run away, but the person to convince people to stay and stand up for themselves.
“Ah, yeah, umm… Shigure! Don't you have a new chapter due sometime soon for Mii-chan?” Tohru rushed, not-so-gently avoiding the subject of her running away. The thing about it, is that she didn't want to bring up memories that were less-than-pleasant. She took off the last of the pancakes and turned off the griddle.
Shigure sighed dramatically and slumped off, but not before rolling up a pancake and stuffing it in his mouth for breakfast. Tohru entered the dining room and sat down the pancakes, giving the silent signal for Yuki to dig in. Tohru sat down herself and looked around, “where's Kyo? I thought he would have come down for breakfast already.”
“The stupid cat's probably up on the roof still, asleep,” Yuki offered with a shrug. It wasn't his business to keep tabs on where his cousin was all the time. Yuki was usually the one that was still asleep, but not this morning because there was going to be a new student and the council was having a meeting anyway.
“that's okay, I'll go wake him up before we're late for school,” Tohru suggested politely, standing up from her own breakfast and heading toward the outdoor shoji screen, for it to just open to reveal a disgruntled Kyo. “oh, good morning Kyo! I was just about to get you for breakfast!” Tohru let loose one of her winning smiles, hiding all of her worries from the world for the day. Kyo smiled back invisibly and sat down in his place and started breakfast.
Tohru let her smile falter slightly as she turned away from the others to get ready for the day, she sensed that something wasn't right and it was revolving around her own self. Her horoscope was just the beginning, what else would happen today?
the bell rang and the students settled down, with Kyo in the back-most seats, yuki flanking Tohru to her left, Uo by the door and Hana in the back corner. The teacher, Mr. Ukiwa, came in last and set his bag beside the desk, grabbing at the roll sheet for a quick check. “students, today we have a new student, I hope you will welcome her warmly into our room.” He looked around, giving a few select students a warning glare before turning to the door, “you may come in now and introduce yourself, miss.”
The door glided open silently, and almost antagonizing slow. The classes' first glimpse was of a set of long, slender, pale fingers lightly grasping the frame to push the door the rest of the way open. Her hand was very pale, like someone who didn't go outside that much. The Sohma's would have thought that it was their `oh-so-dear' cousin/brother Ayame, except for the perfectly manicured red nails that had professional French tips on them and the fact that Ayame also had the slightest of tans.
Time came back to normal for everyone except for our heroine, for her it completely stopped, along with her breathing. The girl was tall and willowy, but her walk showed a hidden strength and grace, like a dancer. Her hair was snow-white and down to her waist with a pair of matching sky-blue eyes that seemed to dissect you from the inside-out. Her skin was as flawlessly white as her fingers had been, with red lipstick to match her nail polish. For being her first day at the school, she already had a long-sleeved girl's school uniform, but her skirt was short enough to accentuate her legs. Tohru by this time was starting to match this new girl's complexion.
She came to stand beside the teacher and gave a low bow, “hello, my name is Sylvia Hidama (falling star), and I am pleased to meet you.” Uo sneaked a glance over to Tohru, who was frozen stiff on the edge of a nervous breakdown. She didn't have Hana's powers, but she suspected that her `electrical waves' were off-the-charts erratic.
“would you like to share anything with the class before you sit down Ms. Hidama?” Mr. Ukiwa asked, barely concealing his infatuation with his new charge. Tohru started shaking her head slightly and sunk down into her chair to try to hide herself, and her eyes were completely dilated in fear.
“yes, I would, Mr. Ukiwa,” she replied in her honey-sweet voice, giving him a small bow before turning back to the class. “I am in the local ballet company and next month I will be starring in a Japanese interpretation of the great `Swan Lake'.”
“well, we'll definitely have to go watch your performance next month! And if you have nothing else to add, please sit down behind Ms. Honda. Tohru, raise your hand please.” She snapped out of her nightmare and mouthed `no' before tentatively raising her hand. As soon as Sylvia started walking in the right direction, Tohru went to her hair and quickly put it in a messy bun, securing it with a long wooden pencil.
Sylvia briefly stopped by Tohru's desk and laid her hand on her shoulder, “good to see you again Taurus, I haven't seen you at the family…” her hand inched to the end of Tohru's sleeve, making brief skin contact. “reunions lately. People, I, missed you.” She grinned, sitting down behind the girl. Hana watched the interaction with apprehension, seeing her best friend stiffen with her eyes watering, from a pain of some sort. Possibly the mention of her family? She saw waves of worry coming from the Sohma boys as well as Uo, and obvious painful waves of the girl she always protected when she could.
“don't worry, Cygnus, you'll see me at the next one,” she hissed out, trying to fight the fiery pain from where the new girl touched her without moving. Yuki listened to the brief conversation discreetly, wondering what the relation between the two was, because they definitely didn't have the same last name. But most importantly, what was it with the manes Cygnus and Taurus? They sounded vaguely familiar.
“ I see that you let your hair grow out, and what an ugly cut it is,” she whispered, discreetly poking the messy bun, “don't worry, I'll fix it right up when you come back home,” she sneered, poking extra hard with the sharp point of her pencil at the base of Tohru's neck. What no one saw, was Tohru pull out a pot of flesh-colored powder and rub it lightly onto both of her hands before putting it back away in her pocket. Now all she had to do was discreetly dab her hand with water for a fake wound to get her out of class and away from Cygnus. Luckily, she had brought her water bottle to class today and could execute her escape.
Tohru took a sip of her water bottle, making sure that one side became moist enough to activate the powder. Making sure not to couch the wet part, she screwed the cap back on. Then, as she was setting it back on her desk, she touched the skin between her thumb and pointer finger on the wet spot, leaving a blood-like smudge on the paper label. Now that the bait was set, she just needed a caring classmate- or teacher- to notice.
Yuki just happened to be that caring classmate as he noticed the `blood-stain' that marred the label and followed it to her non-dominant left hand with a similar red-yellow smear. “ms Honda, what happened to your hand?” he asked quietly, gesturing to see the `wound' closer, but not touching.
Tohru snapped her head to look at the boy and then down at hr hand, as if she wasn't aware of the condition of her hand. “oh, I don't know,” she held it for yuki to get a semi-decent look at it, hiding where the actual `wound' was, “probably last night when I was cooking dinner. The potato peeler probably skinned it.”
“you should go and get a bandage and clean that up before it gets infected,” yuki suggested, not noticing the shadow of the teacher come between the two.
“is there anything going on between you two Mr. Sohma?” came a voice eerily close to Yuki's ear, making him jump and bow lowly to the teacher, to which the voice belonged.
“not really, sir, I was just suggesting to miss Honda that she should go to the nurses' office and get a bandage for her hand,” yuki stuttered, gesturing to her hand in several occasions. The class giggled a bit on their expense.
“well, since you seem so fascinated in helping Miss Honda,” yuki received a slight dusting of pink on his cheeks, “you can make sure she makes it to the nurses' office. I'll write you both passes.” Mr. Ukiwa walked between the two and ripped off a pair of pink slips of paper from his desk. They stood up and left, yuki being gentlemanly and opening the shoji for Tohru.
“is your hand hurting you?” yuki asked, breaking the silence between the two.
“ your hand, are you in pain?”
Tohru held her hand up and turned it to inspect it carefully, “no, it doesn't hurt me at all. but I guess I should wash this off before it stains.” She walked over to a water fountain and hailed yuki to follow. “see my hands, no injuries whatsoever.” She held out her hands for yuki to see, “now I put my hands underwater like this and viola! Instant bloody hand,” she pulled her hand out from under the previously clear stream of water and it looked like her hands had been dipped in fresh blood. she also showed the palm of her other hand where there was a blood-like ring where she had pushed the moist fountain button. “can you open the door so I can wash the rest of this off. It needs some soap.” Yuki did as he was asked, but gave one of his ` you'd better explain all of this when you get back out here' looks and all Tohru did was smile in reply.
A moment later Tohru came out, rubbing her hands try on a paper towel that was tinged pink. There was no was to escape his questioning gaze, and she sighed in defeat. “I know that you don't approve of me using you to get out of class, I don't approve of me doing that, but it was an emergency before I would have had to explain something to the class that I would have liked to leave behind in my old life.” Tohru started walking to the roof, yuki following to find out what her grand excuse was.
Tohru and yuki stepped out on the roof before speaking again, “Cyg…Sylvia and I know each other from our past. I just need a breather… and maybe a plan… before I go back in there,” Tohru looked out on the grounds, pressing her forehead on the chain-link, and groaned in a `I don't wanna do this' way.
Yuki sat down, leaning against the fence to get a better view of Tohru's face, “how do you two know each other?” she tensed at the question, debating how exactly to answer the fatal question: how?
“well, you see, she's my…”
and you'll have to wait until next time! Ha! I don't really know that much about the Furuba universe except for what's in fanfics and online, so if I've butchered a character, tell me! And if you have any info that would help in your eyes, tell me!
Talk to ya guys later! dark